Official meeting

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3rd person POV

Location: The Boyz Mansion

"She really did text me about it." Eric mumbled to himself. He was now in his own office, trying to strengthen the security when suddenly Aera texted him.

"Sangyeon hyung!" Eric shouted.

"What happened? She attacked again?" Sangyeon panicked.

"No, it's just... look." Eric said as he showed the leader what Aera said. "Should we explain why hyung?"

Sangyeon scratched his head and said, "Do you think she can be trusted? Think carefully. You may put our lives in danger if you done the wrong choice."

"Is it okay if we see her in person then? Like with the others? She's trustable to me, at least." Eric said.

"Okay fine. Quickly ask her where to meet up and we'll get going." Sangyeon said and then left.

Eric grabbed the keyboard and started to type:

-Why did you guys do that?

-Did you know how many innocent lives you've taken? Because I'm introverted and having no friends doesn't mean that I don't care about others. Those people have the chance to live on, to experience more other things, and maybe start a family in the future. But you guys? You've wrecked it.

-Anyways, I should've expected right? You're the famous The Boyz. Which mafia gang doesn't kill innocents?

-Hey, I know you're mad, but can we please talk? Like we meet up? We want to explain the whole situation in person.

-The others will also come.

-We won't kill you or kidnap you. We mean no harm. We just want to explain.

-Why should I trust you? You're a mafia gang.

-We'll meet somewhere in public then. We can't kidnap you when people are everywhere. Besides, the public won't know our faces anyways.

-Fine. Meet me at Crescent Café at 8.00pm sharp. Once it's past. You're done. I will not talk to you nor meet you again.

Okay. See you.

Change name from Unknown to Moon?

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