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Aera POV


I woke up to a white space. I sat up, stared at the blank space until I recalled what happened before I woke up here. Checking for my injuries, I looked down to my chest where the bullet went through, only see that the wound was gone. Am I dead? Am I in Heaven? Or am I on my way to Hell?


I stood up and walked around, stretching my limbs. Examining my surroundings, I found myself in a white endless space. I looked up, trying to look if there's something or someone up there. But instead, I found that pieces of memories of mine were floating around in the air.

I blinked my eyes, feeling strong wind blowing towards me, and found myself in a backyard of a mansion. Flowers bloomed and birds were chirping on the trees. Looking around, I saw a pair of young couple sitting on a bench, while holding a baby. I walked over to them trying to ask for help. But unfortunately, my hand went through their bodies. I screamed, but it's useless. They can't see me, feel me, or hear me. I'm basically like a ghost wandering around.


"What should we name this baby boy? He's our first child." The woman asked.

"I think he suits the name Lee Sangyeon. He'll be a great leader to lead my business in the future." The man said. "We shouldn't let anyone know about him. Everyone will hunt for him later if they found out."


Sangyeon? Our leader? What's happening? 

I blinked my eyes again, finding myself in a hospital ward this time. The young couple and Sangyeon is here again, but this time they're holding another baby. Sangyeon has already grown up a little, and is sitting besides the bed, on his dad's lap while playing with a toy car.


"What's her name?" The man asked.

"I think Lee Aera would be a good one." The woman replied while smiling. "I hope she'll help her brother in mafia activities in the future. Probably as a healer since the gang that he leads may have a lot of injuries."


So these two are my parents, and Sangyeon is my brother I assume? No wonder he seemed familiar when I met him at the café.

Again, I blinked my eyes, only to find younger Sangyeon and younger me playing in a room with many toys. I sat down in a corner, seeing them interact.


"Come and catch me Aera~ I'll give you back your plushie if you can catch me~" Younger Sangyeon teased and start to run around the room.


The younger me knew that she couldn't catch up with him, but still tried and ran as fast as she could. She grew tired quickly and slouched down on the floor, not caring about her plushie anymore. She then started to cry since she felt sad of her brother taking away the thing she loves.

Younger Sangyeon panicked, and started to run back towards the younger me.


"I'm sorry. Here I'll give you back your plushie." He said as he hands him back the toy. "I'll never take away your things anymore. I don't want to see you cry."

"Pinky promise?" The younger me asked while wiping her tears.

"Yes." Younger Sangyeon said.

"Okay. We're equal now." She said and they both giggled.


I now started to remember my past events with Sangyeon and chuckled, recalling how pure and innocent we were before, when we are clueless of how dark and dangerous outside the world is.

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