Bullet to the heart

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Aera POV

Location: TBZ Fifth Office


When I saw the man who was on the floor was holding a gun, aiming at Sangyeon's chest, I didn't hesitate to sacrifice myself as the shield since The Boyz couldn't afford to lose their leader. 




The gunshot echoed through the hall, and everyone became silent. I felt the bullet breaking open my skin, diving deep into my flesh. Pain started to seep through my chest, and my limbs became weak. I fell on the floor, clutching my chest, trying to take deep breathes while warm blood started to ooze out of my body. I saw that Sangyeon was still in shock from the sudden attack and the fact that I've took the bullet for him, while the others try to stop me from bleeding continuously. 


"Are you okay?" I asked Sangyeon weakly and smiled.

"Stop talking Aera and keep breathing! This isn't good. The bullet is directed to the heart." Jacob exclaimed.

"Someone needs to send her upstairs to the hospital floors!" Haknyeon screamed.


He didn't reply me, and I started to feel that my throat started to burn. I spat out blood, feeling that I was tasting metal. My eyelids started to turn heavy and I could feel that my heartbeat was slowing down. I started to see black dots in my vision and not long after, my eyes rolled back and I blacked out.


Sangyeon POV


I flinched at the sudden gunshot that echoed across the hall, while hearing a loud thump after. I looked down at Aera, who was currently bloodied. She took the bullet for me? Why would she take it for me when I could be suffering from this pain instead?


I stood there, still in shock of the events which happened too quickly. She looked at me and said,

"Are you okay?"


How can she still be smiling when she is currently suffering through an enormous amount of pain? And why is she asking me if I'm okay? I heard that Jacob said that the bullet is directed to the heart and her blood is still flowing from her wound and from her mouth. When I saw her eyes rolled back and lost conscious, I rushed over to her, shaking her while screamed, 




I scooped her up and immediately rushed upstairs to the hospital floors while some of the others followed. The others took care of the man who pulled the trigger, and also Joochan. I put her onto one of the hospital beds and rushed her to the surgery room, hoping, wait no, Aera must make out alive. Jacob patted me on my back and entered the surgery room. I sat down on the chairs that were outside of the surgery room, regretting that why I let Aera took the bullet instead of me. Eric, Chanhee, and Juyeon comforted me, trying to calm me down. I felt tears streaming down my face, while I buried my head into my palms. 


§ 3 hours later §


Jacob finally came out and all of us scurried over to him, asking how Aera is doing.


"We successfully took the bullet out, but since she lost a lot of blood and the bullet was very close to the heart, she's still very weak. She is in a coma, but we don't know when she will wake up. It may be a few days, a week, a month, or maybe she will never wake up again." Jacob said sadly.

"No matter how many time it will take for her to wake up, she'll be still one of us. We'll take care of her no matter what happens. We are one." Changmin said.

"Can we send her to the mansion? We have a few private wards there. We can take care of her more easily." Hyunjae asked.

"Yes of course. That shouldn't be a question. We can transport her by the helicopter." I said. 

"I'll go prepare it then!" Younghoon said.


We started to prepare for the transport, while Jacob walked up to me.


"Hyung? Don't worry. She's strong, like you. She will wake up." He smiled. "And also, we found this picture in the inner pockets of her clothes. I hope you'll help her keep it. It seems like her lucky charm whenever she goes." He said and gave me the picture. 


I took it and froze when I saw it. It was a family picture of me, Aera and our parents from long time ago. 


"My predictions were correct." I thought and I started to cry, feeling extra guilty when my teammate, who turns out to be my younger sister, took the bullet for me.


"Hyung why are you crying? Are you okay?" Jacob panicked.

"I'm feeling so guilty that I let my own younger sister to take the bullet for me. Why is she suffering instead of me? I already lost her when we both were young, and I do not want to lose her again when I just reunited with her." I said between sobs.


Jacob was shocked when he knew that Aera was my lost younger sister, but he quickly regained his senses, and hugged me.


"Aera took the bullet for you since she couldn't afford to lose any one of us. She'll feel extremely guilty if you were hurt. And like I've just said, she's strong no matter mentally or physically and I believe she's going to wake up. She's a strong girl, and she'll overcome anything that comes in her way. I think she would like to see us all to be cheerful and healthy when she wakes up, instead of sadness and tears. So, cheer up! She's be back in no time." Jacob said and smiled.

"An angel indeed." I thought

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