You better come get your man

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TW: alcohol and swearing.
Hope you like it!

I was at the train, seated with Hermione, my cousin.
"So, what are you more anxious about this year?" she asked me, taking her eyes of the widow to look at me.
"Well, to be honest I can't wait for the quidditch games. And the welcome party. Finally old enough to draw the seventh year boy's attention. How about you? Wait, if you say to the classes I swear I'll disown you." she laughed.
"You can't do that."
"Watch me." she rolled her eyes.
"Kath, it'll be amazing. We're going to learn so many new things. We'll become better wizards." I sighed.
"How can we be cousins?"

"I ask myself that every single year." We turned our heads to the corridor, where the rough masculin voice came from. A small group of slytherins were looking at us, laughing.
"No one ever told you it is rude to eavesdrop, Zabini?"
"As if we care about the mudblood and her family." Pansy said, looking disgusted at Hermione.
"Guys, could you please take this bitch away before I rip her eyes off?" they laughed and moved to another compartment of the train.

"You know, I really don't understand why I'm at slytherin."
"Really?" she asked me, with a small smile. "Sometimes I think I would've got to slytherin as well. If I weren't..." she interrupted her sentence in the middle.
"You weren't so brave and intelligent and all of your great qualities. I don't allow you to talk shit about yourself. Are we clear?" I looked at her, with fire in my eyes. She smiled with her own eyes glowing.
"I love you."
"Love you too, boo. Now tell me more about these exciting classes."

I couldn't care less about these classes even if I tried. But I knew they were important to her, and she loved to talk about them. And no one besides our family likes to hear her, so I gave her a chance, just to cheer her up. She knew I was doing that, and I saw the gratefulness in her eyes.


"So you don't have any roommate because the girls despise you because you're Hermione's cousin and she's a muggle-born."
"Which, again, doesn't make us better than her."
"Right. And if we become friends, they're probably going to hate me too?"
"Pretty much it. So, what do you say?" I asked, smiling expectantly at my new roommate, Millicent Bulstrode.
"I'm in!"

I hugged her and we started unpacking, while I was talking about the welcome party.
"Wait. The teachers allowed alcohol?"
"No, not at all. They don't know about the party. To be honest, I think they do, but pretend they don't. Maybe to make up for the huge amount of disasters that happen every year."
"Should I be worried?"
"Nah. It'll be alright."


Finally it was the night of the party. I was with Millicent and Hermione in the Great Hall. There were almost no students there.

My friends were standing, looking at me like I was an object they couldn't figure out.

"That's what I'm talking about." Ron said when he walked in with Harry. He sat by my side and started eating his dinner.
"She's always like this?"
"I'm hungry." I said, looking at Millicent "You can't expect me to last all night long if I'm starving."
"Adorable." Harry chuckled looking at me.
"It's like I have two clones as best friends." Hermione said, looking at us. Ron and I looked at each other and laughed. We were in the exact same position.

After we finished, all of us went to this abandoned classroom where the party was. I told my friends to get inside first, while I kept an eye at the corridor.
"You guys are so beautiful." I said, looking at my friends.

Hermione was wearing a yellow short dress, with short sleeves and a cute hairstyle. Millicent was stunning in a black skirt and a white shirt, matching Ron and Harry, that were handsome in pants and long-sleeved shirts.

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