Chapter twenty-two

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My arm lingers around her waist. I haven't found the courage to leave Ellie's bunk, but I have to. Her breathing is getting less deep. She'll wake soon.

I shouldn't have snuck into her bed. Not after explaining to her why we couldn't do that anymore. Yet, here I am, inhaling her bouquet and holding on for dear life. I didn't mean to touch her, but she reached for me and guided my arm around her, lacing our fingers over her chest. We still lie in that same position. Albeit, a little closer.

Let her go.

I do so. My fingers slip from hers and my arm goes back to my own side. Quietly, I leave her warmth and step into the cold pathway between the bunks. It's still early. Dawn broke only moments ago.

To pass the time and avoid my mind, I clean out my bunk and do a slow morning routine. I focus on brushing every tooth separately and try to fixate my hair without using any products. It doesn't work. My hair has this slight curl to it, making it impossible to work with. Not that I care, but I have to occupy my thoughts with tedious topics.

After talking to William for a while, I sit down in one of the booths and scroll through the app on my phone to find a dumb game to distract me. A perfect plan, in theory. Yet, the appearance of Angry Birds doesn't help. I grunt and shove my phone back in my pocket.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I look up and find Joey standing next to me, offering me a bottle of water. I take it and shake my head. "No, I'm good. Just tired."

The others wake too. Their voices carry through the bus, bringing it to live. It lifts my spirits only slightly.

Ellie is the last to come out of her bunk. Silently and methodically, she folds her clothes and packs her bag. Her quick smile reaches me, so I look outside. Two days ago, woodlands gradually gave way to brown rocks and spiky plants. A familiar sight. It means home is getting closer. To shut everything out, I sing Adam's Song in my head.

Ellie's voice breaks right through it. "Roy? At what time will we arrive in Los Angeles? I need to book a flight."

I move my head only enough to see her from the corner of my eye. Pretty, as always, she stands next to Roy, who looks at me before answering, "After the show, we'll drive straight to the studio, so any flight in the early morning will be good."

She nods, smiling sweetly. "Can I borrow your laptop?"

"Of course." Roy hands it to her, which is strange because he normally guards that thing with his life. I suppose, it's hard to say no to a girl who resembles Madonna. The saint, not the singer.

While Ellie retreats to the back to arrange her flight home, I count every breath I draw. I don't wanna picture her on a plane, but my brain has never been on my side, so I'm provided with detailed imagery.

A short while later, Ellie returns and gives the laptop back. "My flight leaves at 10:15 in the morning. I guess, I'll take a cab from the studio."

Okay, that means I have all day and most of the night to get used to the idea of never seeing her again. Should be enough time to kill all those fuzzy feelings.

Roy nods and then opens his dumb mouth. "Logistics-wise, it makes more sense if we drop you off at the airport. I can book you a hotel room so you can sleep for a few hours instead of wait in the departure hall."


Why would he meddle with my time with her? And why does he keep glancing at me? If this is his way doing me a favor, it ain't working.

She smiles politely. "Thanks. That would be great."

Fucking great.

Awkward silence fills the air, expanding into every nook of the bus. They all look at me, expecting me to do something, but I can't.

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