Chapter 16-Birth

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Harry starts to take online courses to be a counselor. He's really excited about it and Louis fully supports him. He will have a degree in two years and that means that he can combine his studies with parenting.

The weeks go by fast and soon their half through the pregnancy. Louis follows him to every doctor's appointment and they spend a lot of time discussing baby names and childproofing the house. They're turning the guestroom closest to their own bedroom into a nursery.

Harry spends a lot of time hanging out with Zayn. They go on shopping sprees together or just talk about pregnancy hormones or anything in between.

Louis is happy that they're becoming great friends. Harry needs another male Omega in his life. Louis is teaching Liam everything about his business and he's really glad that he hired him. Liam is hardworking and eager to learn. Louis is planning on making him co-owner in the future. He wants to be able to spend as much time with Harry and the baby and doesn't want to be stuck in an office all evenings. Being able to share the workload with someone he trusts will make it so much easier.

They're happy together. Harry is nesting and has turned one of their closets into a cozy nest and Louis wouldn't dare to either comment on it or try to get one of his many clothes items back that magically disappears. He finds it endearing.

Harry has really embraced his Omega and it manifests in the way he dresses and the way he acts, not to mention how he is during their bedroom activities. Louis loves it. Harry is glowing. He's smiling and giggling and lavishes Louis with love and affection and Louis tries his best to do the same.

He makes sure Harry has everything he needs and goes out in the middle of the night sometimes when he has a weird craving. He rubs his feet and gives him back massages. Harry's belly is growing and he makes sure to tell him every day how beautiful he is because he truly is!

When Harry hits his third trimester he gets really horny. Louis isn't complaining! He wakes up an hour earlier every morning so he can knot his amazing Omega and he takes a longer lunch break so he can hurry home to please him. Some days he doesn't make it to work at all. Thank God Liam is there to run things.

Hearing Harry begging for his knot makes him wild from lust but he controls himself because Harry is pregnant. Instead, he dirty talks a lot, telling Harry everything they'll do as soon as the baby is born. Harry really gets off on it (so does he) and he even orgasm before they have even started when Louis describes how he's gonna spank him and tie him to the bed.

They're both really looking forward to the day they can try everything they're fantasizing about out loud. Harry tries to convince him that they can do it now but Louis' refusing to risk anything. They have great sex anyway.

When Harry is nine months pregnant he's so ready to have the baby. His feet and back are killing him and he doesn't want to wait any longer!

He goes into labor on a Tuesday. Louis is at work when he calls and he rushes home to get him to the hospital. The delivery takes eight hours and Louis doesn't leave Harry's side for a second. Harry gives birth to a healthy baby girl and they both cry happy tears.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall are waiting outside. Louis comes running.
"It's a girl! She's perfect!"

They cheer, hug him and congratulate him before they go to see Harry and the baby. Harry is sitting in bed with their daughter in his arms. He smiles at them when they enter the room.
"Hi guys, come and meet Darcy."

They gather around the hospital bed and they all take turns admiring the baby. Niall is sobbing uncontrollably.
"She's beautiful! You did good!"

"Thank Ni. Do you wanna hold her?" Harry beams.

"Maybe he should calm down first so he doesn't drop her." Louis immediately says.

Niall looks offended.
"I would never!"

He dries his cheeks and takes a deep breath before he opens his arms. Harry hands him the baby and Niall holds her carefully.
"Hi, baby Darcy. I'm Niall." He says softly while he looks down on her lovingly.

Louis is standing really close with his arms out like he's ready to catch her.
"Relax! I'm not gonna drop her. Have a little faith in me will you? I'll be the one taking care of her when you have your heats and ruts." He smiles.

Harry and Louis exchange a look.
"You're willing to do that?" Louis asks surprised. They haven't really thought that far.

"Of course! I have already baby-proofed my place and bought a crib but I mean, if you don't want me to, that's fine." Niall says, looking utterly heartbroken.

Both Louis and Harry smiles at him.
"Of course you can be with her. That's so sweet of you Niall. It would help a lot!"

"Great! The same goes for you when you have your baby." Niall beams and directs his words towards Zayn and Liam.

Zayn bursts out crying and Liam immediately holds him close.
"Thank Niall. We really appreciate it. You're the best!" Liam smiles.

"Y-y-eah." Zayn manages to get out.

The boys leave after that and Louis and Harry just stare at Darcy in awe until Harry falls asleep from exhaustion. Louis watches over his loved ones. He sneaks out to give his family a quick call to tell them he's a dad now. His siblings promise to come for a visit soon.

They get to go home the next day. Louis has put Liam in charge for a while until their baby is born and he stays at home and he and Harry takes care of Darcy together. They both love and adore her so much.

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