-Time Skip to: March 20th, last day of school.-*Nothing of interest had happened. The murderer was found and arrested. The guy had got into the school gates through a hole in the security system. Later down the road Iwahatsu got closer to Reddo and making him bentos. So rumors of Iwahatsu and Reddo dating have sprung up. But they dismissed them several times. They would question it and he would say that he was trying to be nice to him. They would roll their eyes and carry on with what they were doing. The end of the school year is upon them and the final exam are taking place. Iwahatsu is sitting in class already completed his exams just waiting for the bell to ring. He is tapping his fingers on the desk watching the clocks hands spin slowly around the face.*
*As the bell finally rings, Aizawa stands in front of the door* "Just a minute students, I want to thank you all of this year each and every one of you all showed me that you all are one step closer into becoming great heroes, I know we had some hardships and some loss but with strength and hope we can push on. See you next year." *Aizawa moves out of the way and opens the door for them. He then takes the tests as they walk out one by one.*
*Iwahatsu stands grabs his stuff and walks out the door*
*Reddo grabs his things and heads out the door he sighs with relief*
*They walk to the front as they do, people are giving them the normal looks. As they reach the front the Hatsu Gang catches up. Which contains Kinzoku, Yasei, Ashton, Honō, Kangaeta and Kūki.*
*Ashton holds Yaseis hand* "We did it guys we survived a year at UA.."
*Honō smirks* "I somewhat did heh."
*Kūki smiles* "What's the plan for break guys? Wanna hang out one day or what?"
*Iwahatsu grunts a bit.*
"We will see. Classes start again with a month."*Kūki nods and smiles* "I know but we have a month to hang out."
*Yasei moves closer to Ashton* "A month with this big boy is gonna be a good one~"
*Ashton becomes flustered* "Y..Yasei.."
*Kinzoku rolls his eyes* "TMI guys!"
"Pah, your crush on Layla is too much information"
*Iwahatsu grunts as they stand at the front doors**Kinzoku blushes* "How did you find out!?"
*Ashton chuckles* "Its kind of obvious Kinzoku..the way you always look at her."
*Reddo says looking over at him**Kinzoku grunts biting his lip* "Oh hush you!"
*Ashton laughs flicking his tail* "Its the truth!"
*Iwahatsu walks out the door.*
*They all follow Iwahatsu out the door. Ashton smiles a bit then a scent catches his noise he immediately looks behind him. He sees Yugeketsu staring at them with an blank look*
*Yugeketsu walks closer to them*
*Kinzoku places a hand on his shoulder*
"What's up dude?"*Yugeketsu looks at him* "Not much, just heading to Tsubasas shrine to maintain the flowers and clean it up a bit."
*Ashton keeps sniffing silently, squinting at Yugeketsu*
*Yasei looks at Ashton*
"Uuh, what's up?"*Yugeketsu walks away from them heading to the shrine*
*Ashton whispers* "I'm picking up two scents coming from him..but I can't put my finger on it.."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...