Chapter 1-Introductions

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This is for you
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"Harry, is that really you? Oh, my God, it is! Wait are you an Omega?"

Harry looks around in the room to make sure no one heard the Alpha in front of him before he glares at the man in question. He looks familiar.

"Yeah, hi! How long has it been? Ten years? So an Omega, huh? I'm actually not surprised." Louis smirks.

Harry furrows his eyebrows. He looks irritated.
"Can you keep your fucking voice down? How the hell can you tell?"

Louis stares at him in surprise. Harry has a really rude mouth for an Omega.
"What do you mean? I can smell you from miles away. It's pretty obvious." He leans in closer and takes a sniff. "But I can smell the Beta booster you're using. Why?"

Harry stares at him like he's stupid.
"Because some people, and make no mistake, I'm referring to dumb Alphas, anyhow, even if I enjoy being an Omega in private, some people can't handle an Omega as a CEO."

"You're a CEO?" Louis asks in surprise.

Harry rolls his eyes.
"Proving my point there, Tomlinson. Yes, I'm the CEO of my father's company here in London. I just moved back from New York to take over."

"You're pretty fucking rude for an Omega. I could change that in a second." Louis growls.

Harry raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest.
"And use your big bad Alpha voice on me? That's illegal now and don't for a second doubt that I won't call the police on your saggy ass if you try."

"You're nothing like I remember you. You used to be really sweet." Louis snorts.

"You're nothing like I remember as well." Harry retorts.

"I don't like this version of you." Louis huffs.

"The feeling is mutual." Harry snorts.

They stare at each other angrily.
"Alright then. Great to catch up. Really." Louis says sarcastically.

"Likewise, oh and Tomlinson if you tell anyone that I'm an Omega I'll whip your ass." Harry says and stares firmly at the Alpha.

Louis would laugh if Harry hadn't been dead serious about it. There's no doubt in his mind that Harry would do that. Or he would try at least. Like he would let him.
"You're secret is safe with me but Harry? You should look up that Beta-blocker you're wearing to mask your scent. Obviously it's not working, you reek."

Harry looks worried and Louis almost feels sorry for him. He watches him rush towards the toilets. He can't believe that gorgeous but rude Omega is in fact his childhood friend. They had been inseparable.

Harry had been there for him after he went into his first rut at age thirteen and was presented as an Alpha. Then when Harry was thirteen his dad opened a filial in New York and they moved there. He must have gone into heat shortly after that and became an Omega. Being two years younger than himself they had spent a lot of time talking about what Harry would be represented as when he hit his teens. Louis was actually surprised even if he stated the contrary earlier. He had always thought that Harry would be a Beta, maybe even an Alpha. But an Omega? That's...yeah, he's not even gonna go there.

In the meantime, Harry has picked up his phone on the way to the toilets and calls his assistant/bodyguard, an Alpha that has no trouble working under an Omega.
"Meet me in the bathroom, now." Harry hisses.

He locks himself inside a toilet and tries to sniff himself but that's pointless. Liam shouts his name a couple of minutes later and he opens the door and drags him inside.
"Sniff me."

Liam looks surprised but he does as he's told.
"What do I smell like?" Harry asks nervously.

"You smell like a Beta." Liam answers.

"Are you sure? Smell me again!" Harry demands.

Liam smells him.

"You can't even sense some of my Omega scent? Concentrate." Harry asks.

Liam closes his eyes and sniffs his boss for the third time.
"No. What is going on?"

"I met an old friend that I haven't seen in ten years. We knew each other before I became an Omega. He could tell right away. He told me I reek. How is that possible? I buy the best, most expensive Beta-blockers on the market!" Harry argues upset.

Liam stares at him. He has an idea why but he knows his boss won't hear of it.
"Uhm, maybe someone told him you're an Omega?" He tries instead.

Harry looks relieved.
"Of course. That must be it. That's the only logical explanation. Thanks, Liam!" He beams.

"Uhm, yeah." Liam agrees.

They return to the lecture and Harry takes his seat. He can feel someone staring at him and he looks around discretely. Blue eyes meet his and Louis smirks. A man up on the stand starts his lecture about moving capital around and he tries to concentrate but it's difficult with the Alpha staring at him like that. It's hard to think they were ever friends.

The fact that Louis is at the same meeting means they're in the same line of business. That also means that they are rivalries.

He makes a mental note to Google him later to find out if he's competition at all. He's surprised. As a kid, Louis wanted to be a singer or a drama teacher. Knowing that he works for a construction company of some sort is really fucking surprising. Louis was always so soft. Well, he's an Alpha now and Alphas are ruthless by nature. Dominant, arrogant, and narcissistic. There are a few exceptions of course, like his assistant Liam.

He really doesn't like Alphas. He's brought up in a world of Alphas. His father was disappointed when he was presented as an Omega and drilled him hard to go against his own nature so he could be a CEO. The only place he enjoys a dominant Alphas is in bed. That's where he allows himself to be an Omega. He's not looking for a mate. That whole soulmate stuff is just bullshit. He's been on suppressants since his first heat, which is early but his father insisted and he's glad. As far as he can remember, being in a heat is awful. Thank God he only had to experience it once.

He has been absent-minded and the lecture is over. Well, it isn't like he didn't already know all of that. Louis didn't take his eyes off him for a second. He's a really fucking annoying Alpha, that's for sure.

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