Chaptee 21 | The Call |

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*After about 10 mins of building hopping Iwahatsu lands in the courtyard of the Baku'ishima*

*Bakugo lands shortly after him* "Lets get this contact over with..."

*Iwahatsu nods*
"Let's hope Papa Kiri is here."
*Iwahatsu says as he runs in*

*Bakugo follows in* "Me too I'm gonna need emotional support during this.."

"You, emotional support"
*Iwahatsu says tapping the elevator button*

*Bakugo grunts* "The American military is no joke well maybe they are sort of a joke but they are no joy to talk to.."

"Y-yeah I guess"
*Iwahatsu says getting into the elevator*

*Bakugo follows in grunting* "Try not to act like a brat during the call."

*Iwahatsu smirks*
"Heh you should be watching yourself."
*The elevator stops at their floor. They walk to the office they open the doors to reveal Kirishima*

*Kirishima gives a toothy grin with a sigh of relief* "I'm Glad you both are ok, I was so worried!"

*Iwahatsu walks up and drops the broken bomb on the table.*
"It's from the American Military"

*Kirishima sighs* "Great..just whats the plan?"

*Bakugo sighs* "Contact our American agency and have them get in contact with the military, in 48 hours the police will have us brought into an interrogation session with the suspects who possibly stole this bomb also.." *he pulls out Yasei's business card* "Lets see if we can grant this vigilante a temporary hero license and do a background check on him his quirk may be perfect for getting into places we would be easily caught in.."

*Kirishima nods, he then leaves with an order for the background check. Then Bakugo starts an emergency call to the American Branch.*

*Bakugo mentality prepares himself for the call*

*After about minute of ringing The president of the American Branch answers.*
"Head Bakugo sir, what's the problem?"
*They say in English*

*Bakugo clears his throat speaking in English* "Hello, so as you may know due to the media leaking word about the bombings at UA, there was another attack today at the School and my team recovered something that belongs to the American Military."

*The man looks a tad confused*
"UA... was attacked?"

*Bakugo sighs* " was twice now..."

"We haven't heard anything like that sir. But, that's not the matter of this call I am going to guess. You said you have an American Military Issue Bomb? Well, we'll put out a call to the Military to ask if they are missing anything."
*The guy starts typing on a computer. Then he writes a few things down in a notebook. He types something else*

*Bakugo keeps a serious look on his face even though on the inside hes panicking a bit* "Yes."

*The guy finishes what he's doing, then turns back to the camera.*
"I'll send you a copy of the report once it comes in"

*Bakugo nods* "Thank you sir."

*The call cuts, Iwahatsu is sitting in the chair in front of Kirishima's desk. His feet on the table, him looking at his phone above his head. His cannons are set to the side.*

*Bakugo sighs* "Well that was just the beginning...the next call wont be so formal..."

*Kirishima walks back in the room with a file*

*Bakugo takes the file and starts looking it over.*

*The file is Kemono Yasei's background check and Bakugo reads a few promising things* "His vigilante name is Animalia he stopped a few low level tugs from robbing a jewelry store saved an old lady from drowning in a flood a year back by turning into a sea lion, wow ok Iwahatsu your job is to talk to this kid however as you see fit, as Grenadier or your student self...when the time comes we'll need him. Just make sure whatever you two discuss keeps it between it?"

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First YearWhere stories live. Discover now