Draco's summer break

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TW: child abuse, violence, blood


Narrator POV

Saying that Draco's summer break was bad was an understatement.

He was close to losing his mind and the only thing that could keep him going it's now gone.

He couldn't look at his father's face without wanting to punch him until he's bleeding. Which was a pretty bad thing since Lucius made sure to drag Draco along all the Ministry meetings, in order to make him learn more about his future job, and make new contacts.

Lucius wasn't blind, he noticed that there was something wrong with his son, but he didn't care as long as it wasn't getting in the way of his career.

On the other side, Narcisa's heart arched seeing her son so broken. When she first laid her eyes on him at the station, she could tell there was something wrong.

She saw the way he was watching the other's family. She saw him looking for someone. And she saw the disappointment on his face when he didn't find it.

On other occasions, she would immediately ask about who is messing with him, if he has any girlfriends to introduce to her, or even a few friends to invite over the summer, but she knew it wasn't the moment.

Seeing her son so miserable and not being able to help him was definitely the worst feeling a mother could feel.

Especially when you know what your kid has been through.

The only thing Narcisa could do, it was to do everything to show Draco that he could talk to her. That she would never judge him.

So, every night she would sneak into his bedroom and lay with him, pushing his head to her chest and rubbing his back and stroking his hair until he fell asleep.

Draco knew his mother was curious. He tried his best to not show how sad he was, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to tell her, but he was afraid. What if his father finds out? What if his mother doesn't accept Katherine? What if they do something to her or her family?

He could never leave with that.

There was nothing he could do besides trying his best to hide his feelings about her. And it was working quite well, until one night when he forgot that his mother always came to his room at night, and she caught him staring at the picture of her.

The picture he paid Colin to take. Her hair was pink and she looked scared, but he loved the memories it gave to him.

Whenever he looked at this photo, he felt like they were still together, and in any moment Katherine would storm into the room and beg him to throw it on the fireplace.

He didn't realize his mother was with him until he heard her sighing. His first thought was to hide the picture, but it was too late. There was nothing he could do, she had already seen it. So he just kept staring.

"She's gorgeous."
"I know."
"Is she your...".
"No. Not anymore. I screwed up." he smiled sarcastically to his mom.

She smiled at him and sat on his bed, resting her head on his shoulder. She rubbed his lower back.

"I'm sure you will work things out. Everyone would do anything to be with you."
"Well, you clearly don't know Kath. Everyone would do anything to be with her, not me. I don't deserve her."

"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Yeah... We were dating in secret. Only Louis knew about it."
"And why was it a secret?"
"Well, everybody knows about... our families' rivalry. And I didn't know if you and father would be okay with it. And her friends didn't like me. Totally my fault. I sorta bullied them, for like, five years." he scratched the back of his head. She rolled her eyes.

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