Chapter 3-Arguing

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Two weeks go by. Harry may or may not have gotten off to the thought of Louis almost every night. Louis may or may not have thought of Harry as well.

That's why they both act awkward around each other when they run into each other at a coffee shop downtown.
"Hrm, Hi." Harry mumbles.

"Hi." Louis replies.

They just stare at each other for what feels like a lifetime.
"Well, it was lovely to catch up. Bye." Louis finally says, voice dripping with sarcasm. He turns around and disappears out the door.

The third time they see each other is at a business meeting. Apparently they're both trying to land the contract to build a new office building for a successful computer company. The CEO of the Company has invited them both for a pitch. Harry is well prepared.

They sit down in an office. Harry and Louis have hardly acknowledged each other's existence.
"Right, welcome. I had a lot of offers but it's down to you two. Why should I choose your company as a contractor for my new business building?" Mr. Everton asks.

Harry immediately speaks up.
"Styles Enterprise has twenty years of experience in the field. We are a big company with filial all over the world. We're the best at what we do. No offense to Mr. Tomlinson but he's pretty new in the game and he has a small company. With Styles Enterprise you can expect a job well done." Harry says and glances over at Louis. He looks amused. Harry furrows his eyebrows. Nothing he just said was funny.

Mr. Everton smiles at him before he turns to look at Louis instead. Louis leans forwards and rests his elbows on his knees.
"Mr. Styles is right about one thing, I have a smaller company. That means that I can give you my undivided attention. While Mr. Styles here have a lot of projects going on at the same time, you and this building will be my only priority. As Mr. Styles so kindly pointed out, I have only been in this line of business for a couple of years but during that time I have worked really hard to get where I am today. Some of us don't have a father that just handed us something we didn't have to work for. You built your computer company from scratch. I'm sure you can relate. I promise you that not only will you get a job well done, but I will also go beyond that and make your building excellent."

"That's what I call a sells pitch. Congratulations Mr. Tomlinson. You just landed a contract." Mr. Everton grins and extends a hand for Louis to shake.

Louis stands up to shake his hand and glances over at Harry. He looks furious.

As soon as they're out of the room Harry turns to glare at him.
"You just hit a new low. That was unprofessional Louis."

"Not all of us gets everything handed on a silver plate Babycakes." Louis smirks.

Harry gasps from the use of the old pet name and his eyes turn black. He gets in Louis's personal space and jabs a finger against his chest.
"You have no fucking idea how hard I had to work to get where I am today." He growls.

"Your dad did all of the hard work sweetie." Louis says with a smirk.

"I'm talking on a personal level asshole!" Harry growls before he turns around and walks away.

Louis watches him leave. He's turned on right now. Thank God Harry didn't notice.

Harry forces himself to keep going. His inner Omega is screaming at him to run back to the Alpha and offer himself to him. He could smell Louis's arousal and can't hold back a whimper. A cold sweat is covering his forehead. Louis isn't straight? Damn!

He manages to get out to his car. The fresh air on the way there helps to clear his mind. It's not the first time an Alpha gets aroused around him and he's usually much better at controlling his inner Omega. Usually he hardly notices. His reaction to Louis has to be because of his evening activities for the last two weeks. He has to stop fantasizing about Louis when he masturbates. That's easy.

Except it's not, apparently. He really tries but his mind wanders off. He even calls his fuck buddy but he regrets it afterward and breaks it off once and for all. The sex was really bad. Had it always been that? He just came once and barely even that. Casper is one of those load and rolls off when he's done kind of Alphas. He didn't really care if Harry came or not as long as he had his orgasm. Very unattractive! Why the hell did he have sex with him multiple times over a period of months?

Well, it's hard to find an Alphas who's okay to fuck without knotting. Apparently that's a big deal but Harry has never been interested in that. It sounds painful. Not that he doesn't enjoy a little inflicted pain once in a while, he's always keen on a good spanking but he doesn't wanna be stuck to a sex partner after they're done. He just wants them to leave so he can go to sleep.

He sighs. Now he has to find someone new to have casual sex with. He's a really busy man. Searching for a sex partner doesn't fit his agenda. Maybe that's why he kept Casper around for so long. Well, it was time to break it off anyhow. The Alpha was getting too attached. He didn't take it well when he ended it. For a second there Harry thought he would use his Alpha voice on him but luckily he didn't. He has learned how to fight it. His dad used it on him all the time. No more.

On the other side of London Louis just stepped out of the shower. He felt good for landing an important client but maybe he could have done it without a jeer in Harry's direction. That was unnecessary.

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