"Sometimes heroes need to take breaks too...even if they are in shitty situations.." *Yasei smiles tiredly*"Of course..."
*Iwahatsu says sitting with him.*
"I guess, sense we are stuck here for a bit. Tell why people are saying that about you at school.""Its because Im gay..and I did a stupid thing!" *He growls at himself*
"What did you do?"
*Iwahatsu says staring forward.*"So after our quirk training in class B there was this guy he kept staring at me so I confronted him, he said he found me very cute and of course I just melted because haha! Im stupid when it comes to men flirting with me.. we went on a study date like thing.... then after that, word got out and he was the source of it all he used me to expose the 'homos' as he called it!" *Yasei digs his nails into his arms scratching himself out of anger*
"Sounds like something Wakareru would do"
*Iwahatsu growls*"I was the stupid one I let someone emotionally manipulate me to thinking that they actually loved me!" *tears begin rolling down his face*
"Fuckers, people who do that... are nothing but..."
*He rubs his eyes* "Pieces of shit?"
"Sure... Have you started getting harassed by Kumo Fun'iki?"
*Iwahatsu says**He nods* "Constantly...the guy who used me is his friend..."
"Shit... and he took you out?...."
"I didnt know it at the time...." *He sniffles* "Its not the first time...I been used like this time and time before.."
"I guess... at this point we are probably friends now aren't we..."
*Iwahatsu grumbles*
"Because something like that... you wouldn't just tell anyone.""I can sense you're a trustworthy person...I can trust you. As for telling my issues to people I don't have an outlet for that...I'm kinda on my own."
"Tsk, how trustworthy are you..."
*Iwahatsu scoffs**He looks up at him* "I hope to be. I may look and act like a cocky bastard but It just hides my insecurities..."
"Tch, I am a jackass. I get it from my quirk. Part of nitroglycerin is that if it gets into the bloodstream or into the body. It can cause the adrenaline in the body to increase significantly. So I am always on edge. Ask Ground Zero, I used to be a kind and gentle person... I still can be... when I want..."
*He looks at him rubbing his eyes and blinks a bit*"I can't concentrate... it's one reason why I dislike my quirk..." *Yasei sighs*
*they stay there in silence for a like 10 minutes. Then Iwahatsu activates the communications unit.*
"Ground Zero, Papa Zero... I am out of iron, and I can't see. I can only see figures and shadows."*Bakugo radios back* "We are hot on your trail we've sent out a scout with a hound dog quirk hes got your scent! Be patient we are coming as for your iron problem I have a few balls with me for emergencies. We are both blinded, both of us, being quirk down sides. From what I can see the guy is still unconscious... also, my iron bag has disappeared. I would have taken care of this soon."
*Yasei coughs*
*Bakugo growls* "We just entered a forestry area the scout says we are getting closer.."
"Alright, Yasei is also extremely injured... kind of um... collateral damage..."
*Bakugo sighs* "The scouts says they are trained in the medical field as well.."
*Yasei leans against him coughing*
"Perfect, see ya in a bit."
*Iwahatsu says with a sigh.*"Copy that." *Bakugo grunts*
*Yasei tries to stop his coughing*
*Iwahatsu waits and he sighs again.*
"This is something that happens rarely... also... I don't 100% know what the area around us looks like. I have no idea if we are sitting in the middle of a pile of dirt, or if the fucker is actually unconscious..."
*Iwahatsu says*-15 minutes later-
"Something's coming"
*Yasei says quietly**A scout yells* "We found them Ground Zero!"
*As soon as Bakugo spots Iwahatsu he bolts towards him* "Grenadier!"
*Iwahatsu looks up at Bakugo. His eyes are dull, almost like there is no life in them. But Bakugo can see that he is fine because he is turning his head squinting. His skin is also really pale, he also has massive bags under his eyes.*
*Iwahatsu says a bit disoriented**Bakugo hugs him gently* "Yes I'm here..you're weak..eat your iron slowly and then you'll be fine.." *he places a iron ball in his hand*
*A scout walks up to Yasei* "Defiantly showing signs of dehydration." *they hand him a water bottle* "take slow sips."
*Yasei drinks slowly*
*Iwahatsu takes the ball and bites into it.*
*The scout begins treating Yaseis wounds* "Nothing broken just bruised..you'll just need apply antibiotic cream on it every morning and night..to keep it from getting infected.."
*Another scout looks over Iwahatsu* "Definitely needs rest and more Iron.. and these injuries look some what old... but they should be fine."
*Iwahatsu tosses the rest of the ball into his mouth.*
*Bakugo grunts and looks around seeing broken tree limbs scattered everywhere and debris* "wow you two really fucked up the place..."
*Yaseis vision becomes a bit more focus he can see what bakugo sees* "Oh..wow."
"Uhhh~ I wish I could see~"
*Iwahatsu says acting a tad drunk.**Bakugo growls and hands him another iron ball* "Great..now shut up and eat another ball! Lets get these idiots back to the station.."
*A scout helps Iwahatsu to his feet another carries Yasei they make their journey back to the station*
*Iwahatsu chops down the other iron.*
*Yasei stares at Iwahatsu as he eat ball like its an apple*
*His jaw drops seeing it just break between his teeth*
"That.. that cant be an actual iron ball.."
*Iwahatsu turns towards the voice. Then he holds out the half eaten iron ball.**Yasei makes his way over letting go of the scout. He takes the ball and it's a ball of iron supplement powder. It's just inside a silvery shell. Yasei rolls his eyes and hands it back.*
*Iwahatsu takes it back and pushes it into his mouth and starts chewing. He is guided to a truck that is near by and is tended to*
*Yasei hangs out not far from him as the scout looks over his wounds once again*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 1 | Growing Heroes | First Year
FanfictionBook Vol. 1 Follow the story of a new class of heroes. They grow and learn to be the next savors of Japan. Follow the adventures of one going through shit and a relationship that he never expected to gain. Even their families grow closer, and in a...