Chapter twenty

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The only thing keeping me awake is Alice In Chains. While music blasts through the bus, I lean my head against the headrest. Touring is fun, but these long bus rides make me drowsy. Obviously, I didn't bring a bag of speed with me, so I've been keeping my eyes open with shitty energy drink. Can't say that it's really working.

I tilt my head to the right. Ellie sits in the other booth, yapping away. Both Axel and Joey laugh. Maybe she said something funny. The music is too loud to hear. She does that; say silly things that make no sense. I found it annoying at first, but I don't mind it as much anymore. I suppose, I never really did.

I observe the way she moves her hands and smiles between talking. She stops for a moment to wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. My eyes are wide open now. The memory of her lips around my shaft appear in an instant and hot blood rushes downward.

I quickly look away. The scene in front of me cools me down immediately. Santiago practically drools all over Roy's shoulder, who's too focused on his laptop screen to notice. I could use some sleep as well.

I get up from my seat. "I'm taking a nap."

Ellie smiles at me before continuing with her conversation. When I notice I'm lingering to stay in her presence, I haste to my bunk. I lie down on my back, tucking my hands underneath my head.  I'm tired, but my rapidly beating heart doesn't allow me to fall asleep. Instead, I watch the plastic underside of the bunk above me.

"What are you doing?"

I look to my left. Ellie watches me, leaning down since I'm in the bottom bunk. I'm pretty sure her neckline was a lot higher moments ago. "Like I said, taking a nap."

She chuckles. "How can you sleep with your eyes open?"

I shake my head. "Well, you're keeping me awake with all that talking."

I want to be near her all the time, but I don't want to want that. If that makes any sense. I gaze upwards again. The thin mattress dents when she sits on the edge. "I'm tired too."

When she tries to crawl next to me, I whisper-shout, "The fuck are you doing?"

She freezes and pales. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"


"Come here." I sigh and grab her by the waist before she leaves. Obviously embarrassed by my dumb words, she struggles to get out of my grip, so I just hold her down. After a moment, she relaxes and snuggles her cheek against my chest.

We lie in silence for a minute or two. I don't do this type of shit. I don't cuddle with girls in bed. Sleeping in her bunk is different. I have no idea why, but it is. Probably because I'm a big fat hypocrite who has no problem invading her space but gets all angsty when she gets in mine.

Nevertheless, It's nice. Soft and warm. The smell of her apple-shampoo laces my every breath and coats my lungs. No way I'll be able to sleep, though. Her body is too close and her tits are pressed against my ribs. To distract myself, I focus on drawing circles on her back with my finger.

Not-so-subtly, she moves her hand to my abs. Fuck me. She's horny and I am too. My breath stills when her hand slides down to the waistband of my jeans. Her fingers tease me by softly touching my skin. Apparently, I stopped drawing circles and am now fisting the fabric of her shirt. "Birdie, we can't—"

She shuts me up with her lips. Her tongue keeps me from making any noise while she palms my hard-on through my jeans. The fuck is she doing? I can't fuck her here.

However, I can't stop kissing her and groping her tits. I vaguely notice her reaching behind her to close the curtain, shielding us from the rest. Without hesitation, she goes for my buckle.

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