Chapter twenty-six

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Life is fucking weird right now.

I stare at my front door. I've opened this door a thousand times but never has there been someone waiting for me behind it. Especially not a girl. My girl.

Fucking butterflies.

I can't believe it, but it must be true. I've seen mothers hide their kids when they saw me smoking in some shadowy corner. They would probably pinch my cheeks now if they knew I've got marshmallows for bones. This mushy feeling better go soon, I don't like the nervous idiot I've become.

Before I overthink it too much, I shove the key in the lock and open the door. "Birdie?"

No answer.

Uhm—okay? Did she leave? I walk through the kitchen into the living room. Dumb TV channel running in the background, Pop-Tart edges on a plate on the coffee table. Yeah, she's around.

The balcony door is open. I walk up to it and then stand in the frame for a moment. There she is, leaning her forearms on the railing, looking down. My eyes wander down her back.


That ass belongs in yoga pants. It was a smart move to order her those. The tight fabric lifts her ass, making the cheeks a little rounder. What a sight.

She smiles over her shoulder. "You're early."

"Only twenty minutes." I step behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach, nose in her hair. "What were you doing?"

Her hands rest on mine; her body leaning back. "I was just watching the street below. Isn't it strange how I've been in L.A. for a week and haven't been outside at all? Like I'm trapped in a tower like some fairytale princess."

Don't scoff.

I manage a sorta snort-chuckle. "Does that make me the dragon?"


It's official. I'm lame as fuck. I suppose, since it made her giggle, I don't care too much. Fucking butterflies.

She turns in my arms and lays her hands on my chest. "Would you rather be Prince Charming?"

Not a chance in Candyland hell.

"No, dragons are bad ass."

To end the weird conversation, I kiss her hard. Her lips don't resist. Not even a little. No, they part to invite me in. Coming home like this is nice. Not only the kissing but also having someone to talk to. Someone to hold.

When our lips disconnect, she leans back and smirks. "What do you think of the pants? I'm surprised you haven't stripped them off yet."

I grin. "Don't worry, I will. But I thought I'd take you out for some food first. I can show you around, if you want."

Her entire face lights up. "That would be great! Let me get my things and then we can go."

She hurries inside and I sorta follow her around. Why does it smell like flowers in here? "Did you clean the apartment?"

"Yes." She puts her plate in the kitchen sink and opens the faucet. "I wasn't sure what to do today."

"So you thought scrubbing floors would be a fun way to pass the time?" It kinda freaks me out to see her take the role of maid on so easily. That's obviously not why I brought her here.

She shrugs. "I just wanted to be helpful. It's a little strange to be here without you."

When she bends over to take her bag from floor, I bite my fist. Yeah, I'm gonna pound those cheeks real good tonight.

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