Chapter 13-Lovemaking

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He puts him down gently on the bed before he crawls on top of him. He takes his time admiring his beauty before he connects their lips and starts to kiss him softly. Harry wraps his arms around his neck and lets out a content sigh. Instead of adding tongue Louis kisses down Harry's jawline and mumbles compliments after every kiss. Harry tilts his head to the side to give him better access.
"Beautiful. Precious. Gorgeous. Wonderful. Sexy. Amazing. Breathtaking."

Harry giggles exhilarating and cradles Louis's face with both hands to be able to kiss him again. This time Louis slips his tongue inside and starts to explore Harry's mouth which makes the Omega moan softly.

Louis sits up and pulls his t-shirt over his head and toss it on the floor before he undresses Harry as well. He leans down and starts to trail kisses over his chest until he reaches one of his nipples and takes it into his mouth. Harry whines and ruts his hips. Louis smiled before he gives the second nipple his attention instead.
"I have two more." Harry pants out.

"I know love. Patience. That's just perfect. We could link them to some chains and stuff another time." Louis chuckles before he plays with the two lower ones.

Harry moans at the suggestion.
"I would love that!"

Louis smirks against his skin as he continues to trail kisses down his tummy. Harry's breath hisses when he reaches his bellybutton and licks it. It tingles.

Louis opens his trousers and pushes them down. Harry is nervous about his reaction to his underwear but he doesn't have to be. Louis lets out something between a moan and a grunt and inhales sharply.
"Oh fuck! Look at you Baby. I love your panties. So sexy!"

"Yeah? You like them?" Harry asks in a small voice, feeling insecure and shy.

Louis comes up to kiss him hungrily. He presses his hard-on against Harry's leg to show him how much he loves them. He ends the kiss and looks down on his precious Omega. Harry gulps from the sight of Louis' lust-filled eyes.
"I absolutely love them. So sexy."

Harry smiles relieved while Louis gets rid of his own pants before he's getting situated between Harry's legs. He creates a lovebite on Harry's hipbone before he slowly takes off his panties.

Once again Harry feels embarrassed for the slick that dribbles down his legs but he has no reason to. Louis licks a fat stripe up his leg to taste his slick and moans out loud.
"You taste amazing Baby."

Harry relaxes, at least until Louis reaches his hole and licks over it. He jolts up with a loud moan. Louis starts to eat him out and he cries out in pleasure. No one has ever done that on him before. It feels incredible! He's building up his orgasm in the speed of lightning and when Louis pokes his tongue inside he comes just like that.

Louis comes up to kiss him and he can taste his own slick. It turns him on and he whimpers. Louis kisses down his neck and he feels the slick drip down his legs again.
"Please Lou, inside! Inside!" He whines desperately.

Louis wastes no time. He stears his cock against Harry's opening and pushes in slowly until he bottoms out.
"Look at me love." He whispers and Harry immediately opens his eyes.

Louis gets to experience the kind of sex that opened his eyes for his soulmate during Harry's heat, except this time Harry is fully present and it makes it ten times more powerful. Hundred times more wonderful. They gaze into each other's eyes while Louis starts off slowly.

He goes deep and hard and Harry moans when he hits his bundle of nerves.
"I love you." Louis whispers. He doesn't want to break their sacred connection but he wants him to know that in this moment.

"I love you too." Harry whispers back.

Louis picks up the speed and Harry's breathing increases but he doesn't break eye contact.
"You're absolutely gorgeous." Louis pants out.

"So are you." Harry answers softly, barely audible.

"Are you close? Can you come for me? I want you to come one more time before I knot you." Louis says and thrusts deeper and harder.

Louis watches as Harry's facial expression changes. His mouth goes slack and his eyes are burning. He starts to tremble and Louis holds his own orgasm off so he can see Harry shatter underneath him. He doesn't have to wait long. A couple of deep thrusts later Harry comes and he gets to see his face up close as his Omega experiences a mindblowing orgasm.

Harry closes his eyes after that. This body goes slack. Louis slows down his thrusts. He caresses Harry's cheek.
"Are you with me baby?"

"Yeah." Harry breathes out.

"Do you want me to stop?" Louis asks, eyeing him in concern.

"No. Good." Harry says slowly. He's floating. It feels like an out-of-body experience but at the same time, he's focused on the pleasure he's feeling every time Louis hits his prostate. His whole body is on fire and the feeling is so intense that he starts to cry.

Louis immediately stops and cradles Harry's cheek again.
"Look at me, Harry. Am I hurting you? What's going on?" He asks, half panicking.

His voice sounds far away but Harry knows that he has to answer him. His mouth won't cooperate. He slowly opens his eyes and is met by Louis's wonderful blue ones, but now they're looking worried.
"So good. Sub...ehm..." He slurs.

Louis finally understands what is going on. He has read about this.
"You're in subspace?"

"Yeah...please...more...." Harry mumbles.

Louis starts to thrust in and out again, hesitantly at first but Harry gasps and arches his back so when he's sure he's actually enjoying it he starts to thrust faster and harder again, chasing his knot. He's been holding off his own orgasm for a while and it doesn't take much for his knot to form and he explodes.

The expansion makes Harry screech and he comes once more and Louis watches him in fascination as he moans out his own orgasm. Harry's whole body is shaking until he's finally still. He just lays there. His body spasms once in a while and he hardly breathes. Louis lays on top of him and rolls them to the side. He wraps his arms and legs around him and draws soothing circles on his back, waiting for him to come back to reality while he whispers words filled with love.

Ten minutes later Harry starts to stir and he looks at him as he slowly opens his eyes and blinks lazily.
"Welcome back."

"Oh, God. Incredible. Amazing. Never felt anything like it. Tired." Harry mumbles.

"I love you. Go to sleep." Louis says softly and kisses his nose.

"I love you. My Alpha." Harry breathes out before he falls asleep.

Louis holds him. He pulls out as soon as his knot goes down and Harry winches a little in his sleep. Louis pulls the cover over them, not caring about the semen that's sprayed all over them. He falls asleep as well with his Omega in his arms, safe from harm.

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