Chapter 5-Retreat

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Harry oversees some of the company's projects and spends two weeks driving around between different construction sites to make sure they're all following schedule. He's pleased to see that they are.

He's looking forward to a company retreat he has been invited to. Once a year there's a big conference in a big mansion in the countryside for CEO's in the construction business. Three days of mingling, lectures, and spa treatments where they can relax and exchange experiences. He's never been to one before but his father speaks highly of them, saying it's a great way to scout out the competition. Honestly, he just wants to have a mudbath and a facial mask or something. He's been asked to hold a lecture as well and he's nervous about it.

He brings Liam with him even if the Alpha seems to rather stay in London. Harry thinks one certain Omega named Zayn is the reason behind it. Liam lets skip that they have been spending a lot of time together since they meet at the pub.
"I'm really glad that you have found someone Liam but I really need you to come with me. I'm gonna be in a house full of Alphas. You know how uneasy that makes me feel." Harry admits.

"Yeah, of course I'll come with you Mr. Styles." Liam answers softly. It's not often his boss shows his soft side.

"Just call me Harry when we're by ourselves." Harry offers.

Liam smiles at him.

They leave on Thursday morning and it's a two-hour drive to the mansion. Liam drives and Harry takes the passengers seat. He turns on the air conditioner. He's been feeling a bit under the weather lately. Maybe he's catching a cold or something. Spa treatments are just what he needs.

He gets out of the car as soon as they arrive. The place is beautiful. Liam opens the back door and gets both their bags before he locks the car behind them. Harry takes the lead and walks up to a small reception as soon as they enter the mansion.
"Styles, two rooms."

"Welcome, Mr. Styles. Here are your keys. Your rooms are located on the third floor. Here is a pamphlet where you can read about the spa treatments we're offering. Dinner starts at six. I hope you'll enjoy your stay." The receptionist says with a friendly smile.

Harry takes the keys and the pamphlet and heads for the stairs and Liam are right behind him. Their rooms are next to each other and Harry gives him his key and Liam hands him his bag in return.
"I'm planning on checking out the spa in a little while. You are free to join me." Harry says.

"Ehm, I promised to give Zayn a call as soon as we arrived." Liam answers with blushed cheeks.

"Okay, see you for dinner then." Harry smiles.

"Absolutely." Liam agrees and disappears into his room.

Harry opens his own door to inspect his room. It's lovely. A big bed takes up most of the room. It looks really inviting. He checks out the bathroom and it's nice as well. He'll like it here.

He puts his bag on the bed and opens it to find his swim trunks.
He's in a good mood while he finds his way to the spa section. He took a quick glance in the pamphlet and immediately decided to get a facial exfoliation and a manicure. He'll have time to try other things later on. He just loves being taken care of but he never has time for spa treatments.

A woman greets him and he tells her what he wants. She hands him a towel, a robe, and some slippers and shows him to a locker room. He can see a sauna next to the shower room. Perfect!

He gets undressed and puts on his swim trunks before he wraps the fluffy robe around his body and ties it around his waist. Finally, he slips the slippers on his feet and steps out into the spa section. A young Beta greets him and shows him to a room.

The facial is magical and his nails look pretty after his pedicure. He's beaming. He thanks the girl for a job well done before he hits the shower. He gets rid of his swim trunks and wraps the towel loosely around his waist and opens the door to the sauna.

The door hits him in the back when he stops in his tracks. The smell inside the sauna almost suffocates him and it's a scent he's familiar with, musky tobacco and cedarwood. He gasps for air.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harry growls. He didn't mean to come off so rude but being hit with Louis Alpha scent like that really threw him off completely. He doesn't understand why it affects him so much. He's shaking.
"Polite as always Styles." Louis snorts.

The moisture in the room makes it foggy and he can't see him so he takes a few steps forward. He regrets it when he's face to face with an almost naked Louis. He also has nothing else than a towel around his waist and he's sitting on one of the benches. Harry gulps loudly.
"Don't let my presence interfere with your plans." Louis smirks.

"Your stench fills the whole sauna." Harry mutters.

Louis cackles out loud.
"Yours too!"

This time Harry can actually believe him. He has washed away the Beta Booster. He smirks and sits down as well, as far away from Louis as possible. He closes his eyes and tries to ignore the musky scent from the Alpha. It's difficult. All his senses are fully aware of Louis and his inner Omega is purring. He shifts uncomfortably when he's starting to get affected. Louis inhales sharply and Harry can feel his scent change.

He's getting lightheaded and lets out a whimper before he stands up and rushes out of the sauna. He gets under the shower and lets the cold water wash over him, in an effort to cool off and wash away his embarrassment.

He turns the water off and wraps the towel around himself just as Louis comes out from the sauna. They lock eyes.
"I'm sorry about that." Louis says.

"Just stay away from me." Harry growls and leaves.

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