Chapter 4-Fighting

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Three months go by and they meet each other on and off. Usually they're fighting over the same clients. Sometimes Harry wins and sometimes Louis lands the deal.

After an extra tough negotiation about the contract to build the new train station, that Harry got, Louis stops him outside.
"Congratulations. You were fierce in there. You deserved it!"

"I don't need your approval. I'm good at what I do." Harry growls.

Louis furrows his eyebrows.
"Learn how to take a fucking compliment Styles!" He growls back.

"Save your compliments for someone who cares. You're not getting in my pants, Tomlinson." Harry huffs.

"Why would I wanna fuck you? That's ridiculous!" Louis growls and glares at him.

Harry smirks.
"Well, your dick surely wants to. I can smell when you're turned on."

"Likewise." Louis winks and Harry blushes.

"Yeah right, there's no way you can smell me. Everyone else just gets the Beta booster. Who told you that I'm an Omega?" Harry huffs.

Louis looks really surprised.
"No one. You smell really sweet, like a mixture of roses, daffodils, and honey."

Now it's Harry's turn to stare at him in disbelief.
" do you know that?"

Louis rolls his eyes.
"Your smell surrounds me."

That's a weird statement.
"Yeah, right." Harry snorts.

They part ways after that.

Harry works hard for the rest of the week and he's exhausted. Constantly feeling the need to prove himself is stressful. His friend Niall calls on Friday to convince him to go out and get a beer and he accepts. He hasn't seen the Beta in ages. They met in Uni when Niall studied a semester abroad. Harry always kept to himself, afraid that anyone would find out he's an Omega but he couldn't resist Nialls Irish charm. He's the only one close to him that he told about his status and Niall is totally fine with it.

They head to a popular bar downtown. Liam is with them as well. They find a table and Niall orders them a round of beers.
"Long time no see mate. I thought we would hang out more now when we're actually living in the same town." Niall grins.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I've been crazy busy at work." Harry apologizes.

"All work and no play, huh? There's more to life than work Haz, or it should be. I worry about you, you know?" Niall says softly, eyeing his friend in concern.

"There's no need for that Ni." Harry sighs.

His nostrils flare when he catches a sniff of a very familiar scent, a mixture between smoky tobacco and cedarwood. He looks up and is met by two ocean blue eyes.
"Hi, Harry."

"Hi, Louis." Harry mutters and his eyes travel to the man standing bedside the Alpha. His eyes widen in surprise. A beautiful Omega with really great hair is watching him curiously.
"And who's this? Your boyfriend?" He blurts out.

Louis chuckles lightly.
"No, this is my friend Zayn."

"Are you trying to make me believe you're just friends with an Omega?" Harry questions and gets that he comes off rude but he's surprised.

"Why is that so hard to believe? You're friends with an Alpha." Louis snorts and tilts his head in the direction of Liam.

Who? Oh, even if Liam works for him he would like to consider him a friend. Maybe it's time that Liam stopped calling him Mr. Styles all the time?

Liam looks at Zayn with interest and the Omega blushes.
"Why won't you join us?" Liam offers and Harry growls internally. He can keep on calling him Mr. Styles.

Louis looks at him with a smile and raises an eyebrow to challenge him and Harry rolls his eyes at him.
"I bet you have better things to do."

"Nope." Louis grins, popping the P. He and Zayn takes a seat. Of course, Louis has to sit next to him. Harry scooches further away so their legs don't touch.
"I'm Niall by the way, Harry's friend." Niall introduces himself. He looks amused. He has followed their interaction with interest.

Louis shakes his hand and smiles friendly. Harry looks over at his assistant. He's chatting up Zayn. Harry had no idea that Liam swings that way but he's happy for him. The interest seems mutual. Louis leans it to talk to him and he involuntarily shivers when Louis' breath hits his neck.
"It looks like our friends are hitting it off."

"Good for them." Harry answers and takes a big gulp from his beer.

Louis gives him a pensive stare and Harry doesn't seem to be able to look away. His breath hitches.
"So how do you two know each other?" Niall asks and Louis breaks eye contact to look over at Niall instead. Harry's heart is beating fast. Why does Louis have this effect on him? His inner Omega is screaming at him again.

"We used to be friends until Harry moved to the States." Louis informs.

"Oh, you're that Louis? It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Niall grins.

Harry wants to murder him right now. Has he talked about Louis before? He can't remember. It must have been years ago, all the way back in Uni. What the hell has he told Niall?
"So Harry has talked about me?" Louis asks with a side glance at Harry.

"Years ago mate. Harry and I have known each other since Uni." Niall chuckles.

Louis still looks pleased and Harry fights the urge to smack him. It was years ago! He probably just mentioned him as an old friend back in England. No big deal.

Louis and Niall start to talk sports. Liam and Zayn are in their own little world and Harry feels left out.
"I'm going home." He announces.

"Already?" Niall immediately questions.

"I'm beat." Harry says.

"I should help you get home safely then." Liam says, finally focusing on something else than Zayn, but he's glancing at him as he says it.

"It's fine Liam. Stay." Harry smiles.

Liam seems to hesitate.
"Are you sure? It's my job..."

"And this is way beyond your regular work hours. Honestly Liam. Stay, enjoy yourself." Harry winks.

"I can take you home." Louis offers.

Harry turns to stare at him angrily.
"I'm no fucking damsel in distress. I'm more than capable to take a taxi by myself." He growls.

"Oh, look at the time. I have to get home as well. Problem solved. Come on Haz." Niall says and drags him with him by the arm.

"But..." Harry protests. Louis's eyes aren't leaving him, he's staring at him intensely. Harry is almost ripping his arm apart walking backward so he can look at the gorgeous Alpha.

"Honestly Haz, I thought the two of you were childhood friends, not lovers." Niall chuckles amused.

That makes him finally turn around and he stares at Niall with blushed cheeks.
"We've never been lovers!" He hisses.

"You could have fooled me." Niall grins.

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