Chapter 14- Desmond

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Harry is still asleep when Louis wakes up from the alarm. He hates to wake him up but they both have work to attend. It takes some time before Harry comes alive and when he does his face lits up in a blissful smile.
"Thank you for taking me to subspace yesterday. It was insane!"

"You scared the hell out of me before I realized what was going on." Louis chuckles.

"I'm sorry. I was totally out of it. I was floating and I felt everything so intensely. I can't even explain it." Harry says.

"I'm glad you got to experience that. Maybe it makes you a little more okay with being an Omega?" Louis asks.

"I love being an Omega." Harry grins excitedly. "Sex is awesome. Subspace was just wow but I also loved spending my heat with you. I can't wait to take care of you in your rut. Most of all I love that I'm pregnant." Harry beams.

"I also love that you're pregnant." Louis smiles.

"And the sex?" Harry asks and bites his lower lip.

"Is fantastic. You're fantastic. I want to mate you, Harry, I hope you know that?" Louis smiles.

"What's stopping you?" Harry questions and wiggles his eyebrows.

"I want it to be special. I would like it to happen while we're synced and experience our heats and ruts at the same time but your pregnant Mister, which means neither of us will have a heat or a rut until the baby is born. But if you don't want to wait that long I can mate you here and now. Just know that I'm not going anywhere." Louis replies.

"I would like it to happen like that too. I can wait." Harry beams.

"Let me know if you change your mind and want it to happen before that." Louis says and pecks his lips.

"I can wait." Harry promises.

They shower together and have breakfast before they part ways and head to work.

Harry jumps and wraps his legs around Louis as soon as they meet up after work and smother him in kisses.
"I missed you."

"I missed you too." Louis answers. His heart takes an extra beat.

Harry cooks dinner when someone is pounding on the front door. He gives Louis a surprised look. They're not expecting company. He asks Louis to stir the sauce while he goes to open the door. Louis immediately stops everything when he hears someone yelling in the hallway. He turns off the stove and rushes over to find Harry's father lecturing his son. He immediately walks over and wraps his arms around the shivering Omega.
"Desmond, calm down. You're scaring him." He says calmy with an edge to his voice.

Desmond glares at him and snorts.
"Tomlinson. I should have guessed you're a faggot as well."

"You don't talk to me or Harry like that. Leave." Louis answers and turns around to go back to the kitchen, pulling Harry with him. He's fuming with anger.

"Not so fast. You're coming with me, Harry. I have booked an appointment to take care of your problem." Desmond growls.

Before Louis can speak up Harry has turned around and stares at his father.
"My baby isn't a problem. I'm happy dad. I'm not getting an abortion."

Louis's mouth falls open when Desmond towers over Harry and uses his Alpha voice to get him to obey.
"Get in the car. Now!"

Harry whimpers and bows his head. He takes a step forward but stops. Louis can feel his distress. He's not having it. He runs over and punches Desmond square in the jaw.
"You fucking asshole!"

Desmond smirks and swings his fist at him but Louis ducks and hits him again. Desmond growls and jumps him and soon they're fighting for their lives. Desmond gets a few punches in but Louis is furious, defending his Omega with everything he got and after a bone-cracking punch Desmond falls to the floor.

Harry immediately comes running to him.
"Are you okay? Oh my God. I was so scared. I love you."

Louis has a cut on his cheekbone and his knuckles are busted but other than that he's fine.
"I'm okay love." He reassures his Omega.

Desmond gets up and Louis prepares himself for another round and pushes Harry to stand behind him so he can protect him. Desmond stares at them with hateful eyes.
"Harry, you're no longer the CEO over my company. Leave my house now. You no longer live here."

Harry gasps in horror but Louis stays calm on the outside.
"Give him ten minutes to pack his belongings and we'll be gone."

He clenches his fists and Desmond gives him a pensive stare before he nods his head in agreement.
"Come on, baby. Let's get your things." Louis says softly and backs out of the hallway, not taking his eyes off Harry's father in case he jumps him.

They reach the bedroom and Louis closes the door behind them.
"Find some bags Haz."

"Where am I gonna go? I'm homeless! How can he do this to me? He's my dad!" Harry whimpers upset.

Louis just hugs him and kisses his forehead.
"You're going home with me silly. You're not homeless. We'll figure everything out, I promise but right now we have to pack your things, okay baby?"

"Yeah, okay." Harry agrees. He runs over to the closet and finds three bags. They throw his clothes inside in a hurry. Harry grabs some other personal effects as well before they clear out the bathroom. Harry takes one bag and Louis carries the other two in one hand and takes Harry's hand with his free one. They walk out to the living room and Harry throws down his belongings.
"Anything else?" Louis asks.

Harry takes a quick look around.

Desmond is still in the hallway and Louis gives him a death glare.
"Move aside."

Desmond looks at Harry.
"If you walk out that door you lose everything. You hear me?"

Harry puts on a brave face.
"I have Lou and our baby. I have everything I need. Goodbye."

Desmond moves away and they walk out the door. Louis hurries to help Harry in the car and throws the bags in the back seat. He gets in the driver's seat and starts the car. Harry bursts out crying as soon as he starts to back out from the driveway. He drives around the corner before he stops the car and takes him in his arms.
"We'll be alright love."

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