Chapter one

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One cow.

Two cow.

Three cow.

With my head against the window, I stare at the farms we're passing. We've played in a lot of small towns, but this one beats them all. "What's this place called again?" I ask Roy, who's sitting in the seat opposite of me, cussing at his laptop as usual.

Without looking at me, he answers, "Faroaks. Try to remember that when you're up stage."

I roll my eyes in response. We only entered the town a short while ago but we're already parking behind The Roxx, tonight's venue. I swear, I counted at least ten churches. "They do know we're not a choir, right?"

Roy chuckles. "Bigger artists than you guys have performed here. You should be grateful."

I huff. "Shouldn't you be our biggest fan as our manager?"

His eyes meet mine for a second, before returning  his focus on whatever the fuck he's doing. "I am, but I'm also realistic. You guys still have a long way to go."

He's right. We only released one album and even though the sales were decent, they were far from great. I like to mess with him, though. "Well, don't come bitching at me when the town bursts into flames. I won't be singing any hymns."

Roy shudders with laughter. "I think the people of Faroaks can handle your foul mouth."

I've been doing my best to get on his nerves, but he only seems to find my attitude amusing. Accepting that my mission has failed, I get out of my seat and follow Axel and Joey inside the building.

The guy who owns the venue greets us with a beer and gives us a tour. This place is actually not so bad. It's dark and grim, exactly how I like it. The stage isn't big, but it will do. When we're backstage again, I throw myself on the couch, leaving no room for anyone else to sit. Both Joey and Axel roll their eyes and pull up a chair. I know I'm being an asshole. I'm indebted to them for finding me on the streets and giving me this opportunity, but Dick seems to be my middle name.

"So last night's show was great," Axel begins, picking at his snake-bite. "But I think we should start with 'Satanic Panic' this time. What do you think, Tex?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I pop the cap off the bottle of beer with my lighter and then put the rim against my lips. From the corner of my eye, I see Roy squint at me. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't even be here. I mean, he's not a tour manager. He pretends the band is his personal mission, but I know he's only here to keep an eye on me. I don't completely hate it, something I will never tell him.

Santiago walks up to us. We met when the tour started. I thought he was a smug fucker at first, but he turned out to be a pretty chill dude. "You guys ready to do a sound check?"

When we make our way to the stage, Elijah hands me my guitar and moves back to fidget with the amplifier. We test the instruments and the microphone for a while. Everything seems in order.

People are already entering the building and ordering drinks at the bar. I speak over my shoulder. "How long do we have before the show?"

Joey looks over the crash cymbal. "Ten minutes."

We all head backstage and wait for the introduction. I quickly finish my beer. Roy doesn't want me to drink, but he should be happy I didn't bring a bag of coke. I'm always a bit on edge before a show and a beer or two helps to calm me down.

Shitty strategy? Probably.

Who cares? I don't.

When the owner announces us, we return to the stage. The place is completely packed. They must be from surrounding towns.

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