-The bell Rings, Cleaning time.-
*Reddo heads to the supply closet and gets out cleaning supplies*
*Iwahatsu is there, he pulls out a broom, and a box of cleaning wipes*
*Reddo walks over to him and reaches above him to grab a spray bottle* "Sorry excuse me.."
*Iwahatsu leaves without a word*
*Reddo sighs and thinks to himself* "Maybe Kangaeta is right...maybe I do like him..."
*Kangaeta comes running up*
*Reddo looks at Kangaeta* "Hey ready to start cleaning?"
*He pulls out his schedule.*
"I'm in... the support room, with... Ren Hyōmen, and Iwah-"
*His face drops a bit**Reddo looks at him* "What was that last one?"
*Kangaeta gulps*
"Iw-Iwahatsu..."*Reddo sighs* "Come on Kangaeta grow some confidence hes not that bad to deal with.."
"You're one to talk!"
*Kangaeta says rolling his eyes.**He smirks and teases* "Just make sure you don't make eye contact or you will see the souls of the damned through his eyes"
"Souls of the damned"
*Kangaeta laughs.*
"Well, I got to go"*Reddo smiles and heads to his cleaning quarters*
*Kangaeta walks into the Support room where Iwahatsu is talking to Hatsume*
*Ren looks up from his cleaning* "Hello"
"Hello, I'm Kangaeta"
*Kangaeta says holding out his hand.**Ren gently takes his hand and shakes it* "Im Ren Hyōmen, nice to meet you"
*Iwahatsu finishes his conversation and starts cleaning.*
*Ren continues cleaning*
*Hatsume starts tinkering with a bot on the table.*
*Ren scrubs the tables* "Hatsume we are supposed to be cleaning.."
"Yeah... and I'm your teacher! So I get to tinker all I like!"
*Ren sighs* "this is why this is the grossest class in the whole school..."
"Well, that and becau-"
*Iwahatsu is interrupted by the robot exploding.**Ren ducks under the desk as shrapnel goes everywhere*
*Iwahatsu sighs and starts cleaning himself off.*
"HATSUME! What have we told you about exploding robots!"
*Iwahatsu says angrily**Ren shakes under the desk*
*Iwahatsu starts cleaning the ashes off the floor and tables*
*Ren comes out from under the desk*
*Kangaeta helps him up*
*Ren stumbls and leans against him* "Sorry...I lost my footing..."
"That's fine..."
*Kangaeta says a bit cheerful**Ren looks around and sighs* "Geez..."
*Hatsume sits up*
"What happened?!"*Ren facepalms* "It exploded again...."
*Iwahatsu yells**Ren jumps at his tone of voice*
*Kangaeta picks up a broom and starts picking up the pieces.*
*Ren shakely sits on the desks*
*Hatsume walks over.*
"There there Ren, I didn't mean to scary you..."
*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes.*
"Why are you in the hero course If you are so scared?!"*Ren shakes* "Im m...more of a support key...then...a h...hero..."
"Then why are you in the hero course?"
*Kangaeta asks.**Ren sighs fidgeting with his fingers his words trailing off to a small whisper* "i..um.."
*Iwahatsu growls*
"COME ON DUMB ASS!"*Ren shakes harder tears begin well up in his eyes*
*Kangaeta sneers*
"IWAHATSU, DO YOU EVER NOT YELL AT EVERYONE?! Most people have literally known you for barely one day. And they already know that your personality is a flaming trash can."
*Iwahatsu squints at him.*
"I can be caring if I want to be yellow haired Bastard and you know that"*Ren begins crying with all the shouting he ducks underneath the desk*
*Kangaeta sighs and pulls him out and hugs him.*
*Ren clings to him sobbing into his shoulder*
*Hatsume sighs and walks over to the back room. she then comes back out with a toy*
"Here, Ren"*Ren takes it and looks at it calming down a bit*
*Kangaeta sighs and starts going back to cleaning.*
*Ren holds the toy close breathing in and out to calm down*
*After he calms down Hatsume takes it. She then puts its back just in time for the bell to ring. Iwahatsu and Kangaeta walk back to class.*
"She keeps blowing up that damn room."*Reddo walks out making his way back to class*
*Kangaeta was about to say something, when Reddo catches up*
"Hey Kangaeta!"
*Iwahatsu looks over at him, he then sighs annoyed*
*Kangaeta calls**Reddo smiles and looks at Iwahatsu*
*Kangaeta hangs onto him by holding his shoulder.*
"Where did you clean dude?"*Reddo sighs* "With Waka and Kumo but thankfully Waka didn't show up her nose is broken and she's still in the nurses office, and Kumo he kept trying to trip me but then I spitted on him and he screamed "EW HOMO SPIT!" haha it was fun..."
*Iwahatsu snorts a bit*
*Reddo looks at Iwahatsu giving a kind smile*
*Kangaeta nods towards Iwahatsu and gives him a smirk*
*Reddo looks at Kangaeta and mouths blushing a bit* "Hush you..."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...