Valentine's Day [Mista]

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Warnings: a bit of transphobia

Requested by: Ginger1457

Note: Reader is nb!

Mista? Being soft and protective of his s/o? More possible than you think.


Mista was a romantic man. He valued the people he went out with. He was a playboy - he could have anyone he wanted to. Yet, even if he changed his partners a lot, he was always very careful with them. He'd take them out on dates, pamper them with gifts and overall give them the best of his attention. But no one had stuck around for long. People came and go in Mista's life. He was searching for the right person.

And now as he looked at them, he could feel his heart skip a beat, his face reddening, and his thoughts getting fizzy. He knew they were the one – the one he could not go without. His one and true soulmate. Mista just couldn't stop thinking about them.

As you were finishing your drink, the boy kept staring at you, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. You were idly staring at the dark evening sky, relaxing against the cool night. Mista had taken you out on a picnic in the evening – it was Valentine's Day after all! It was a way to celebrate your (now) two-year relationship. And even if it was the middle of February, today was uncharacteristically warm and you had the chance to spend the night out. Mista always loved going out with you.

And as you finished your drink, at last, you looked over at your boyfriend, only to find him already staring at you, a look of pure happiness on his face. It made you blush.

"Mista! You're staring again!" you chuckled, smiling brightly at him.

He made a sound of acknowledgment before he pulled you closer to him, catching your lips in a soft kiss. You giggled lightly before melting into his touch, returning the kiss. He tasted of the strawberry cake you two shared earlier, you probably did too. Placing your hand on the back of his head, you tilted slightly to have a better angle. But before things could get even more heated, you pulled away. The absence of your lips against his brought a small frown to his face, yet he didn't say anything about it.

"It's getting late, dear. We should get going," you pointed out. Mista agreed with you, getting up in the process.

"Yea. Will you throw the trash out? I'll just gather our stuff and catch up to you." You gave him a thumbs up, stealing yet another quick kiss from him. He made an audible gasp, leaning in for a better kiss, but was disappointed when you ducked away. It made you giggle as you walked away to throw away the trash.

And just like that, your little mission was done. You couldn't stop smiling today. And you couldn't get Mista out of your mind. God, how were you so lucky? He was always very sweet and gentle with you, always-

"Hey, girly, what are you doing here all alone?" A sigh escaped you. You were not in the mood for this. Turning around to find the source of the voice, you weren't surprised the see the most Chad-looking teenager ever. Did he honestly have nothing better to do on a Friday night? You shot him a glare.

"Look, Chad-"

"I'm actually Brad."

"Whatever, it's the same thing. Look – go find something better to do. You're not going to get lucky." You walked past him in an attempt to get back to your boyfriend. Unfortunately, this boy was as annoying as one could be: he couldn't take "no" as an answer, so he did the only thing he could think of right now. Catching your wrist, he managed to stop you from walking away. Another heavy sigh left you as you turned around to glare at his dumb face once again.

"What do you want?" you hissed "Get lost already – I'm not interested!"

"Hey, hey, hey," he pulled you closer, despite your struggles "Such a pretty girl should be with someone like me, don't you think? I promise I would treat you as a-"

But you didn't even want to listen to him anymore. His words only managed to make you even angrier. You didn't pay attention to his first slip-up, but this one just angered you more. Your fist connected with his nose, surely breaking it. He stumbled back, his hands intuitively holding onto his bleeding nose as he tried to calm from the shock.

"What the- you fucking little bitch! - "

"First of all, Chad or whatever, I am not even a girl, and secondly, learn some basic respect for women." If glares could kill, this boy would have been gone long ago. "Now get lost before I fuck you up even more."

"Fucking hell, you broke my nose!" your threats fell on deaf ears as he regained his balance, looking at you with his teary eyes. You were certain you'd angered him now. But it didn't matter, you were ready to throw hands. "And what do you mean with... You're one of those freaks!" you physically cringed. " freak!"

As he advanced on you, you took a few steps back out of pure instinct. You saw him raise his hand, probably in an attempt to return your punch from earlier. But it was easy to dodge, you ducking to the side and letting him almost fall to the ground. However, he wasn't yet done with you, turning back and trying to launch yet another attack.

"Hey, friend," a voice made the Chad teenager freeze in his tracks. You knew who it was. "What do you think you're doing, huh?"

Mista was livid. When he saw the boy clinging onto you, he'd swore he'd punch his face in, but as he heard how he'd called you, Mista was sure he'd beat the shit out of him. Unknowingly to you, number five and three were already beside you, absolutely ready for action.

"Huh? And who do-" the boy turned around, to face Mista, but his words got stuck in his throat as he saw the barrel of the gun pointed at him. His face paled as he took a few steps back.

"You better fucking apologize to my lover before I shoot your kneecaps off." Mista's words were dripping with hatred, glaring at the boy. Chad was shaking. He was frozen in his place; he wasn't sure he'd be able to run away in time. But as he saw Mista teasing the trigger, he swung around to face you again, falling to his knees.

"Please, please, please, forgive me! I-I'm so sorry!" he sobbed, looking at you.

"Well, love, what do you think?" Mista smiled sweetly at you as if the thing he was doing was absolutely innocent. His smile made your heart melt.

"Hm...I'm not so sure," you tapped your chin, looking around dumbly. The boy wailed louder, sobbing out even more apologies. Mista chuckled low. God, this dude looked so desperate.

"Please, I'm so sorry! I'd do anything!"

"Oh, anything?" you smirked at that. "How about you give us some of your money and piss off? Go fuck yourself?"

Within a few moments, he had left you some of his money and had run away. Mista had chuckled at your idea and soon enough you were in his embrace once again. You relaxed, finally letting go of all the anger, melting into him.

"Thanks, Mista." You gave him a small kiss on his cheeks.

"No problem, sweet cheeks," he kissed you once again.

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