Chapter 9-Turmoil

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Five days have gone by. When Louis wakes up Harry isn't in bed with him. He panics for a second but then he hears the water running in the bathroom. So Harry is himself again? It's over. His stomach drops and he feels disappointed. That's just silly.

He gets up from the bed and looks down on himself. He's covered in dry cum. He makes a face and finds a towel and a bottle of water and tries to wipe away as much as possible.

The water in the shower is turned off and he hurries to cover up his lower region. They have been naked together for days but this is different. 

Harry steps out of the bathroom and freezes when he spots Louis.
"Oh, hi." He mumbles and looks down on the floor. He looks embarrassed.

Louis isn't having it. They just spent five days doing the incredible. He marches up to Harry and puts a finger under his chin and tilts his head up until their eyes meet.
"Are you okay?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, ehm, thanks for helping me through my heat. It wasn't scary at all." Harry says and blushes.

"You're welcome." Louis winks.

They gaze into each other's eyes and Louis can see when Harry puts on his facade. His soft features change and he's businessman Harry all of a sudden.
"I should get going. Thank you once again. You can use the shower if you want to. I'm gonna pack my things. I need to get back to London. I'll see you around."

"So that's how you wanna play this?" Louis asks with a pensive stare.

Harry's facade cracks for a second and Louis gets his hopes up but then he's back to his old manners again.
"It's not a game."

"No it isn't." Louis sighs. He collects his old clothes and walks to the bathroom to get dressed.

When he comes out from the bathroom Harry has put some clothes on as well and is packing his bag.
"So I guess I'll be going then. I'll see you around?"

Harry turns around to face him. He bites his lower lip.
"Yeah, bye Louis."

"Bye Harry." Louis says and walks out of the room.

They were supposed to check out two days ago. He knocks on Liam's door and he opens it right away.
"Ehm, he's fine now. Do you know where my bag is?" Louis asks.

Liam is eyeing him curiously.
"Are you okay?"

"Of course." Louis lies.

"I booked your room for a couple of more days so your things are still there." Liam informs him. He doesn't look convinced.

"Thank you." Louis says and fake smiles.

Liam looks like he wants to say something more but he doesn't. Louis waves goodbye and heads to his room. He takes a long shower to wash away the evidence from the previous days. His head is a mess. Everything is a turmoil. He has been with Omegas before, even helped a few through their heats. This was different.

He steps out of the shower and dries himself. He gets dressed and packs his belongings. He needs to get home and clear his head. He needs to talk to Zayn.

He doesn't see Harry or Liam anywhere and the lady in the reception tells him that his bill is taken care of so he gets in his car and drives back to London.

He comes home to an empty house and drops his bag by the door and sits down in his living room. He sighs and rubs his eyes in frustration. He picks up his phone and stares at it for a while before he calls Zayn.
"Hi mate! How was the retreat?" Zayn asks cheerfully.

"Unexpected." Louis answers.

"So I heard." Zayn chuckles.

Of course! Liam must have told him about him and Harry.
"How are things going with Liam?" Louis says in a snarky tone.

"Great! He's just wonderful, isn't he?" Zayn beams, totally missing the snarky comment.

"You two are really hitting it off, aren't you?" Louis asks, kindly this time.

"Well yeah, he' know..." Zayn answers.

"The One?" Louis questions.

"Yes." Zayn admits softly.

"Are we talking soulmates here? How can you be sure?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, ehm, I don't know Louis. I just had this moment when I could see things clearly. I just knew." Zayn tries to explain.

"Was it the same for Liam?" Louis asks. His heart is pounding fast.

"You have to ask him that but yeah, pretty much." Zayn answers.

"But, what if, ehm, what if you don't have a fucking revelation like that, or maybe you did but not from start, but maybe that too but like, years ago and you were too young to know what it meant and..." Louis rambles.

"Are you talking about Harry?" Zayn interrupts.

"What? Why would you think that? I'm just talking generally of course." Louis immediately answers and gulps nervously.

"Of course. Well, generally speaking, someone might have been scared or just oblivion." Zayn answers, sounding amused. 

"Scared of what?" Louis asks quietly.

"Well, hypothetically, if someone would find their soulmate at a really young age, that's scary. That's a heavy responsibility. Let's say that one of them then moved away? Talk about heartache. I would feel like half a heart without Liam and we just met." Zayn says compassionately. 

"He doesn't like me." Louis sighs, close to tears.

"That's not true. He's just trying to protect his heart. Talk to him." Zayn encourages.

"And say what?" Louis questions.

"Tell him how you feel." Zayn says.

"I can't do that! He would laugh at me. I don't even know how I feel!" Louis protests upset.

"Love is only for the brave Louis. Only for the brave." Zayn says softly.

As they hang up Louis remains on the couch and thinks about what Zayn just said. Love? Well, one thing is for sure. He's never been brave when it comes to the matter of the heart. He never told Harry that he loved him as a teen and he sure as hell won't tell him now! Love is stupid!

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