Chapter 2-Fantasy

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He googles Louis as soon as he comes home. He finds an article.

Louis Tomlinson, 25, is a force to reckon with. As one of the youngest CEO's in England he has taken his Company Tomlinsons Constructions to the next level when he landed the contract to build the new mall in Kensington. According to Tomlinson hard work is the key to his success and the single Alpha (yes ladies, the man is on the market) has great plans for the future. Louis Tomlinson is unstoppable! You read it here first.

Harry rolls his eyes. The Sun is really a tacky paper. They just had to casually mention that Louis is single and an Alpha. So Louis is the one who's building that mall? Harry can't help but feel impressed. That's a big client. So Louis is good at what he's doing? He could be a dangerous competition in the future.

He looks at the picture attached to the article. He has always been good looking but my God. Louis as an adult if fucking breathtaking. He's stunningly beautiful and sexy as hell. If they weren't childhood friends Harry would let him fuck him any time. Too bad. He's small for an Alpha but he bets he makes up for that in other ways and why is he thinking about this? Totally inappropriate!

Thinking about Louis made his slick form. Really? He palms his semi-hard cock and rubs it lazily. He's not in the mood to call his fuck buddy. That's too much work and he's pretty sure that the Alpha is falling for him. He tried to cuddle him last time they had sex and he wouldn't go rough on him. It was time to let him go.

He looks at the clock. It's time to go to bed anyhow so he could easily take care of this by himself. He brushes his teeth before he undresses and crawls into bed. He opens his top drawer in his nightstand and chooses between the selection of vibrators. This is just a quick way to get off so he's doesn't need the heavy artillery. He picks out a small g-spot stimulator and places it beside him in bed.

He strokes his tummy with his fingertips for a minute before he pinches his nipples. His mind starts to wander. Louis looked really hot in that picture. He wonders how dominant he is in bed? Would he spank him? Make him beg?

He lets out a small gasp when his slick starts to drip down his leg. He feels his hole and he's really wet. Already? That must be a record.

He pushes two fingers inside at once and moans. He wonders how Louis's fingers would feel inside? His hands are so small and delicate but still manly. He bet they would feel amazing. His fingers are probably too short to reach his prostate properly unless he shoved them in deep with force. Oh God! Harry jolts up from the bed. He's so turned on right now.

He pulls his fingers out and wipes them messily on the sheet before he grabs his toy. He puts it on the highest setting and shoves it in almost desperately. It nudges his prostate and he cries out but it's not enough. He needs something bigger. He starts to fantasize about Louis's cock while he feverishly searches his drawer for his biggest dildo.

He pulls the stimulator out and uses his own slick to lubricate the dildo. Is Louis loud in bed? Does he talk dirty? Oh, fuck! He rolls to his stomach and pulls his legs to his chest. He pushes the dildo inside, inch by inch, and pretends that it's Louis fucking him. Would he go rough on him? Fold him in half? Hold him down?

He has a firm grip of the dildo and fucks himself on it. Would Louis enjoy fucking him? Would he be a good Omega for him? Would he praise him? Oh shit! He fucks himself faster and harder and his cock is bouncing as well, spurting precum, throbbing between his legs. Would Louis allow him to touch himself or would he say that he wanted him to come on his cock alone? Probably the latter.

He's so close. He's breathing erratically, moaning and whining. He's a good Omega. Louis would knot him and pump him full. He has never been knotted but the thought makes him climax and he shouts out his orgasm while he shoots white ribbons everywhere.

He falls down and pulls the dildo out, trying to catch his breath. What the hell was that? Why would he fantasize about Louis? That's just weird. But it felt so good. He hasn't been that turned on in ages.

He sighs. He has to get up and change the sheets. As soon as he's able to breathe normally he climbs out of bed on shaky legs. He looks down on his stomach with a grimace. He needs a shower as well. Oh well, it was totally worth it. He pulls off the dirty sheets and makes the bed. He takes a quick shower and dries himself on a fluffy towel before he climbs into bed. He's beat but in a good way. He never meant to make such a mess but it was so worth it. Best orgasm in a long time. He falls asleep right away.

In a house on the other side of London Louis ruts his hips and fucks up in his fist imagining it's Harry he's fucking. How much of an Omega is he in bed? Would he go totally submissive and moan his name? Begging him to go faster and harder? Would he call him Alpha? Would he come untouched from his cock alone? Would he want his knot? Let him pump him full?

That's all he needs to come. He cries out while he sprays his stomach and chest white. Jesus fuck! That was intense. Maybe he should feel bad for thinking about his former friend while he masturbated but Harry is hot as fuck as an adult. Who can blame him?

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