Dead or alive

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3rd Person POV


After Daeyeol visited The Boyz from the warehouse, he went back to the HQ for a meeting, in order to discuss the plans that they will commence after eliminating The Boyz. Everything was going smooth, until his secretary came rushing into the meeting room.


"Sir, the warehouse located behind the 5th office has been blown up by someone unknown. No one survived. There is also not a single piece of evidence on site that can proof that it is some other gang's actions, or caused by someone inside the warehouse." She said, panting and sweat dripping from her forehead.


The whole meeting room immediately fell silent. Everyone looked at Daeyeol, who's face started to turn red in anger. 




His voice boomed through the whole room, causing everyone to flinch because of the sudden loudness. Daeyeol ran his hand through his hair in anger, trying to calm himself down.


"We have surveillance cameras all around our territories. They could even see the ones who came from the skies. Go and ask the IT department to find out what caused it. It shouldn't be hard. Also, find out if The Boyz has escaped, or are also dead from the bomb. Those dipshits are still going to die if they escaped from me this time. And I'll be making sure that they will die in my hands whenever I have the chance to get them."

"Yes sir! I'll deliver the results to you as fast as possible!" The secretary said and ran out of the room.


As the sound of Daeyeol secretary's footsteps fade, the room returned to silence. No one dared to say anything or look at Daeyeol, since they might trigger him again.


"We have a much more serious problem to take care of now. We'll discuss this next time. Meeting dismissed." Daeyeol said, his voice stern, anger lingering in his voice.


After that, he stomped out of the room.


Location: The Boyz Mansion


"Home sweet home." Kevin said, falling right onto the couch.


The Boyz were now back home after the check-ups and treatments. They all went back to their own rooms to shower and get some rest, except Sangyeon, who wanted to have a talk with Aera.


Sangyeon POV


"So. Since you weren't willing to tell us who told you where were we on the helicopter, I suppose you can when we're having a private chat?" I asked.

"Why are you so curious about it? Just like I said, it doesn't matter. As long as you guys are safe, it's fine. And you should rest. The doctor said that you suffered the most out of all." Aera said.

"Oh come on. Just tell me. I'm just wondering who found out. I want to repay them."

"Well, take out the photo that you took from me and you'll know who should you be thankful for." 


How did she know that I have the picture? I don't think Jacob told her since he was beside me all the time.


"What photo? I haven't taken anything from you." I said, acting like I don't know.

"Don't play innocent. I know you found out that I'm your sister because you saw it. I remember everything now." She said.


She knows? Wait... SHE KNOWS?! How the hell did she know? I thought she said that she only has a very faint memory of her family? How did she suddenly remember all of them? 


"How did you suddenly remember all of your childhood memories?" I asked.


She sighed and spoke, "Since I think you won't leave me alone until I answer you, I'll say the whole story of how I regained my childhood memories and who told me about you guys." 


She then told me what happened when she was in a coma. She had a dream, that she woke up in a blank space and travelled across her memories. She also met her, wait no, our parents before she woke up from her 1-month slumber. They were the ones who told her that we were held captive by Golden Child, and also are the ones who gave her our family bracelet, which every family member of our family has it. 

After hearing her encounter with our parents and also the whole story of how she regained her memories, my mind gone blank. I couldn't utter a single word, and the only thing I can do is look at her.


"I know the request that I'm going to make now is a bit weird but... can I hug you?" She asked, hiding her face in her hands since she was embarrassed of what she had just said.


I smiled. Walking over, I pulled her into a bear hug. She eventually returned the hug and snuggled into my chest, while I felt my tears falling because of pure happiness.


She's back. Our princess is finally back after all these years. 


We remained in this position for a few minutes, until she pulled away.


"Sorry. I just haven't hugged people for a very long time." She sniffled.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'll give you indefinite hugs from now on." I said and smiled at her.


She hugged me again, but this time she cried. I hugged her tighter, trying to let her feel safe and also to let all the emotions that has been built up inside her body out because of being independent since a young age.

Seeing her cry, I swore to myself.


As long as I'm here, no one can ever hurt you. I'll protect you at all costs. Even if it means to bet my life.

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