Chapter two

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I pace back and forth in front of the bus. I Should probably help them pack everything up, but I don't wanna leave early. Honestly, I'm losing my mind a little. Touring is fun and all. The lack of privacy not so much. There was no time or place to have a decent wank and now I'm on fucking edge. That's all it is, of course. I'm just horny and obsessed with the idea of getting between her legs.

Roy walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Get in the bus, Tex. We're about ready to go."

"You said we would leave at ten." I lower my panic-raised voice. "There's still fifteen minutes left."

Okay, maybe it was a little more than blue balls.

He stares at me like I'm crazy, and I know that I am. "Yesterday you asked to leave early and now you want to stay another fifteen minutes? You make no sense."

Of course, I don't make any sense. Like I don't fucking know that. "I'm going for a smoke. I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

Roy sighs loudly. "Listen up everybody! Tex decided to be a drama queen today, so we're leaving at ten and not a minute earlier."

I will be hearing about that for the rest of the tour. I don't care, though. I know she won't come but the idea that she did and we're already gone drives me insane. No, I need to know for sure.

I turn the corner and position myself against the wall where I stood yesterday. With a cigarette between my lips, I think about the sad redhead. For some reason, I've been lying awake all night. Sure, I thought about her fantastic tits and soft body, but I also wondered why she kissed me. The physical attraction was obvious but why cheat on her boyfriend?

For the millionth time, why do I care? I don't. None of it matters. Did she crawl next to him when she got home last night? Did she fuck him? Think of me?

Jesus Christ.

My stomach flips. Relentless and very vivid images attack my mind. Some boring small-town fuckface running his fingers up her spread legs, kissing her lips and touching her tits. Does she moan his name when she comes?

My jaw clenches. I wanna do those things. I wanna see her lips part while I bury myself deep inside, again and again and again.

I take one last drag from my cigarette and flick it away. The shuffling of footsteps makes my heart jump. The fuck's that about?

I turn my head. Joey is coming my way. He gives me a strange, almost pitiful look. "How are you feeling, Tex?"

I could tell him about the weird fucking fact that my heart just jumped, but feelings are to be ignored and pushed away where they can do no harm. "How sweet of you to ask me about my feelings, but if you wanna be my girlfriend you'll have to bend over."

Joey laughs loudly and slaps me on my shoulder. It hurts more than I like to admit. He's like a big teddy bear with steel cables for arms. "We both know you'll be the one bending over."

I roll my eyes and follow him back to the bus. He's the only one I can think of that can beat me in a fight. Everyone else is already seated. Before entering, I take a look at my phone. Two minutes past ten. She didn't come. It's for the best. There is no way I would've handled that situation like a sane person. 

I take a seat opposite of Axel and Joey and lean my head against the headrest. When the bus starts to move, I feel a little more at ease. I'm in need of getting the hell away. I don't like my current state of mind.

We pass some houses. Does she live in one of them?

Stop it.

When we take a turn, I have to restrain myself from lunging toward the window. The bell tower of a church comes in sight. I scan the gathered crowd underneath but not a redhead among them.

What's happening there, anyway? A funeral? No, they're all festively clothed. A wedding, then. Maybe she's the bridesmaid. It would explain her early departure, yesterday.

From the looks of it, she should've stayed. The guests don't seem happy at all, they seem ... confused? Perhaps, the bride got cold feet and took off. I would applaud a decision like that.

The scene passes but my mind is stuck. Did she tell her boyfriend about that kiss? Are they fighting? Maybe he dumps her.

Give it a rest already!

It meant nothing to her and definitely nothing to me. I don't even fucking know her. My dick is just disappointed he didn't get to see some action. With deep breaths, I force every strange emotion down and when we finally enter the interstate, I let out a breath of air.

It's done. We left the shitty town behind and I can go back to being my regular old self. No need to let her stay in my head any longer. I'll just fuck some random girl tonight and that will be the end of it. There's absolutely no reason to wonder if her knees can—

"Someone closed the curtain," Joey wonders out loud, peeking over his shoulder toward the end of the bus.

Axel frowns. "Strange, I swear it was open this morning."

I roll my eyes. "Real fucking interesting conversation you two are having."

Joey tilts his head. "You're being weird, weirder than usual."

"I'm not." I smile a creepy as hell smile. "I'm exactly the right amount of weird."

He's right, though. I feel strange. Like I'm aware of the faint thumping in my chest for the first time.

He laughs. "If you say so."

I cross my arms. "Just open the goddamn curtain, will you."

While Joey walks to the back of the bus, I focus my attention on the blur of cows we're passing.

Boring fucking country fields.

Joey suddenly shouts, "There is a chick back here!"

I didn't know it was possible, but my dead heart just skipped a beat. Several, actually.

"Did some groupie fall asleep there?" Santiago shouts back.

Joey stays quiet for a moment. "I don't think so, she doesn't look like one."

My brain glitches.

It can't be her. Can it?

No. Fucking. Way.

Everyone but me and William—obviously—storms to the back of the bus to see what the hell Joey is talking about. Slowly and seemingly uninterested, I get up from my seat and follow them.

It's not her.

But what if?

Something annoying is happening in my gut. A feeling that either makes me want to hopscotch or punch someone. The latter being the most likely one.

I squeeze myself between Roy and Joey and stare at the redhead. It's her, all right. My memory did her no justice. Most girls look terrible in the broad daylight but not this girl. Her hair is dark red like an autumn fire. Faint freckles surround a button nose and her eyes are mossy green. She's absolutely fucking perfect.

A perfect fucking nightmare that is. She's wearing a fucking wedding dress! No, she wasn't the bridesmaid, she was the actual bride. And now she's here, dressed like a picture perfect horror scenario. I really fucked up this time. I made this girl run away from home because I wanted to fuck her.

"What are you doing here?" Axel asks.

Her big eyes shift from left to right, avoiding mine. The fuck? Why won't she look me in the eyes? Is she really gonna act as if she doesn't know me? She had her fucking tongue down my throat only hours ago. Annoyed with her, I wipe my face clean of whatever emotion was showing.

She stammers for words before looking my way. A blush creeps on her cheeks. The intensity in her eyes overthrows me. I take a deep breath to force down something that may very well have been a goddamn giggle and manage to mumble, "I invited her."



He has it so bad. 😂♥️

X Dionne

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