Chapter 8-Souls

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He must have dozed off as well because he wakes up from someone whining "Alpha, fuck me please" in his ear.

It takes him a second to remember what's going on but Harry is on top of him, grinding his cock and licking his neck and his cock is already ready. So he grabs Harry's ass and spreads his cheeks so he can fuck him deep. Harry bites on his earlobe and moans in his ear and Louis is about to burst already. He wraps his arms around the Omega and plants his feet in the mattress so he can fuck him faster.
"Yes, so good. My Alpha." Harry moans.

Louis explodes from hearing him calling him his Alpha and his knot forms and pops in place. Harry comes hard and screams out his orgasm while he sprays their tummies. Louis's head is spinning and he's unable to collect his thoughts. Then Harry lets out a whimper and Louis immediately cups his cheeks and lifts his head to check on him. Harry is pouting, looking cuter than ever and Louis starts to giggle.
"I'm sorry that went so fast. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

Harry's green eyes pierce right through him before they flicker down to his lips. Louis hesitatingly raises his head and brushes their lips together and Harry immediately responds by pushing himself closer. They start to kiss softly. They're still connected through his knot and Louis has never been this intimate with anyone before. His stomach is doing this weird twist and his heart is beating really fast.

As soon as his knot goes down he turns them around and starts to push in and out slowly, taking his time. They're still kissing and Harry lets out a content sigh and buries his hands in Louis's hair. A shiver runs down Louis's spine. He has never had sex like this before. This would be considered love-making if he would put words to it. He's panicking. What the hell is this? But he can't stop. He doesn't want to. It feels too good.

He breaks the kiss and presses their foreheads together. Harry wraps his legs around him again and that pushes him in deeper. His head is buzzing. Harry's scent surrounds him and he realizes he's mumbling.
"My good Omega" over and over again and he can't seem to stop even when he's aware of his own words now.

Harry whimpers and Louis lifts his head to look down on him. Tears are pooling in his eyes, spilling over. Louis kisses his cheeks softly, his cute little nose, his lips. They're building up their climaxes slowly this time and he doesn't change his pace.

He just has to kiss him again and connect their lips. Harry kisses him back and tries to get closer even if their bodies are already pressed together.  
"Are you close?" Louis whispers against his lips, afraid to destroy this moment by talking too loud.

Harry nods his head slowly and if he hadn't been so consumed by everything that's Harry at the moment he would have missed it. The feeling in the pit of his stomach tells him that he's close as well and his knot starts to form again.
"Come with me. Okay, baby?" He whispers softly.

Harry lets out a small gasp and opens his eyes. They stare at each other. Louis doesn't know how aware Harry is at the moment but it feels like he looks right into his soul and he can feel his eyes tear up. They don't break eye contact and Louis gets to witness every change in Harry's face as he comes when his knot finally pops and he knows that Harry can see him too. They gaze at each other with eyes wide open while their orgasms wash over them.

Neither of them is loud. They both gasps when the climaxes but it's like they're afraid to break something fragile. Louis has never experienced anything like it. It's like their souls are connecting on a deeper level and as soon as he's coming down from his high he's panicking. He wants to get away but he's stuck, literally. Harry seems to sense his distress, which is kind of comical, since it's supposed to be the other way around, but Harry hugs him closer and strokes his hair and Louis buries his nose in his neck and breathes him in. His scent calms him and he relaxes. They fall asleep just like that.

They wake up a couple of hours later for another round but this time Louis flips Harry around and takes him from behind, afraid for another soul-shattering experience. Harry loves it tho, and begs him to go rougher so he gives him everything he got.

Louis loses track of time. There's so much sex. Sex and sleep, sleep and sex. Liam has brought them food just as he's about to chew on his own arm from how hungry he is. On the way to the bathroom to empty his bladder, he sees a basket in the hallway filled with food and he almost cries from how happy that makes him. He's drained. He takes a quick wee and brings the basket with him to bed.

Harry is awake again, begging for his cock and he can't let him wait. That's cruel. He lets him ride him while he hurries to eat something at the same time. It should be weird, like some crazy food porn movie but it's not. Harry is giggling between moans while he bounces on his cock and Louis can't seem to stop smiling, mouth full of food.

As soon as he got something in his empty stomach he takes over. He pushed Harry's arms over his head and keeps them there with one hand while he folds him in half and fucks him hard. They both shout out their orgasms when his knot finally pops and he pumps him full with semen.

Louis loves this. It's the best sex he has ever had and that scares him. Soon it will be over and he never wants it to end.

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