Do you want to play princess for one night?

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TW: Don't know if you can call it a angst, but there's a tiiiiiiiny one at the end.

Months flew by. Between nights studying, trips to Hogsmeade, Quidditch games and celebration parties, Christmas was finally around.

I talked to my parents and Hermione to hers, and we decided not to come home for the holidays. Thankfully, many students will stay at Hogwarts during the holiday, so they decided to organize a party, similar to the welcome one but fancier.

Hermione and I sat on the grass outside the castle, soaking up what's left of us in the cold late autumn sun.

"So, have you decided who you're going to the party with?" I asked, taking the book from her lap and resting my head instead, feeling her stroke my hair.
"Not yet."
"You need to make up your mind, Hermione. You can't keep five boys to yourself until you decide." I explained, referring to the five boys who invited her.
"Do you think I don't know that? I'm just not sure yet... "

"No. You know who you want, but it turns out that that person hasn't called you yet."
"Kath, stop it." she sighed.
"Look, I'm not a romance expert or anything, but I'm sure he must be feeling intimate with the number of boys at your feet. If you deny them all, maybe he thinks he has a chance and finally invites you." I explained. She was silent for a few seconds, reflecting on what I said.

"You're right. You're not a romance expert." we laugh "And you? Who are you going with? "
"I have no idea. Probably alone. " I shrugged and decided to change the subject. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it now ... it's too humiliating.

We went to dinner, sitting at separate tables in the Great Hall. While enjoying my meal, I felt watched. I decided to check who it was, and I realized that the eyes that were staring at me were blue, gray and intense, watching all my movements carefully. When I frowned to question him, he turned to the side and finally started paying attention to his friends' conversation.

Later, long after the curfew, I was sleepless. I lay on the sofa in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room with a book in hand, and focused on reading, enjoying the silence of the place.

I was so focused that I didn't hear someone leave the dorm until he sat on the end of the sofa, throwing my feet roughly on the floor.
"But what... Oh. You." I muttered, seeing Malfoy sitting next to me looking at the fireplace.

"As if you care."
"You're right. But I was hoping to get you alone." ok, now he got my attention. I closed my book and turned around, still lying down, but now facing him.

"What do you want?"
"I heard that you invited Potter to the Christmas party." he commented, trying to contain a small smile in the corner of his lips.
"Where do you want to get?"
"I know it is sad to be rejected. But being rejected by a loser like Potter? Ugh, too much humiliation." he laughed.
"Watch your mouth, Malfoy. He's my friend. And he didn't reject me, it wasn't a serious invitation. "

"You just didn't want to gor alone. I get it. But you're in luck, I have the solution to your problems. "
"I'm listening."
"Come with me."
"Are you inviting me or telling me to?" he rolled his eyes.

"I know that no one invited you. And I also know that all the people you invited rejected you. "
"They already had a pair." I replied through my teeth.
"Look, Harvey. You have nothing to lose. Quite the opposite, actually. Instead of going alone, you'll get a chance to walk around the hall with me."

"You are so full of yourself, aren't you?"
"I'm realistic. I know my position at college. And we both know that yours is not the best. " I jumped up and pointed a finger at him.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Don't pretend you don't know how the boys see you. I'm not saying that I agree, I think it's stupid."
"Right." I doubted "And what can you possibly gain from that?"

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