Chapter 15-Friends

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"Oh my God! We came as soon as we heard. Are you okay?" Niall screeches as he comes running into the living room after Louis lets him inside the house.

He hugs Harry, comforting him until Louis lets of a growl.
"Calm down doggie. We're just friends." Niall cackles and Louis stares at him in disbelief.

Harry starts to giggle.
"I'm fine Ni. Come here, sweetie." He says and pets the place next to him on the couch while he looks at Louis.

Louis comes over and glares at Niall.
"I'm not a dog!"

"You could have fooled me." Niall smirks.

"Oh stop it you two! Hi Liam. Hi Zayn!" Harry says with a smile.

They come to sit down as well.
"Hi Harry, Louis. So I just quit my job. No way in hell is I work for your dad, no offense." Liam says.

"None was taken." Harry smiles.

"So I hear congratulations are in order. You're pregnant? That's awesome." Zayn says and smiles excitedly.

Harry immediately puts a hand on his belly.
"Thanks." He beams and Louis kisses the side of his head affectionately.

Harry turns to look at Louis.
"You told them?" 

"No." Louis immediately answers.

"Yeah, no, your dad announced it at work. Ehm, I'm not gonna repeat what he said but let's just say I left immediately and so did a lot of others. They really liked you as a boss Harry." Liam says softly.

"They did?" Harry asks like he can't believe it.

"Of course they did." Louis answers instead and takes Harry's hand in his.

"Yeah, and I told Zayn and Niall. I'm sorry. I was a bit shocked." Liam continues.

"It's okay." Harry assures him.

"It's not fair! How come I was the last to know? I'm the Godfather for crying out loud!" Niall complains.

"You are?" Louis chuckles amused.

"Of course! You're all gonna make pretty babies and Uncle Niall will look after them." Niall grins.

Harry looks around.
"Yeah, our children will be gorgeous all of them."

"Speaking of children, Liam and I have an announcement. I'm also pregnant." Zayn says and blushes.

"What? That's amazing! Congratulations!" Harry shouts excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm happy for you." Louis says with a sunshine smile.

"Thank you." Zayn beams.

"How long gone are you?" Harry asks.

"Four weeks so we're not really telling anyone yet but I wanted you guys to know." Zayn answers.

"Zayn and I are mated." Liam says with a love-struck face.

"Really? You're just full of surprises. That's wonderful." Louis says.

He notices that Harry is pouting and puts his arm around him.
"So will we be when the baby is born."

"Why wait?" Niall questions.

"I want it to be an experience of a lifetime. We're waiting for our rut and heat." Louis informs him with a smirk.

"You're talking to a Beta. I don't get it." Niall huffs.

"We do." Liam chuckles and adds."You should wait for that."

That seems to calm Harry and he nuzzles his Alpha. He can wait. 
"So what are you gonna do now when you're not working for your dad anymore?" Niall asks.

"I don't know. It was never my dream to run a construction company. I guess I have to figure out what I would like to do. I really never had a choice in the matter." Harry answers thoughtfully.

"You will. We'll figure it out together. You can do whatever you want to sweetie." Louis promises.

"Yeah, I need to find a new job as well and fast." Liam sighs.

"You can come and work for me. When this baby comes I would like to share the responsibility for my company with someone I trust so I can spend time at home." Louis immediately suggests.

"Really? That would be awesome. Are you sure?" Liam asks with his mouth hung open.

"Yes, what do you say?" Louis asks.

"Absolutely, count me in! Thanks, Louis. I want to be able to spend time with my family as well." Liam smiles.

"Deal." They shake hands.

They spend the rest of the evening hanging out. Niall orders pizza for everyone and Harry and Zayn talk pregnancies. Harry is over the moon happy that he has Zayn in his life, another male Omega. He has never met one before. The fact that they're both going through their pregnancies at the same time is comforting.

Later that night when their laying in bed having a post-sex conversation Louis wraps his arms around his Omega and rests his chin on the top of his head.
"So do you have any dreams you want to fulfill?"

"I'm living my dream right now." Harry responds softly.

"That's...yeah, me too, but work-wise?" Louis asks and smiles happily.

"I have this idea but I don't know how I will do it or where to start really." Harry says with hesitation.

"Yeah? Wanna tell me about it?" Louis encourages, cooing internally over how cute Harry is.

Harry moves around in bed so he can look at his Alpha. He bites his lower lip, looking insecure. Louis brushes his thumb over Harry's lips and pulls his lips loose gently before he caresses his cheek with his fingertips.
"I would like to start a home for abused Omegas. Help them." Harry confesses shyly.

"That's such a great idea Haz! You're would be amazing at it. I'll support you all the way. We'll make it happen!" Louis answers excitedly.

"You would? You really think that?" Harry asks emotionally and gets a little teary-eyed.

"Of course baby." Louis answers softly.

"I'm so excited Lou! But first I would like to stay at home with this baby for a while. Is that okay?" Harry says with a shy smile.

"Absolutely! And when you're ready to start working I'll stay at home with the baby. We're in this together Love. You and me." Louis smiles.

"I love you so much." Harry says.

"Come here, darling. I love you too! So, so much." Louis says and opens his arms.

Harry lays his head on Louis' chest and holds him tightly. They fall asleep like that.

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