All of those disgusting shits couples do

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Hey my loves!

How are you doing? I'm sorry for taking longer than usual to update, but I was reading a oliver fanfic since last night and I'm absolutely OBSESSED!!!

I have some news on the end of the chapter.

Happy reading!

Katherine POV

I woke up early for a saturday. But today I'm going to Hogsmeade with the boys, so I took my time to get ready.

After a long and hot shower, I put on a long sleeved black shirt, it was tight and embraced every inch of my torso. On my lower half, I had a plaid black and white short skirt. It wasn't that cold anymore, so I just wore my long and over the knees black boots. I had my hair down and the necklace Draco got me for the Christmas party.

I went to the common room, and found Draco by himself seated on the couch. He was wearing his black suit and Merlin, he was gorgeous. How lucky I am to walk around with him. He looked at me when I was approaching and he eyed me up and down.
"Lord." he whispered under his breath.
"Morning, Malfoy." he cleared his throat.
"Where's Louis?"
"Don't know. I haven't seen him yet. He probably overslept."
"Let's go wake him up then." I said and he nodded.

Both of us walked side by side to his room, knocking to find him reading a book covered up and down with his blanks. He looked at us and immediately coughed.
"Hey, Louis. Have you forgotten we're going to hogsmeade?"
"Oh, I don't think I can make it. I woke up feeling really sick today." he said, coughing a little louder. I walked closer to him, worried.
"I'm so sorry, what are you feeling?"
"I'm really dizzy, and I think I have a fever. My throat is so dry." he coughed a little more "And I'm pretty sure it is contagious, so you shouldn't be close."

"That's fine, we don't mind it, right Malfoy?" I asked, he nodded quietly. He looked nervous.
"NO! I don't want you guys getting sick because of me."
"We're taking you to madam Pomfrey, she will know what to do."
"I went there around 5 am. She gave me a potion and said that I have to lay down and sleep. I'll be better at the end of the day." he scratched the back of his neck.

"That's good. So, I think we're not going to hogsmeade."
"Oh, what a shame! Now my beautiful mom won't get a birthday gift! I'm the worst son alive." he cried dramatically.
"We can go for you!" his eyes shone in happiness.
"You would do it for me?"
"Yes, I don't have anything else to do anyway." I looked at Draco, looking for a confirmation.
"Mhm, totally. What she said." he mumbled, shyly.

"Thank you so much, I love you guys."
"Don't worry, we'll be back soon."
"Take all the time you want. No one's in a rush." he said, mysteriously. I frowned at him and looked at Malfoy, who was pressing his lips and looking up.
"Fine, get better!"
"Bye lovebirds. Kath, you're looking hot." he said smirking as we left the room. Before I disappeared into the hallway, I could see Malfoy giving him a death glare, getting two thumbs up in return.


The train ride was calm, we talked about what stores we would look for.
"My eyes are up here, asshole." I said as he looked directly to my chest.
"I'm not looking for them." he snapped back and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms, making him look up to my face.

"We would be a hot couple, wouldn't we?" he's thinking about us as a couple? For fuck's sake, he shouldn't be doing this to me.
"Mhm." I mumbled, without looking at him.
"You look good." he said, looking at me. I felt my cheeks blush, that should NOT be happening. Fuck, when I became so weak? "Blushing already, Harvey?"
"Fuck off, Malfoy."

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