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Zayn and Liam have their baby a couple of weeks later, a beautiful girl. They name her Evie.

Three months later Louis and Harry have got the hang of parenthood, just in time for their rut and heat to come back. As soon as they feel the familiar signs they call Niall. He comes over right away, really excited that he finally gets to babysit. He has visited frequently so Darcy will feel safe with him. Plus, he adores her.

Harry has packed everything he can think of.
"This is her favorite stuffed animal. She can't sleep without it or her blanket. You have to sing Coldplay songs to her, do you know any?" Harry asks and stares at Niall.

Niall thinks he's kidding at first but when he realizes that Harry is dead serious he clears his throat and starts to sing.

One minute, I held the key
Next, the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

He raises an eyebrow and looks at Harry but he's looking at Louis instead, seeming unsure. Louis smiles amused.
"He did well, Haz. Darcy will love it."

Harry is eyeing Niall like he's trying to determined his faith.
"Geez, if I knew I would have to audition to sing bedtime songs I would have brought my guitar and prepared a number." Niall chuckles.

They spend ten minutes kissing and hugging their daughter before Niall can finally take her with him. Harry cries a little in Louis' arms.

They head for the bedroom after that. Louis has put rose petals all over the bedspread and Harry gasps in surprise.
"I want it to be special." Louis says.

Harry turns around and kisses him softly. They take their time getting naked. They have a long foreplay, waiting for their heat and rut to kick in for real and while they still have a clear mind they finally mate each other.

It's a beautiful and emotional experience for them both and they cry and declare their love for each other before their heat and rut kick in for real and they experience five days of mindblowing sex.

They get married six months later and a year after that Harry is pregnant again. He gives birth to a beautiful boy and they name him Damien.

Harry finishes his degree and fulfills his dream to open a home for Omegas. Louis supports him every step of the way.

They might not have known as teens that they would find this kind of happiness together. Moving back to England was the best decision Harry has ever made. Next best. Opening his heart to Louis is the best thing he has ever done even if he tried to fight it at first.

He loves his soulmates, his husband, the father of his children. He loves their children and he loves this life and he knows that Louis feels exactly the same way because he can feel his emotions now since they soul bonded.

The End

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