- Cut to Sunday-*Iwahatsu wakes up with Yasei in his arms.*
*Yasei looks up at him* "Morning~"
*Iwahatsu smirks*
"Morning"*Yasei smiles stretching a bit*
*Iwahatsu gets out of the bed and starts to walk over to the bathroom.*
*Yasei sits* "what do we do today?"
"Keep looking for another place to attack..."
*Iwahatsu says walking into the bathroom.**He follows him into the bathroom* "We need a break. We have been doing this all week..how about we go to the hot springs?"
"I'll ask Papa Baku"
*Iwahatsu sighs.*"One day wouldn't hurt..I can tell you've been very stressed about all this..." *He heads to the sink and washes his face*
*Iwahatsu growls a bit.*
"I'm not sure about stressed""Then what's wrong..?" *He wipes his face with a towel and looks at him*
"I don't know... I guess I miss Kangaeta... I am a tad worried"
*Iwahatsu sighs*"I'm sorry about that..but focus on this before we know it the month will be over and you get to see him again.." *He gives a small smile*
*He nods and leaves the bathroom*
*Iwahatsu combs out his hair.*
*Yasei gets dressed and digs in his bag for his contacts* "FUCK!"
*Iwahatsu says as he fixes his hair.*"I ran out of contacts!" *He throws his bag on the ground*
*Iwahatsu grunts*"I dont really want to wear my glasses...you'll think I look like a nerd..." *He says dramatically*
"Try me"
*Iwahatsu growls**Yasei reaches in his bag pulling out a black glasses case, he opens it putting on a rose gold framed glasses* "So do I look like a nerd?"
"You look like a girl"
*Iwahatsu growls**Yasei snears* "They're not girl glasses!"
"Then why are they rose gold?"
*Iwahatsu smirks*"I like the color ok!" *He blushes and pouts*
"~And that's why you are gay~"
*Iwahatsu in a mocking singing tone**Yasei shoves him playfully* "Takes one to know one~"
*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes*
*Yasei starts to undress and turns on the shower. After a few minutes he sees Iwahatsu undressing.*
*Iwahatsu steps towards the shower.*
"I haven't showered in 3 weeks. You wouldn't know because the more I sweat, the better I smell."
*Iwahatsu says stepping inside*-1 hour later, cut to Kangaeta.-
*Kangaeta hangs up the phone and as he is about to lay down again on his bed. There is a knock at the door.*
"Hello?"*Denki opens the door* "Good morning son."
"Oh... morning daddy Denki..."
"I heard you talking to some one..who you talking to this early in the morning you usually sleep til noon on Sundays."
"Oh Iwahatsu... he had called to tell me about Kawaguchi"
"How is he?" *Denki asks while sitting on the foot of his bed*
"He is doing fine. Better after nearly getting kidnapped last Tuesday"
*Kangaeat says siting up*"Wow thats dangerous..poor kid its a shame that his father always throws himself in to situations like that." *He snears*
"Actually, he put himself up to do it... apparently... it didn't go to plan."
*Kangaeta sighs.*"Thats so dangerous! Why would he do that..stubborn like his father I bet thats what it is.."
"Stubborn? Why would that be stubborn? I think that's heroic to put yourself in the front of danger like that"
*Kangaeta says crossing his arms casually*"Its crazy..he could have gotten killed only thinking about catching the bad guys when he should be caring about his well being and family!"
"What about the people who are getting kidnapped?"
"Well then he should have had a team with him not go in alone thats suicide!"
"He did... but he couldn't get any contact with Katsuki... or Eijiro..."
*Kangaeta sighs.*
"Also, this is weird to be hearing from a pro... dad"*Denki sighs* "I just want you to choose your friends wisely son..I been thinking that hes been a bad influence on you.."
"How? If anything... he's been a good person to look up too."
*Kangaeta says, then Shinso walks in.*"What are you two arguing about..? Dont do this its to early.." *Shinso says with a yawn*
*Denki gets up and walks over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek* "We were just talking about Iwahatsu."
"Oh, Grenadier."
*Shinso says with a smirk.*
"I went down to the Baku'ishima yesterday. They asked me to head over there... they apparently need someone who can do some mind controlling."
*Shinso says hugging Kaminari.**Denki hugs him* "For what?"
"I won't know till I get there... it can be possible that I'll just have to come back. But, I could have you two brought, for a little vacation~"
*Denki gasps* "Hell ya! Lets go! What do you say Kangaeta road trip!?"
*Kangaeta says happily**Denki ruffles Kangaetas hair* "That's my boy! I was so happy when you passed your English test you're doing so much better than I did in school, even though Iwahatsu puts himself in dangerous situations I do admit he's a good tutor."
*Shinso says*
"Now... Denki... lets go pack"*Denki smiles heading out the door* "Get packing son we are going on a road trip!!"
*Denki heads into his and Shinsos room* "Whos gonna take care of the cat while we are gone? I mean we can ask Aizawa he do it in a heartbeat."
*Shinso nods*
*Denki smiles* "Im excited we havent had a vacation since Kangaeta was born. Its about time we kick back and relax"
"Katsuki and Eijiro gave us a room. He did say that the kids have their own room. He had suggested that I bring you two. We have a honeymoon suite, Kangaeta will be bunking with Iwahatsu and a kid named Yasei."
"Thats kind of them." *He says while taking out a suit case from the closet* "Maybe they can get some studying done when they have down time."
"Oh, definitely... Kangaeta's grades will go up Significantly"
*Shinso says packing*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...