Chapter 7-Heat

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"No! You're wrong. I'm on suppressants. I just have a cold, no biggie." Harry protests as they drag him up the stairs. He sounds hysterical.

"We're both Alphas, we can smell you. You're going in to heat love." Louis answers.

"No, no, no." Harry whimpers.

They have reached his bedroom and Liam unlocks the door. Harry is clinging on to Louis who is trying his best to hold his breath. Harry's scent is overwhelming and he's trying to fight his inner Alpha. They just have to get him inside the room and get the hell out of there.

Harry's whole body is shaking and Louis helps him inside. Liam helps him and they get him to the bed. They turn around to leave but Harry cries out for them.
"Please! I'm scared! You can't leave me. I can't do this by myself!"

Louis turns around.
"Harry, you're 23 years old. This can't be your first heat. You'll be fine." He tries to comfort.

"Once! I've done it once when I transformed! I've been on suppressants ever since." Harry answers desperately and bursts out crying.

Louis and Liam exchange a look.
"You've been on suppressants since you were thirteen?" Liam asks in disbelief. 

"Yes, my dad said it was for the best. I can't do this alone." Harry sobs. 

"I guess...I guess I can help you out. I just have to call Zayn and explain." Liam says.

"Absolutely not!" Louis growls.

"I want Louis." Harry sobs and whimpers from his own confession.

Liam looks relieved and Louis can't hide his smile. He was just about to suggest it. 
"Are you sure? You're not exactly in your right state of mind right now." He says instead.

Harry just nods his head.
"I'm still me. The heat hasn't kicked in completely." He looks embarrassed.

"Okay then. Liam, leave." Louis says without breaking eye contact with the Omega.

"Thank you." Liam whispers and hurries out of the room and locks the door behind him.

Louis wastes no time. As soon as the door closes behind them he walks over to Harry and takes him in his arms. He tucks Harry's face in the crook of his neck and lets out calming pheromones to calm him down.
"You're going to be okay. I'm gonna help you through this. Just breathe Harry." He says quietly.

"Thank you for doing this. You don't have to." Harry says quietly.

"I want to." Louis reassures him.

Harry exhales and then he whimpers. His heat is kicking in for real.
"I'm scared Lou."

"It's nothing to be scared of. I'm gonna take care of you." Louis promises softly.

He lets go of him and cups his face with both hands.
"I'm gonna kiss you now. Okay?" Louis says, caressing Harry's cheeks with his thumbs.

"Please." Harry breathes out, green meeting blue.

Louis leans in slowly and presses his lips against Harrys softly. They stay like that for a second before they start to move their lips in sync. The hair on the back of Harry's neck stands up and he lets out a small gasp. Louis puts a little more pressure into the kiss and licks Harry's lower lip to ask for access. Harry opens his mouth right away. Louis slips his tongue inside and deepens the kiss. Harry whimpers and kisses him back eagerly. He desperately tries to remove Louis's jacket so he can feel his bare skin and Louis shrugs it off and let it fall to the floor before he removes Harry's jacket as well.

They work each other's buttons without breaking the kiss and as soon as their shirts are off Louis pushes Harry down on his back and gets on top of him. The skin-on-skin connection makes Harry moan softly into Louis's mouth. Louis starts to kiss his neck instead. Harry's scent drives him wild. He wraps an arm around his torso and pulls him higher up in bed.

He kisses his way down Harry's stomach and the Omega is whimpering and tossing his head back and forth.
"Please! Please!"

He guesses he's done with the foreplay. Louis sits up and unbuttons Harry's pants.
"Please! It hurts!" Harry whimpers.

Louis pulls everything down in one quick motion and Harry's leaking cock springs free. He wastes no time taking him into his mouth and Harry moans out loud. He comes in seconds and Louis swallows everything down while he tries to get rid of his own pants at the same time.

Harry is totally out of it and desperately begging to be fucked. He's already hard again. Louis leans down to taste his slick while he kicks his pants to the floor. He moans from the delicious taste. Harry tastes better than he could ever imagine and he's dying to get inside. He feels his hole to make sure his open and Harry immediately rocks down on his fingers.
"Please Alpha. I want your knot." Harry whines and Louis almost comes then and there.

He lines up his cock and pushes inside until he bottoms out. Harry cries out in pleasure.

Louis comes up to kiss him and starts to fuck him fast and hard, chasing his knot in a frenzy.

Harry wraps his legs around his waist and lets out desperate moans with every thrust. The new angle jams his prostate dead on and Harry throws his arms around Louis's neck and comes with a broken cry.
"More! Knot! Please Alpha!" He shouts.

Louis fucks him relentlessly and a couple of minutes later he lets out a chasm roar when his knot finally pops. Harry climaxes once more and he starts to cry from how good it feels. It's nothing like he has ever experienced before and the orgasm is insane. Louis sees stars as well and he's panting hard with his nose in the crook of Harry's neck. As soon as he's able to control his breathing he raises his head and looks down on Harry.
"Are you okay love?" He asks.

"Yeah, Thank you. First time knotting...incredible. sleep." Harry mumbles and passes out.

Louis stares at the sleeping Omega in disbelief. Shit! This is his first time getting knotted? He wishes he had known that. He rolls them to the side and wraps his arms around him to keep him safe while he waits for the knot to go down. His filled with all kind of emotions that he can't really understand. What is happening to him?


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