*Iwahatsu walks into the classroom with the others.*
*Reddo follows in and sits down at his desk*
*Class begins, then the end of the day comes and goes. Iwahatsu is walking out to the front gate*
*Reddo walks out and looks at Iwahatsu*
"What you looking at Bean Paste"
*Redd shrugs* "N..Nothing! Shadow the hedgehog.."
*Iwahatsu scoffs and they walk out of the gate. Reddo's brother is there along with Bakugo.*
*Reddo sighs then smiles seeing his brother*
*His brother walks up and gives him a hug.*
"How was your first day?"*He hugs back* "Eventful.."
*They get Into the car and head off. Iwahatsu walks up to Bakugo.*
"Hey Papa Baku"*Bakugo turns to him* "There's my boy, how was your first day of school?"
"It was boring for the most part"
*Iwahatsu says getting into the car with him.**Bakugo gets in the driver seat* "Make any friends?
"As normal, you ask that on the first day. No!"
*Iwahatsu says as he clicks the seatbelt.**Bakugo smirks* "What about that brown haired kid you were talking to? He seems like a friend.."
"He's just an annoying prick."
*Bakugo continues to smirk* "Thats what I first thought about Kirishima but look at us now.."
*Bakugo laughs* "Im saying if you give it a try you may find the one.." *he teases*
*Iwahatsu looks at him with rage*
"IM NOT GAY, YOU PERVERTED ASSHOLE!!"*Bakugo laughs* "Im not saying you are.."
*Iwahatsu huffs a bit*
"If I were to be looking for someone, I'd wait till month before or around summer vacation"*Bakugo sighs* "Alright alright son.."
*The rest of the drive is silent. When they get home Kirishima hasn't gotten home yet. Iwahatsu fixes a lunch for the next day. then sits down at the table and starts working on his studies.*
*Bakugo begins cooking dinner*
*Kirishima finally comes home, then he walks to the kitchen.*
"Bakugo...."*Bakugo looks up from his cooking* "Kirishima you ok? You look defeated.."
*Kirishima nods*
"It was a long day"*Bakugo turns to him* "Well sorry to hear that, but dinner is almost ready.."
"We better be having something with meat!"
*Kirishima says walking into the dinning room. Iwahatsu is still at the table.*
"Hey Papa Kiri"*Kirishima smiles and ruffles his hair* "Hey son how was school?"
"It was... eventful"
*Iwahatsu says removing Kirishima's hand.**Kirishima stands over Iwahatsu watching him do his studies* "Ah how so?"
"If you remember Kaminari... Kangaeta his son goes there... he made some Homophobe come to my table. He then had him say that he's a Homophobic bitch. Then he had him throw a sword."
*Iwahatsu says looking up at him.**Kirishima covers his mouth trying to keep from laughing* "E..Excuse me...he did what?"
"He made him throw the sword and it stuck into my table"
*Iwahatsu sighs*
"Now... LET ME DO MY STUDIES YOU RED HEADED ROCK!"*Kirishima clears his throat* "alright alright.."
*Kirishima walks into the kitchen*
"Bakugo..."*Bakugo looks up from cutting leeks* "Yes dear?"
*Kirishima looks and leeks and looks upset*
"Leeks??... nevermind that, Remember Kaminari"*Bakugo looks at him raising an eyebrow* "Dunce face? What about him?"
"He has a kid"
*Kirishima says walking over then rest his head on Bakugo's shoulder**Bakugo continues to chop leeks* "yeah I know..."
"He made a kid throw a sword.."
*Kirishima says hugging him**Bakugo puts down the knife and bursts out laughing* "WHAT!?"
"I had a hard time not to laugh. I think it's fine, as the kid was a homophobic prick."
*Kirishima says starting to rub Bakugo's chest gently enjoying his presence and warmth**Bakugo smiles slightly and kisses Kirishima's cheek* "Whatever then"
*Kirishima smiles and starts rubbing his face into Bakugo's.*
*Bakugo smirks as he cooks*
*Kirishima kisses him lightly, Bakugo finishes making dinner. He brings it out as Iwahatsu puts away his books.*
*Bakugo sets a plate down in front of Iwahatsu* "Tonight's dish, Kakuni. Eat up."
*Iwahatsu looks very happy, so does Kirishima. Iwahatsu thanks the food, picks up the plate and starts scarfing it down. Kirishima does the same thing.*
*Bakugo smiles* "Glad you two like it I'm testing out a new recipe."
*Kirishima becomes starry eyed.*
"I can tell~"*Bakugo smirks and eats his meal*
*Dinner is finished and Iwahatsu does the dishes.*
*Bakugo smirks, as he enters the room. Kirishima walks in as well*
*Kirishima heads to the fridge, swinging open the door taking out the whip cream. Iwahatsu finishes the dishes and grabs the energy powder. He walks out as he takes off his shirt.*
*Kirishima and Bakugo snuggle into each other. Bakugo, being the taller one, rubs his head into Kirishima's.*
"I remember when you were only a couple centimeters taller than me... now look at you!"
*Kirishima says looking up Bakugo. Kirishima stands at 5' 11" where Bakugo stands at 6' 3". Bakugo smirks with a chuckle.*
"Of course, I just wonder how tall that one is going to be"
*Bakugo says motioning towards the basement where the training room is Iwahatsu in.*
"Oh... yeah... he is going to be tall"
*Kirishima says looking towards the stairs to the basement. Bakugo picks up Kirishima and carries him towards the bedroom. As they pass the stairs to the training room. They can hear Iwahatsu going to town on the weights*
"Good grief..."
*Bakugo says**Kirishima gets down and peeks in the training room* "Wow he's upped his weights, that's the 2nd time this week, he can almost lift over half more as I can if he keeps this up."
"Can't he lift like 280?..."
*Bakugo says looking down the stairs.**Kirishima nods* "Like father like son~"
*Bakugo smirks and swoops Kirishima up and carries him into the bedroom. Iwahatsu gets off the machine and he adds another 5 to the 280*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...