{NSFW} Ex [Kars]

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Warning: lemon

Note: high-school AU

Requested by: clara__vas

ahahah, imagine starting a one shot and then getting distracted which only leads to you forgetting you were writing and then remembering a day later? NO??? just me?

ok then ;( 


It has been more than a few weeks since you broke up with Kars. Fortunately, your breakup with the famous school bully wasn't spread around the school like a rumor. Anyone talking about it was purely just asking to be beat up. Plus, both of you had high status; you being a pillarwoman and Kars a pillarman. Humans shouldn't mess with you.

At first Kars was the perfect boyfriend – charming and strong. He was always kind to you, showering you in gifts or affection. Surely, he could be selfish sometimes, but you always managed to underneath his skin. Even if he tried, he couldn't be an asshole to you.

Or so you thought.

The changed weren't sudden. He would accidentally miss some of your dates, claiming he simply forgot. He wouldn't wait for you after class or school, wouldn't stay for long at your house.

You thought that was of course, because he didn't want to seem so soft. Well, that was until you decided to surprise him by paying him a visit during the weekends. Yet, instead of your loving boyfriend showering you with kisses, you found him showering someone else with kisses. You broke with Kars immediately.

It did hurt. Oh, it hurt a lot. But you decided to channel that pain with anger. Each time Kars'd try to approach you, you'd simply glare at him and walk away. He didn't deserve you. Not that the boy tried apologizing you. He was far too prideful to apologize. He would occasionally look at you during class, or from across the cafeteria.

You never thought he'd approach you again. You thought that it was all over.

Yet, here you are, trapped in an empty school room after classes. Kars' red eyes piercing yours as both of his arms rested on either side of you, trapping you in. No one had said anything yet, an uncomfortable silence in the room. The tension between you was so thick you could cut it with a knife. You were just glaring at the boy before you, while he just stood there, towering over you.

"What do you want?" you snarled, hardening your gaze. One of Kars' hands traveled to your waist, squeezing it gently while the other twisted around your back. You knew where this was going. Pacing a hand over his chest, you tried pushing him off. "We are over, Kars."

"I don't think you can take such decisions for both of us, (Y/N)." The words left his lips before he slammed them onto yours. You tried gripping onto his arms to pry them off of you, yet they still found their way underneath your shirt. It would be a lie to say you didn't enjoy this.

But you were still mad at the pillarman for cheating on you. Forcefully, you pulled away from the kiss, earning a low growl from his side. Kars' hands rested around your waist, stroking your skin with his thumbs.

"Why did you go and kiss others? You go and cheat on me then trap me here, obviously wanting more than just a friendly talk. You ignored me. You made me question myself! What do you want from me, you jackass?" you spit.

To no one's surprise, Kars' hand traveled up your shirt while the other held you in place. "I merely needed some time to think. I never wanted to cheat on you." He lowered his face onto your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin. Unconsciously your hands went around his head.

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