*Bakugo takes one look at Iwahatsu And begins laughing* "You look like you belong in a boy band!"*Yasei sighs*
"Well, it works fuck face"
*Iwahatsu says walking my up.**Bakugo clears his throat * "Oh and one more thing." *he takes out a dog collar from his pocket and clips it around Yaseis neck* "There believable."
"What the hell!?" *Yasei growls*
"Tsk clever, turn into a wolf"
*Iwahatsu says turning to him.**Yasei snears and gets on all fours turning into a black wolf with piercing yellow eyes*
*Bakugo smirks* "Scary"
"Did you get a leash? Or rope of some kind"
*Iwahatsu says with a hint of sternness in his voice.**Bakugo takes off his belt* "Will this work?"
*Yasei looks at them*
"Maybe as a whip..."
*Iwahatsu says messing with his hair.*"I swear if you whip me you won't like the out come.." *Yasei snears*
*Bakugo grunts* "Alright I'll go get a leash make sure he doesn't run off.." *he teases a bit heading into the store*
*Iwahatsu grabs the collar and pulls him to the side.*
*Yasei makes a small yet cute yip when he pulls him*
*Iwahatsu sits down and without thinking starts petting Yasei*
*Yasei instinctively wags his tail*
*Iwahatsu keeps petting for about 2 minutes before he realized what he was doing.*
*Iwahatsu scoffs as he pulls his hand away**Yasei looks at him and nuzzles his hand in a manner of asking why did he stop petting him*
"You're not a dog... I did that without thinking."
*Yasei shakes his head* "Sorry instincts it did feel nice..~"
"Yeah, cause you are in a dog shape"
*Iwahatsu grumbles*"True..true." *His ears perk up as Bakugo returns with a leash and a dog tag clipping the tag to his collar*
"I couldn't think of a good name to call you so I just engraved 'Dipshit' on the tag."
*Bakugo smirks**Iwahatsu huffs out a laugh*
*Yaseis ear go back he let's out a low growl* "Geez thanks.."
*Bakugo laughs as he clips on the leash on his collar* "Come on Dipshit who's a good boy?" *he teases*
*iwahatsu sighs and bit and starts to rip his shirt making holes in it.*
*Yasei rolls his eyes* "not you that's for sure.."
*Bakugo sighs* "Alright if this all goes well we will all get dinner and take a trip to hotsprings.."
*Iwahatsu takes off his belt, and holds it out to Bakugo.*
"Beat me"*Bakugo smirks taking the belt and starts to beat Iwahatsu*
*Yaseis ears go back his tail goes in between his legs instinctively*
*Iwahatsu doesn't flinch, after about 3 mins Iwahatsu is beaten and bruised. Iwahatsu then stops him.*
"There that's enough. This will make it seem more believable that I am a slave""Let's get moving times ticking.." *he yanks Yaseis leash* "Come now Dipshit."
*Yasei growls and follows cursing under his breath*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...