1: Who Are You?

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Hey, guys! I really hope you enjoy this new story of mine. Of course, I own nothing, and everything belongs to their respective franchise. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to comment!

"Aw, c'mon! It's not that big of a deal, I promise."

The girl's blue hair whipped around, followed by a stern pair of aqua colored eyes. Bulma simply glared at the pleading Yamcha in front of her with her arms crossed.

"Not a big deal?!" She shouted, causing the already terrified desert bandit to cower in fear due to her growing rage.

"You lost the Dragon Radar, Yamcha! That sounds like a pretty big deal to me!"

Her words prompted the warrior to wince, his shoulders tense. Just as he was about to open his mouth to reply, he was silenced by the sight of her beginning to rant again.

"Without it, how are we supposed to find the last Dragon Ball?! You're just as dense as Goku!"

Yamcha firmly pursed his lips, his eyebrows furrowing. He felt bad about losing the device, especially since it upset her. Their relationship recently just ended, he was aware of that, so this new problem with the radar wasn't doing him any good. They were still young, both being only nineteen. That still offered for a lot of time to date again, right?

"Let's just call it a night and head home. You could make another one by tomorrow, yeah?"

Bulma abruptly frowned, her eyes glaring daggers at the raven haired warrior. If looks could kill, he would be dead five times over.

Sensing her visible irritation, Yamcha decided to be quick and attempt to save himself. A nervous chuckle slipped past him as he tried to find the right words to say. Angering her more would only lead to him receiving a fist to the face, so he really didn't wish to annoy her any further.

"Let's... go search in that direction," he stammered, pointing his index finger towards the wooded area to his left. "Maybe the dinosaur that ate the radar went that way."

You better hope it did, she thought, crossing her arms against her chest.

With a deep exhale, the blue-haired girl placed her hands on her hips and then abruptly turned on her heel, her back facing him. She was actually grateful that he offered to help her look, especially since she was two seconds away from replacing his face with one giant bruise.

"Let's go, then," she stated, beginning to head down the dirt trail.


"You're such a moron," she giggled, her smile growing bigger. "I can't believe you'd actually do something like that!"

As usual, the pair soon patched things up. It was rather odd how they managed to get all cheerful right after an argument. What could she say? He just always knew what topics made her blush or become all peppy.

She could sense that Yamcha wanted to get back together, but she was having some doubts.

"Yeah! Master Roshi had a fit when he saw it," he joked back, flashing her a big smirk.

Bulma gently pushed her hands into her pockets, her bright blue eyes scanning the trail ahead. "I bet! Gosh, I can't stand him sometimes."

A weird silence followed after her words and it lasted a rather long time, prompting Bulma to become aware of her surroundings.

What's wrong? Jeez, I swear that if it's an enemy or something, I'll die! Why can't we just look for the Dragon Balls in peace?!

Her gaze shifted over towards Yamcha once she'd noticed that his footsteps stopped. Even his presence wasn't beside her like how it had just been. She abruptly turned around, freeing her hands from the warmth of her sweatshirt.

She watched as he warrior simply stood there, his head turning either which way. His eyebrows were turned downwards, his gaze cold and serious. Bulma was familiar with this due to her adventures with him and Goku.

She could tell that he definitely wasn't playing around.

"I'm sensing a huge power level... I must've not noticed it earlier since I was too busy talking," he explained, attempting to locate its source.

The girl's face contorted into worry, her eyes desperately scanning the area.

"Is it Goku?" She questioned, preparing herself to run away if need be.

"No," he shook his head, remaining still. "It's too large to be his. It's fading super fast, though. Whoever it is, they're probably dying or close to it."

Too strong to be Goku? Dying?

Goku was the most powerful guy she knew! How was it possible for someone to be even stronger?

The thought made Bulma shift uncomfortably, her concerned gaze settling onto Yamcha.

"Shouldn't we... help them?"

Her words caused him to freeze, looking at the blue haired girl in front of him. Just as he was about to speak, he was silenced by her. He watched as she placed her hands upon her hips, preparing to rant.

"How would you feel if someone knew you were dying, but did nothing about it?" She retorted, eyebrows furrowed.

Yamcha simply blinked at her, his gaze stern.

"That's far too risky, Bulma. What if they're—"

The sound of a painful cough rang out throughout the area. It practically scared the girl to death, evident by the way she immediately lunged towards Yamcha and securely interlocked his arm around her own.

The young warrior glared at where the noise had come from, but he was too busy attempting to gently shove off the terrified Bulma.

"What do you want?" She heard Yamcha ask, his tone rather stern. She could feel how hard his heart was racing in his bulky chest.

Wait... so there was someone there?

"Oh, more than you'd think," replied a dark and sinister voice.

The way the unfamiliar man spoke caused shivers to travel down Bulma's spine. The fact that even Yamcha appeared to be frightened by this guy made her worry, but that didn't stop her from attempting to take a peek.

She slowly pulled away from her ex-boyfriend, her bright blue eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

(986 words.)

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