Visiting Ateez

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3rd person POV


On Tuesday, Aera paid a visit to Ateez's HQ since Hongjoong was spamming her with messages about why she isn't coming to visit. Hongjoong picked her up at the café and drove her to Ateez's headquarters.


"How are you and The Boyz?" Hongjoong asked as soon as Aera stepped into the car.

"Everyone's very serious about the upcoming battle. Not much interaction between us since everyone's either planning, working out, or training. I've been training for the past days. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Except that some of the members have been giving me a headache lately. They are chaotic in the mansion." Hongjoong sighed. 

"The Boyz are no difference but I've already gotten used to it." 

"Oh really? I thought all of them are serious 24/7."

"Then you're definitely wrong. They seem like very serious people and have eyes that could kill when they are in public, but they actually are crackheads when they are in the mansion."

"How did you endure their chaotic behaviour then? I can never do that cause those kids seem to get more crazier every day."

Aera shrugged and said, "Probably because I have a talent of adapting to different situations and environments quickly?"

"Of course you do." He rolled his eyes playfully and continued, "Later when we arrive, I'll show you around the building so you can find me or other members right away if you or the guys need to meet up with us for anything."

"Thank you Joong. By the way, you've only introduced the member's names to me but not their positions. For now, I only know that you are the leader and San is the hacker. What are the other member's positions?"

"In our group, I am the leader, Seonghwa is my right-hand man, our healer and sniper, Yunho is the kidnapper, Yeosang is the stalker, San is the hacker, Mingi is the weapon designer and maker, Wooyoung is the designer and clothing maker, and Jongho is the hitman and all-rounder. The most chaotic ones are Woosan, which means Wooyoung and San. Anyways, we're here."


Location: Ateez's HQ


They were greeted by all the people in the lobby and first went up to the 24th floor where the hacking department was at since it was the place that Aera wanted to visit the most. They walked to San's personal office, and while walking, they heard people gossiping about them.


"Who's that girl beside Hongjoong?"

"Is she his girlfriend?"

"When did our leader get a girlfriend? We should know if he got one."

"Or is it a new member of staff that is going to join us?"

"I don't know. Or is she another visitor?"


"Never thought you would find people who gossip to work for you." Aera laughed.

"Well I don't criticise them for gossiping if they complete their job well and efficient. If they fucked up once, they're out." Hongjoong said.

"No wonder. Let's go shall we?" Aera asked.


They soon arrived at San's office. They knocked on the door and went in. Both of them were greeted by San who was furrowing his eyebrows, eyes focusing on the computer.


"You need her help on something?" Hongjoong asked while pointing at Aera.

San looked up and said, "No not really. Just thinking how you destroyed NCT's system in 10 minutes while me and hackers from other groups used 2 months but still doesn't work."

"I told you not to underestimate her." Hongjoong said. "You thought she was only bluffing when she self-introduced that she was the hacker of the moon that day. When she broke through NCT's system and got the files, your face was like you've seen something terrifying and is about to shit your pants."

"I'm sorry okay? I still can't believe that a girl could do all of these. Also, why didn't you recruit her to our gang when you first knew and let The Boyz take the chance? Eric is already as strong as shit. There's no need for a new hacker." San asked.

"Well firstly, I actually did not know that Hongjoong was involved in mafia activities. I only thought that he was a person who runs a café for a living, but apparently not. Secondly, if you say that Eric is so damn strong, then I can answer you that he isn't. He still has a lot of space to improve and learn. Thirdly, I knew The Boyz by accident. I grew close to them after something happened and joined in their gang as a leading member voluntary. It isn't Hongjoong's fault that he didn't recruit me, since I think that he didn't want me to be involved in the mafia world causes its too dangerous." Aera replied.

"Welp, sorry for accusing you then my leader." San said while smiling widely.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and said, "You should stop accusing people without knowing the truth. Now excuse me, I still have to show her around the building."

"See you soon Aera!" San said while closing the door.


They then visited the training center, the gym, shooting ranges and other places. Other guys were busy training and preparing like The Boyz were. Aera left as soon as she finished visiting since she wanted to take a stroll by the enemies' territories to know more, even she knows that she's taking a big risk.

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