Chapter 11-Choices

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"You're pregnant! Congratulations!" The doctor says with a smile.

Harry almost faints.
"Are you sure?" He whispers.

"Yes, the blood work confirms it." The doctor says, eyeing him in concern.

"I...I need to get an abortion." Harry says with a shaky voice, trying his best not to fall apart.

"You don't have to decide that now. Take some time to think it through. It's a big decision." The doctor says looking worried.

"I don't have to think about it. I can't have a baby. When can I get the abortion?" Harry asks.

"A week from now? Make an appointment at the desk." The doctor says and sighs.

"Okay, thank you." Harry whispers and stands up on shaky legs.

Liam is waiting for him outside and He wises up from the sight of Harry.
"What's wrong Harry?"

"Nothing. Could you get the car? I just have to make another appointment." Harry answers.

Liam stares at him in concern but gets up and heads outside. Harry hurries over to the desk and five minutes later he goes outside with a new appointment for an abortion. He can't hold it together any longer. He breaks down crying as soon as he gets in the car. His whole body is shaking as deep sobs rumble through his body and he clutches his stomach.
"Harry! What's going on?" Liam asks.

"I...I'm g-getting an a-abo-ortion. I-it's fo-or the b-est." Harry sobs.

Liam immediately reaches over and pulls him in for a hug.
"Are you sure you want this? Have you told Louis?"

"No! H-he can't know. It's c-compli-icated." Harry cries.

"Oh, Harry." Liam sighs.

He drives him home and Harry goes straight to bed and cries his heart out. He takes a week off from work and stays in bed crying or telling his unborn child how sorry he is.

Suddenly his time has run out and it's the day of the abortion. Liam comes and picks him up. He's in no state to drive by himself. Liam lets out a gasp when he sees his boss. He's hollowed-eyed with dark circles under his eyes and he looks absolutely miserable.
"You don't have to do this Harry."

"I do." Harry whispers and gets in the back.

Liam looks at him through the rear mirror. Why is Harry going through with this when he clearly doesn't want to? Does he think that Louis wouldn't want the baby? Liam decides to find out. He drops Harry off at the entrance and asks him to wait for him while he parks the car. As soon as Harry is out of the car he calls Louis and prays to God that he'll answer. His prayers are heard and he stresses out what he needs to say.
"Louis, listen to me! You need to get in your car now and drive to the medical center at Blossom Street. Harry is about to do an abortion and I know that he doesn't really want to. You need to talk to him!"

Louis gasps.
"He's pregnant? With me?"

"Yes! Hurry! Blossom Street 28!" Liam shouts.

"Don't let him do it before I'm there. You hear me?" Louis yells. Liam can hear him running.

"Okay." He hangs up and hurries out from the car. To his relief, Harry is waiting for him by the entrance as he told him to. He looks irritated.

Liam follows him inside and sits with him in the waiting room. He glances at the clock. It's half an hour left until Harry's procedure. Louis better hurry.

Time goes by too fast and suddenly there are only five minutes left and there's no sight of Louis. Liam is cold sweating. His eyes grow wide when a doctor comes up to them.
"Ready Harry?"

"No!"Liam yells.

Harry looks at him.
"Ehm, we need to pray first!" He's panicking to come up with something.

"I didn't know you're religious." Harry says.

"Well, can't hurt can it?" Liam says with a nervous chuckle and grabs Harry's hand in his. He hopes Harry won't feel how sweaty his hand is.
"Heavenly Father, please look after Harry here and the unborn child in his stomach."

"Stop it! This is my choice, Liam. You don't have to make me feel worse than I already do." Harry hisses.

"If you feel so bad about it, why are you doing this? If it's about Louis, don't worry. Zayn told me that he loves children. He'll be happy!" Liam pleads.

"It's not about him. Stop! I have to do this!" Harry growls and stands up and walks away with the doctor. Liam watches them walk into a room nearby and close the door behind them. He's about to bust the door and hold the doctor hostage when Louis finally arrives.
"Where is he?"

"In there, I couldn't hold him here any longer." Liam says apologetically and points at a door.

Louis runs over and opens it. Two green eyes stare at him in surprise.
"Wait!" Louis shouts.

"I'll give you some time alone." The doctor immediately says and leaves the room.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks angrily.

Louis takes a seat next to him.
"Liam called me."

"Well, he's fired." Harry snorts.

"He's just looking after you. He's afraid that you're doing something you don't really want to." Louis says softly.

"There's no other option." Harry answers and his lower lip starts to tremble.

"Because of me? I would support you Harry, all the way." Louis says.

Tears spill over and Harry starts to cry. Louis immediately takes him in his arms to comfort him and Harry lets him.
"My dad would never let me have a baby. Then everyone would know I'm an Omega. I can't run a company then." Harry confesses.

Louis's heart breaks.
"Oh, Harry. Listen to me love, do you want this baby? Forget what anyone else would think or do. I'll fight them, especially your dad. This is all about you and what you want. If you want to have this baby I'll be there for you every step of the way. If you don't want it, because of reasons that only have to do with you, I'll support you as well."

He lets go of Harry and cups his face instead.
"Do you want this baby?"

"Yes. But it's not that easy." Harry answers with a shaky voice. Tears are still rolling down his cheeks.

"Why not?" Louis asks.

Harry bites his lower lip. 
"My dad won't allow it."

"He's not your Alpha Harry. I am." Louis says softly but still determent.

Harry breaks out in a dimpled smile. 

"If you want me to be?" Louis asks, eyeing him with insecurity written all over his face. 

Harry whimpers and crashes their lips together. The kiss tastes salty but Louis kisses him back lovingly. When they have to come up for air Harry looks at him with worried eyes.
"Is this because of the baby? I don't want you to be with me just because you feel obligated."

"I loved you first. I fell in love with you ten years ago Harry. You're my soulmate remember? You rejected me. Are you kissing me because of the baby?" Louis has to ask, afraid of the answer.

Harry's eyes grow wide.
"No! I feel such a connection to you, Lou. I love you. I had convinced myself that love is something I can't have. I'm sorry I rejected you."

"So, no abortion? Am I gonna be a dad?" Louis asks hopefully.

"You are. Thank you for stopping me from doing the biggest mistake I could ever make." Harry smiles.

"Thank you for wanting this baby." Louis answers and starts to cry.

Harry comforts him this time and hugs him tightly.
"Of course. It's our baby. You and me."

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