*Iwahatsu pulls out his phone, there's a message from a news Website.*'Another attack on UA: June 7th, 2418.
There was another attack at UA high. The hero's Shoto, Deku, and Ingenium have been taken down. There were 2 explosions in the base of the building. One of them took down Deku and Shoto. The other took down Ingenium, unfortunately... Deku and Shoto will be out of the service for about 2 months. Ingenium will have to return to France for recovery. Unfortunately Ground Zero and Grenadier seemed to have disappeared.This report will update if anything happens'
*Iwahatsu growls*
"FUCK"*Honō looks at him* "What's wrong?"
*Iwahatsu growls, Kangaeta shoots up from slumber.*
"AH!! Happened?! Papa Hitoshi?"*Shinso wakes up* "What happened!?"
"The attack that was on Friday! You didn't tell me that Shoto, Deku, and Ingenium were taken down!"
*Iwahatsu says towards Kangaeta**Kangaeta sighs* "I dont remember what happened I was asleep.."
*Iwahatsu sighs.*
"Damn it..""I'm sorry.." *Kangaeta sighs*
"It's fine..."
*Iwahatsu sighs**Honō looks at them* "What's been going on at UA?"
"Sense the beginning of the year... they have been getting bombings"
*Shinso sighs.*"I don't know if my men were involved with that.."
"They are definitely not..."
*Iwahatsu sighs, as he thinks about what's going on. He thinks about the guy who was running through the walls.*
"Who the hell was that..."
*Iwahatsu says quietly**Honō looks at him* "You seem distressed.."
"There was this one guy who was running through the walls..."
*Iwahatsu sighs.*"A permeation quirk.." *Honō says*
"Yeah... just like lemillion from years ago..."
*Iwahatsu says as he starts rubbing his head.*"I've heard of him..but just mention nothing more.." *Honō says looking at Iwahatsu*
"He was SunEater's husband. The two have a daughter... poor thing... she was really young when he disappeared... she's about 10 now... I gave her a framed photo of her dads. One morning... I walked into her talking to it..."
*Iwahatsu sighs and a tear starts swell in his eye.*"Poor thing..I can relate to having a parent missing in the picture.." *He says with sadness in his voice*
*Iwahatsu pats his shoulder wiping the tear.*
"Ok, but we need to figure out where we are going to go after we find a new HQ"
*Iwahatsu sighs.**Honō looks at him* "I may know a place if you dont mind the risk."
"What's the place? And what's the risk?"
*Iwahatsu squints.*"An old abandoned hideout of ours..risk is possibly being used again I'm not sure.."
"Hm, I'll get in contact with Ground Zero."
*Iwahatsu stands up and walks out.**Honō watches him*
*Iwahatsu walks over to Kangaeta before he leaves.*
"Ask him if he is lying about anything."*Kangaeta nods walking over to Honō* "Are you lying about anything you said to us?"
*Honō looks at him and sighs* "No." *his eyes go dulls as Kangaeta takes control*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...