Wet [Leone Abbacchio]

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Warning: none

Requested by: blablamvc

One of my classmates was tested positive for the scary virus and now I'm under another quarantine for 14 days 😔✌️


The rain poured down outside. The city has been gloomy all week long and today it finally decided to rain. And oh man, it was one hell of a storm. It hasn't stopped all day long, pouring down on your poor city mercilessly. Thankfully, you were already home when it begun. Others weren't so lucky.

Looking out the window, you could see people running away to safety, most of them having their day ruined with this awful rain. Some stood next to shops, in hopes that the rain will stop very soon. But that was not the case – it has been almost four hours now.

But this rain didn't bother you at all. It was nice, you liked rain. What bothered you was the fact that your dear husband hasn't returned home yet. Sure, he was a busy man, being a part of the biggest mafia in Italy. But this was ridiculous! You just wanted him home and safe.

You knew he could be in the middle of a mission, or perhaps stuck somewhere with all this rain, but it still bugged you. Not knowing if he was safe always put you on edge.

Calling him would be an absolute mistake; if he was on an important mission your little call would ruin it completely. It has happened before and he was very angry at you. Even if those things happened, he would never stay mad at you for long. You were his weakness.

You had never met his teammates, or more like, his friends. Abbacchio always said it was for your safety – the less people knew about your relationship the less you were in danger. And you completely understood that, he was a part of the mafia after all.

But it was still irritating, hearing all kind of stories about them and never even meeting them. Abbacchio had promised you that one day, after all this deal with the mafia is over that he would take you out to meet them. You doubted it would ever happen though.

A small sound from your apartment took you out of your thoughts. Setting down your cup of hot drink, you rushed to the front door. Right there, soaking wet, stood Abbacchio.

"A-Abba!" you exclaimed, using the nickname you've came up with. Pulling the blanket that previously sat on your shoulders, you fastly wrapped it around the cold man. Jesus, he was so wet! (the comments better not be dirty or you're all going to horny jail)

The man only offered you one of his rare small smiles before dropping his bag to the side. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to guide him to the sofa. He gladly sat down with a small "oof".

"You're soaking! Why didn't you wait till it stopped raining, honey?" you whispered to him while you franticly searched for a towel with which you could dry him off. Opening yet another cabinet you finally found a good towel.

"I wanted to come back to you." Abbacchio's surprisingly soft words made you shocked. He was not the kind of person to show affection. He often kept his feelings to himself, and you didn't mind it; he had a difficult past. Yet, whenever he did, it always surprised you. Just like now.

You approached the man once again, a soft smile spreading across your lips. "You missed me? Aw, Abba, you're being so sweet~" you teased. He didn't reply and instead kept his small smile. You decided to enjoy it while it lasted. Using the towel, you begun drying off his hair, making sure to rub away the water away from every strand of his precious hair. Even so, you were very careful and gentle with it, making sure not to hurt him accidentally.

You saw the man close his eyes, slightly leaning in to your touch, always a sign he enjoyed it. Soft hums left your lips as you dried his hair. Small peaceful moments like this one weren't that common with you two. Abbacchio always seemed to be busy with work, often leaving you alone for days or sometimes even weeks. Yet, whenever he got home you always made sure to make him comfortable and happy. Once it was dry enough for you, you let him comb it.

"How was work today, dear?" you separated from him, in search for something else he could dress. You decided a simple t-shirt along with sweatpants was enough. Honestly, anything was better than the water-soaked clothes he currently had on.

"Normal, as ever."

You gave your husband a few moments to change his clothes before sitting next to him once again. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to his body and trapping you in. Abbacchio pushed his face into the crook of your neck and stayed still, simply enjoying your warmth and scent. Now it was your turn to wrap your arms around his neck and stroke his hair. He let out a low soft sound when you ran your hand through his hair.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Abbacchio."

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