Chapter 12-Dating

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Six weeks go by and they see each other every day. Louis is courting Harry the old fashion way. Even if they're both modern men and he's all about equality he still wants to spoil his Omega and make sure he falls crazy in love with him. He has nothing to worry about. Harry lights up like a Christmas tree as soon as he sees him and Louis gets all jittery and shy and the butterflies in his stomach are big as bats.  

They go on dates or just spend time together at home in an effort to reconnect, which isn't hard at all. They use to get along really well growing up. Harry isn't his rude and bossy CEO persona and Louis loves that he gets to see the real Harry, his soft and caring side. He just melts from fluffy feelings whenever he's around him.

They're in a really good place emotionally and they have decided to take it slow to build a strong foundation. They both know that they belong together and that makes them both feel safe and comfortable around each other. The fact that they're having a baby together doesn't stress them out. They're both really excited.

They haven't had sex again. Just some really heated snogging sessions that left them both wanting more but there's no rush. They'll get there eventually and they're both looking forward to it. When you find your soulmate it's forever. It should be scary but neither of them thinks so.

They're currently cuddling in Harry's living room, watching a romantic comedy. Louis is spooning Harry from behind with a hand protectively on his stomach. Harry sighs and turns around and hugs him. Louis immediately wraps his arms around him.
"What's wrong love?" He asks softly.

Harry pulls back so he can look him in the eyes.
"Nothing. I'm so happy Lou. I can't remember the last time I felt this good. Or maybe I can, when we were teens. I was in love with you too back then." Harry smiles.

"You were?" Louis asks and smiles as well.

"Of course but you're two years older than me, almost three. I never thought you felt the same way." Harry says and blushes.

Louis leans into plants a soft peck against Harry's lips.
"I'm also really happy."

Harry is beaming, at least until his phone rings and he checks the caller ID. His mood drops in an instant and Louis holds him closer to calm him.
"It's my dad."

He hesitates before he finally presses the green button.
"Hi, dad."

Louis wrinkles his eyebrows when he can sense that Harry is getting more and more distressed. He caresses his arm while he listens to Harry's side of the conversation.
"I'm sorry we didn't get it. I know it's a big contract but we got the Andersons and the new stadium. Yeah, I'll do better next time, I'm sorry."

Louis is getting angrier and angrier. Has Harry's dad always treated him like this? He can't recall that he talked to him like that when they were kids. Is it because he's an Omega?

Harry takes a deep breath.
"I actually have some exciting news dad."

Louis stares at him in surprise. He's telling his dad about the baby? About him? His heart swells from how proud he is.
"No, it has nothing to do with the company, it's about me. I found my soulmate dad and I'm having a baby!"

Louis can hear Harry's dad scream on the other side of the line. Harry lets out a whimper. It doesn't sound like he's happy for his son. Louis hugs him tighter. He can really sense his distress now.
"It's Louis, you remember my childhood friend right?" Harry says. Louis loves his brave Omega with all his heart at that moment.

Harry gasps.
"Don't say that! No! It's my baby and Louis is my soulmate!"

His dad must have hung up on him. Harry bursts out crying. He's really upset and his inner Omega is in distress. Louis immediately takes him in his arms and hugs him close. He makes sure that Harry's nose is tucked in his neck where his scent is the strongest and lets out calming pheromones to ease him.

Harry is hyperventilating for a while and breathes in his Alphas scent. It works like magic. A couple of minutes later he has calmed down enough to be able to speak.
"He demanded that I get an abortion but I said no." He whines in despair.

"I'm so proud of you. You're so brave Harry. I love you and the little bean so much." Louis says, boiling from anger on the inside. Demanded? Hell no! Harry's dad has no saying in the matter. Harry is his Omega!

Harry looks up at him with a tear-drenched face.
"I'm so thankful that I have you, Lou. You make me feel safe and...I'm not ashamed of being an Omega when I'm with you. I actually like it. I love you."

Ashamed? Louis sees red. The only reason Harry would be ashamed of being an Omega is if someone told him that he should be and he has a pretty good idea who that asshole would be. Harry's previous behavior makes sense. His dad must have drilled him hard to make him suppress his Omega and act like a rude Beta instead.
"You're a wonderful Omega Love. You're everything I could ever dream of. Never be ashamed. Most importantly, you're an amazing person Hazza."

Harry just beams from the praising and Louis jumps up from the couch and picks him up bridal style and heads for the bedroom. Harry giggles.
"What are you doing Lou?"

"I'm gonna make love to you until you embrace every part of yourself. I'm gonna help you love the fact that you're an Omega, my Omega." He says with a husky voice but he stops in his tracks and looks down at Harry. "I mean, if you want to. If you think it's too early we can wait and just snuggle."

"I want to." Harry says softly with sparkling eyes, looking excited and Louis smiles. 

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