Chapter 10-Surprise

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Harry is in his doctor's office to find out why his suppressants suddenly stopped working. He's waiting for the result of the blood test.

Finally, the doctor arrives with the result. Harry waits impatiently for him to take a seat. 
"Your blood work shows that there's nothing wrong with your suppressants."

Harry stares at him in disbelief.
"I went into heat! Clearly, they're malfunction."

The doctor gives him a calculating look.
"Do you have someone new in your life?"

"No!" Harry immediately snorts but then he gets unsure. "I mean, not exactly. I don't have a boyfriend."

"But you met someone?" The doctor asks kindly.

"Not really." Harry mumbles.

"Did someone help you through your heat?" The doctor asks.

"Yes." Harry admits with blushed cheeks.

"A new...friend?" The doctor questions.

"More like an old friend. We were friends when we were kids. I haven't seen him in ten years but since I moved back to London our paths have crossed. Why do you ask?" Harry wonders.

The doctor smiles at him. 
"There's no scientific explanation behind it, but suppressants don't work on an Omegas soulmate. If you been around him that would explain why you went into heat."  

Deep down he knew all along but having someone tell him first handed still shocks him.  

"Did it come as a surprise?" The doctor asks, looking skeptical.

"Yes...and no." Harry says.

"Did you use protection?" The doctor asks next.

"My suppressants..." Harry starts off but the doctor interrupts him.

"Doesn't work with your soulmate, so no condoms?"

"No." Harry says.

"Did he knot you?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, many times." Harry mumbles and blushes when he remembers the sex he and Louis had. He doesn't remember it clearly, it's more like a vague memory like you're opening your eyes underneath water and everything is blurry.

"Then you need to come back two weeks from now to find out if you're pregnant." The doctor informs him.

Harry stares at him in shock. No! He can't be! That's absurd!
"I can be pregnant?" He whispers.

"It's too early to tell but it could be a possibility. Let's not make any assumptions beforehand. Book a new appointment in two weeks and we'll find out then." The doctor says and smiles.

Harry stumbles out of the office. Everything is blurry. This can't be happening.

Louis waits three days until he has mustered enough courage to call Harry. He's been thinking about him nonstop, about them, and the fact that Harry's probably his soulmate. He can't just ignore that!

Harry's secretary informs him that Harry isn't available for the moment and he asks her to tell Harry to call him when he has time. Two days go by without a word from Harry. He calls again and gets the same response. Is Harry avoiding him? He waits five days this time before he calls again but he gets the same answer.

Now he's getting pissed off. Why is Harry avoiding him like the plague? He needs answers! Two days later he has convinced Zayn to give him Harry's home address after he actually mentions that he and Liam went to a dinner party at Harry's the day before.

He waits until the clock turns seven and Harry's home before he gets in his car and drives to the other side of town. He knocks on the door as soon as he arrives so he won't change his mind and go back home. They need to talk. 

Harry's eyes grow wide from surprise when he opens the door.
"Louis." He gasps.

"Hi Harry, can we talk?" Louis asks.

Harry seems to hesitate at first but then he opens the door wider and lets him inside. Louis is nervous as hell. This part he hasn't planned. He has no idea what to say. 

Harry shows him to the living room and they sit down. Louis looks around. He likes Harry's home. His eyes finally land on the Omega in front of him.
"So?" Harry asks.

Right. Louis takes a deep breath.
"I don't know how much you remember from your heat..." He starts off.

"I remember most of it." Harry answers and stares at him. He almost looks angry. Louis gulps.

"Okay, good. I kind of figured something out. I'm just gonna say it. You and I are soulmates." Louis says nervously.

Harry doesn't look happy. Instead, he sighs.
"Right, I don't have time for a boyfriend."

Louis's mouth falls open.
"But...but...I...we're soulmates, Harry! I know it's scary." He stutters.

"I just moved here and I have so much work. I can't be with someone right now." Harry answers.

Louis stares at him in disbelief.
"So you're rejecting me?" His eyes fill up with tears.

Harry's features soften.
"It's not like we're a thing. You don't even like me, remember?"

"That was before we slept together! Before I knew you're my soulmate. You didn't like me so I just defended myself!" Louis almost yells.

"Let's not make this harder than it has to be." Harry says coldly.

Louis just stares at him for a moment before he gets up and leaves without saying another word. He's never been more humiliated in his life.

His hands are shaking so badly that he has to stop the car as soon as he can't see Harry's house anymore. It's like he can feel his heart literally breaking. Harry doesn't want him. He doesn't know what he had been expecting but he was damn sure this wasn't it at least.

Harry hasn't moved from the couch. It's like his legs don't work. He feels numb. He can't allow himself to feel. There was no other way. His dad would go ballistic if he mated an Alpha, outing himself as an Omega. He wouldn't be able to run the company anymore. No one would do business with an Omega. It's stupid, but that's the way the world works. He wishes things were different. He wishes he could be with Louis. 

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