Chapter 35 | You Go Relax |

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*Ms. Thompson follows them as they enter inside the station*

"Thompson, I hope that your baggage survived"
*Iwahatsu says*

*Ms. Thompson sighs* "I hope so too..they wouldn't let me get my things hopefully they contact me later today to retrieve my baggage.."

*Iwahatsu nods and starts talking to the front desk lady. Bakugo grabs her shoulder.*
"Did you use the company issued legal document case?"

*She nods* "Yes Sir."

"Good, it's fine if your clothes burn. But the documents would be the worst. Especially with what we need right now. "
*Bakugo walks up and starts talking to the desk lady with Iwahatsu. Then Kirishima walks up to her*
"Hello Thompson, I hope you got here safely"

"Other than almost getting trampled, I say I arrived fine.."

*Kirishima says confused*

"There was another bombing sir on the train I was traveling on.." *She sighs*

*Kirishima looks absolutely mortified*

"I dont believe there were any casualties just minor injuries..."
*Thompson says*

*Kirishima hugs her*
"I'm sorry, if you need to... you can go to one of the hot springs... we will take care of everything... SunEater can you take Thompson to a local relaxation area?"

*Amajiki walks up to them and nods*

*Ms. Thompson hugs back* "Alright I'm sure a few hours of relaxing won't hurt.."

*Her and Amajiki walk outside*
"So SunEater, how do you know the heads?"

*Amajiki looks at her* "I..I went school w..with them.."

"Really?! You went to UA, it must had been interesting to grow up around those two."
*Ms. Thompson says with a smile.*

*Amajiki nods* "I...I was a t..third year w..when I..I met K..Kirishima.."

*She smiles a bit*
"Ah, when he was young... what was he like"

*Amajiki fiddles with his hood* "He..he was a...always k..kind giving o..out complements...and e..encouragement...unfortunately in m..mind I..I couldnt d..distinguish be..between c..complements and i..insults.."

"Oh really?"
*She says bit concerned*

*He nods* " anxiety had me h..hate him f..for no reason...but o..over time I..I fought against and learned t...that he was j..just trying to build confidence..."

"Oh well, at least you learned"
*She says happily*

*He nods* "H..Hes a g..good friend.."

"And a wonderful husband"
*She chuckles*

*He nods fiddling with his hood*

"So, where does your anxiety stem from?"
*she says taking his hand*

"I..Ive always had t..this problem..especially large c..crowds I..I just g..get afraid..o..of being insulted.."

"You shouldn't worry about that. As long as you do your best, no one can take that from you."

*He nods*

*They enter the hot spring area.*

*Amajiki walks over to the front counter* "H..hello.."

*The man at the counter smiles lightly.*
"Hello SunEater, you back for another private bath?"

*Amajiki shakes his head* "Maybe l..later but this is Thompson s..she would like a p..private bath and a..anything e..else she w..would like can put e..everything u..under account.."

*The man nods and pulls out a robe for her.*

*Amajiki looks at Thompson* "I...I'll return in a..a few h..hours.." *She nods and enters the hotsprings main lobby as he exits heading back to the station*

*He enters the station and Bakugo and Kirishima are filling out paperwork. Iwahatsu is doing an inspection of the cells and security*

*Amajiki goes back to his corner*

*By the time the inspection finishes and the reassignment of the build finishes. 5 hours had passed.*

*Ms. Thompson had already returned from her relaxing hot springs visit and is talking with Kirishima and Bakugo*

*Amajiki watches them in silence*

*Iwahatsu walks over and sits next to Amajiki*
"Shouldn't you go get Tsukatōshi?"

*Amajiki looks at the time* "I..its about t...that time..."

*Iwahatsu nods*
"Should I come with you? After the train attack you should have a second hero with you."

*Amajiki nods and heads out the door walking towards Tsukatōshi'sschool*

*Iwahatsu walks by his side scanning the area out of habit.*
"So, where did Tsukatōshi go yesterday? She said she was at school. But it was Sunday."

"I..Its a s..special c..class for her...she h..has a s..small l..learning problem.."

"Ah, I see."
*Iwahatsu says as he scans back towards him*

"S...she was f..falling behind a few c..classes g..going to school on S..Sunday w..was a s..small compromise.." *He says looking around*

*Iwahatsu nods*
"Have you gotten her assessed?"

*He nods* "S..she has
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder..shes engaging her classes but s..she tends to interrupt the senseis.."

"Ah, ADHD... do you have her medicated?"
*Iwahatsu asks looking forward*

*He nods* "She t..take a pill every morning s..she wakes up t..then one at school.."

*Iwahatsu and Amajiki walk around a corner and there is the school.*

*Amajiki stands at the front gates a begins to do countdown with his fingers as soon as he gets to one a flood of children come pouring out of the school*

"Wow, that's good timing"
*Iwahatsu smirks*

*Amajiki nods smiling slightly*

*Tsukatōshi comes running dragging her school bag on the ground* "DADDY!!!"

*Amajiki picks her up*

*Tsukatōshi giggles in his arms and looks over at Iwahatsu* "Hi!~"

*Iwahatsu says as he turns*

*She giggles* "Daddy today in class we learned about weather!"

*Amajiki talks to her as they walk back to the station*

"Where are we going daddy?"

"W-we are headed t-to a police s-station. Grenadier h-here has opened t-the Baku'ishima headQu-quarters. It's a temporary l-location... but i am helping"
*Amajiki says holding her tightly*

"Okay!" *she smiles*

*The three of them walk to the station.*

*As the arrive Tsukatōshi skips inside and walks up to Ms. Thompson* "Hello!!"

*Ms. Thompson looks down at her.*

"Im Tsukatōshi! What's your name?" *she smiles*

"I am Madison Thompson, please call me Thompson."
*Ms. Thompson says picking her up*

*She giggles* "That's a neat name!"

"Thank you, I am going to hand you back to your dad, ok?"
*Thompson says walking over to Amajiki*

*She nods reaching for Amajiki*

*Amajiki takes her*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First YearWhere stories live. Discover now