-Cut to Kirishima in the office.-
*Kirishima is working on his computer. Tenki is behind him near the big window. Playing with a few toys from the Child Care area of the building. Suddenly he gets a call from an American number on his computer**As Kirishima answers the call a man speaks in English* "Hello is this Eijiro Bakugo of the Baku'ishima agency?"
*Kirishima sighs a bit and clears his throat.*
"*in English* yes, you have reached Eijiro Bakugo.""This is Agent Collins of the The Department of Homeland Security in the United States, I'm calling in regards of Ashton Holt, the Hero Grenadier referred me to you."
*Kirishima sighs and pinches his nose.*
"What did he do this time?""It's nothing bad I assure you but I'm asking for a favor, you see it's somewhat difficult for me to keep track of Holt, so I would be grateful if we'd had a hero agency keep track of him."
"You mean Ashton Holt?"
*Kirishima says pulling out some files.*"Yes, Ashton Holt I'm his personal government assigned agent I have been since he was first brought to our attention about 8 years ago." *Agent Collins says*
"Ok, so your in America and having him in Japan... Sure! We will watch over him. He does go to school with one of my boys. So it won't be that hard."
*Kirishima says, then Tenki toddles over.*"I'm sure you have questions about his past, the flash drive he carries around doesn't tell the whole story for security reasons but since you are agreeing to look after him I dont see why not sharing his story with you." *Agent Collins says*
*Tenki looks up at Kirishima* "Who you talking to papa?"
*Kirishima picks up Tenki*
"That would be helpful."
*Kirishima looks down to Tenki.*
"*In Japanese* oh, it's just a American representative"*Tenki tilts his head to the side*
"How would you like it, faxed? Flash drive, or any other form?" *Agent Collins asks*
"*In English*Faxed would be good."
*Kirishima says.*"Sounds good, I'll fax it over about now warning some of the pictures may be very disturbing and sensitive so be advised.." *As he finished his sentence Kirishima can hear the fax machine go off*
*Kirishima squints a bit.*
"How so?""Holt was kept in a small containment cell that was never cleaned, he was forced to sleep in his own filth he was severely malnourished, he wounds were never treated properly when they performed experiments on him, they just abused him for a diabolical purpose.."
*Kirishima feels a bit sick.*
"How... did your government do this?""It was an inside job from a corrupted source..we had no idea all our funds were going into a sick act such as this..until we got a tip from the heroes.."
*Kirishima sighs a bit.*
"My son... who is in my lap shouldn't see that...""Don't worry I haven't sent the photos over just the written documents in English..I'm sure you can paint a mental picture in your head from reading it." *Agent Collins says*
"Most likely"
*Kirishima sighs and hugs Tenki.*"Good. Do you have any questions?" *Agent Collins asks*
*Tenki smiles looking up at Kirishima*
"Not that I can think of at the moment."
*Kirishima says grabbing the documents*"Alright then if you have any future questions feel free to call my number is available 24/7."
*Kirishima says then he shuts off the call. He then starts looking over the files.**Tenki looks at Kirishima* "What's that papa?"
"*In Japanese* More information about Ashton... but... you shouldn't read these"
*Kirishima says, looking them over.*
"Ok... but I can't read..."
*Tenki says upset, Kirishima then looks at him worried*
"What?"*Tenki nods* "I can't read papa.."
*Kirishima sighs*
"Then... I'll have to teach that to you too""Okay papa." *Tenki says with slight excitement in his voice*
*Kirishima keeps reading the documents*
*First paragraph reads in English about Ashtons birth 'Subject name: Ashton Holt, born June 21st 2403, weighs 5.3 pounds, length 18 inches. Birth parents Susanna Holt, Jerome Holt. Parents quirk status: Quirkless; which is common for people who live in this area of the country, but DNA testing reveals that both parents carry the quirk recessive gene so theres a 50/50 chance Ashton will have a quirk. 12:30 am Ashton is born, his small cry fills the room. His mother cries with joy and immediately holds him. As soon as she takes him into her arms his cry becomes louder and a strange gas is released from his tiny body, his parents immediately break out into a coughing fit, a nurse runs into the room in attempt to help but is only to fall victim to toxic fumes Ashton releases. His parents and the nurse slowly suffocate to death, a doctor walking by sees the chaos in the room and immediately takes action putting on a gas mask and entering the room with a small containment chamber The doctor gently places Ashton into the chamber closing it, he opens the windows in the room to flush out the gas and attempts to revive the parents and the nurse. Unfortunately they don't survive. The doctor follows protocol and contacts an government agency that deals with individuals who have quirks deemed unstable or dangerous. Once the agents arrived in hazmat gear, they spot the small chamber engulfed from the inside with purple fumes, they hear a small cry in the inside. One agent opens the chamber clearing off the gas, they put on a small quirk canceling bracelet on Ashtons wrist and immediately the gas disappears. They take him away with no explanation to the doctor or hospital only a warning of never to speak of the events.' Kirishima moves on to the next page which talks about Ashtons time at the corrupted facility. 'Ashton age 5, today he will be the test subject for a serum that may alter his appearance. Ashton is pulled out of his chamber by force. He begins kicking and screaming, he is immediately tased until he is incapacitated. The personnel workers drag him to the testing site and immediately inject the serum in to him and returning him to his chamber. 1 hour goes by, a low growl can be heard coming from Ashtons chamber. They rush to his chamber and opening the door. As they do, Ashton rushes out and begins attacking people in an attempt to escape. Reports come in describing the serum altered his appearance greatly, he has a tail, elongated ears, fangs, and claws. Personnel workers attempt to capture him, but his bites and claws at the workers, giving them several inch deep lacerations to their arms, stomachs, and faces. Ashton is tased again, but he isn't stopping his rage begins to take over and now he begins killing the workers off one by one. In the end when hes finally stopped he killed 30 personnel workers including doctors, scientists, and security officers.' *Kirishima moves on to the next page.* 'Ashton age 6, personnel workers finished surgically modifying his sense of hearing, smell, and taste by altering his DNA. Ashton age 7, doctors finished modifying his bite giving him the ability to inject neurotoxin into others. Ashton age 8, subject is scheduled to have is toxic fumes to be altered until the hero's showed up arresting all the personnel workers, Ashton is rescued with a much struggle due to having trust issues. The heroes attempt to communicate with him but it appears he can not speak. I, Agent Collins arrive on scene, as I walk up to Ashton I can see this poor boy has been through unspeakable things, he immediately latches onto my leg for safety. I can tell that he needs me, so I decide to make him my responsibility, as my first responsible act is to see this poor boy gets justice, a hot meal and bath then we can continue to help him learn to speak and live life as a normal child, also helping him control his quirk.'
*Kirishima rubs his head and sighs*
"That poor kid..."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...