-Monday-*Iwahatsu walks into the school gates*
*Reddo walks up to the gates as well* "Finally glad to be back at school?" *he asks looking at Iwahatsu*
"I guess"
*Iwahatsu grunts as he walks in**Reddo follows him in*
*Iwahatsu walks into school and sees Waka and Kumo. Kumo looks heavily uncomfortable with Waka near him.*
*Kumo attempts to back away from her* "Give me some space please..."
"No baby~"
*Waka says getting closer**Kumo clears his throat, and asks politely once again* "Please Wakareru..I need some space.."
"Nah, come with me~"
*Waka says grabbing Kumo's collar**Kumo gulps and basically lets her drag him* "Where are you taking me?"
*The two walk out of the room. Iwahatsu rolls his eyes and sits down.*
*Reddo watches them leave the room with a confused look and takes a seat at his desk*
"She's going to go do what she does"
*Iwahatsu says pulling out his work.**Reddo snorts* "Most likely."
*Kinzoku walks sees Iwahatsu and smiles*
*Kinzoku walks over to Iwahatsu* "Hey."
"How have you been?" *He smiles*
"I've been fine... we saved the capital"
*Iwahatsu says checking his work*"Thats pretty cool!" *He says. Then he sees Ashton walk in the room* "Hey Holt who was that cute girl you and Yasei were talking to when I walked by in the hall."
*Ashton looks at him* "Oh that was Yaseis twin sister, Kopīshifu...she just started today.."
"What? He has a twin?! Why hasn't he talked about her!"
*Kinzoku says with shock.*
"They weren't born together"
*Iwahatsu says eating an iron ball.**Ashton sneers a bit* "She was formed when he was cut in half after he was pronounced dead from a brain hemorrhage caused by a head injury that you gave him..." *He glares slightly at Kinzoku*
*Kinzoku gulps a bit, then he looks like he remembers.*
"Oh... right... I forgot... I was there when you guys said he had came back..."
*Kinzoku says looking at Iwahatsu.**Ashton nods growling a bit* "Yasei may have said he forgave you for that but I can sense the tension is still there..so if you're thinking about asking Kopīshifu out you better think twice.."
*Kinzoku sighs a bit*
"For all I know she probably knows you..she has all Yaseis memories except ones involving me because I came after.." *Ashton says sitting down*
"Where was she placed?"
*Iwahatsu asks.*"Class 1-B with Yasei.." *Ashton answers flicking his tail*
*Iwahatsu says looking up**Kinzoku walks over to Ashton* "I also noticed something else..something on Yaseis hand. A ring did you Propose to him?" *He smirks*
*Ashton becomes flustered and his tail puffs up* "I didn't propose! Its a promise ring, honest!"
*Iwahatsu ignores them.*
*Reddo chuckles listening to their conversations. He chimes in* "I dont know Holt the ring kinda looked like a engagement ring."
*Ashton shoots him a flustered glare* "You! You stay out of this with your assumptions!"
*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes trying to ignore them.*
*Kinzoku laughs* "Come on Holt we are just messing with you!"
*Ashton lets out a low growl*
*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes again.*
*Kinzoku laughs again* "Alright Holt dont need to get all hostile, I'm done talking about it."
*Ashton sneers* "You better be its bad enough I get made fun of on the Rumor Mill...last thing I need is my classmates teasing me as well.."
*Iwahatsu grunts looking up**Ashton looks at Iwahatsu* "What?"
"RumorMill post?"
*Iwahatsu squints**Ashton nods slowly* "Yea.."
*Iwahatsu pulls out his phone. He then pulls up RumorMill*
*As his phone loads the page it becomes flooded with all kinds of posts, everything from the recent villain attacks on the school to who is dating who*
*He puts in 'Ashton Holt' into the search bar*
*As it pulls up the page, thr first two rumors stick out titled 'Monster is dating a manslut' and 'Freak show is planning mass murder'*
*Iwahatsu sighs and clicks the second.*
*The rumor reads, 'I have proof that Ashton Holt of class 1-A is planning a mass murder on everyone in the school. It all started when I found a mysterious flash drive in the boys bathroom, naturally I got curious and plugged it into my laptop. I opened the flash drive document that was titled Holt in English and when I did it was about Ashton Holt! The freak show who cant control his rage! Haha! It says he went under genetic modifications to look the way his does now. He was also planned to be a mass genocide weapon and still has those tendencies in his mind! Its only a matter of time before he blows up so be careful and stay away from him unless you have a death wish!'*
*Iwahatsu grits his teeth*
"ASHTON CHECK YOUR POCKETS!"*Ashton stands and digs into his pockets, his eyes widen* "No...no no! Shit! The flash drive! Where is it!?" *He frantically starts looking for it in his desk and book bag but doesn't find it*
*Kinzoku looks at them* "What's wrong...?"
*Iwahatsu presses on the '...' in the corner of the post and reports it.
Contains government secret information, must be taken down immediately
*Iwahatsu then goes into the profile of the student. He finds their class and teacher. He writes it down, then he reports the rumor for having government secret information. Iwahatsu gets up and runs out of the door.**Ashtons tail puffs up and follows Iwahatsu on all fours* "Why are we running!?"
"I am grabbing my school hero suit... a guy found your flash drive in the bathroom... he posted what's on it on RumorMill. I reported the post and tracked down the student before it got popular..."
*Iwahatsu says running down the hall.*"Thank you Iwahatsu I owe you one.." *Ashton sighs with relief, running alongside with him*
*Iwahatsu runs into the locker room. He quickly gets fully dressed in his hero suit. He then starts marching to the general studies class E-1*
*Ashton follows him, nervously*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...