Chapter thirty-one

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It's D-Day.

Weekend wars are being carried out across the shore. Flames lick the night sky, loud noises break the silence. Allied forces come closing in, the  enemy nowhere but in my head.

Okay, it's just a beach party, but I've got all these scenarios running through my mind. Bad ones. I've never felt so aware of someone's safety. Never really cared about my own.

I sigh mentally and tighten my grip on Ellie's hand as we walk up to the bonfire. I know most of these people through Frank. He sold me dope on Skid Row and we kinda clicked or something. He introduced me to some of his friends. Charlotte, I like best. Maybe because she never tried anything with me. Vicky, on the other hand, was practically on my dick the second we met. I was okay with it then, but now I sorta regret it. Nothing beats having sex with someone you love.

Okay, enough with the worries and the negativity. Tonight, we're gonna have fun. Regular, good-lovin' fun.

Repeat after me, brain ... fun.

Frank approaches us, grinning widely. "Tex, my man! You actually came."

I do the slap-on-the-back bro hug. "Hey, Frank. What's up."

"Nothing much." He shrugs and nods at Ellie. "Who did you bring?"

The sun to my night.

"Oh, uhm ... this is—"

"I'm sorry." She shakes his hand and smiles. "I mean, my name is Ellie, but I'm also sorry for being rude. If you will excuse me,  I'm going to dip my toes in the ocean."

Aaand she's off.

He chuckles. "That was weird."

I watch her dash toward the shoreline. My feet are begging me to follow her, but I stay put. It's good to see Frank again and I don't wanna come across as some lovesick idiot who can't bear to be parted for a measly minute.

Even though I can't see her face, I know she's wearing one of those big-ass smiles. The lower half of her hair falls down her back in waves and the top part is pulled into a knot-thing. I'm sure there's a name for it, but the fuck do I know about hair-styles? Anyway, she looks lovely.

I smile like a ditz. "Yeah, she's something else."

Frank rests his chin in his hand. "So, I haven't seen you in months and then you show up with a girl. Did you get hitched or something?"

"What the fuck?" The mere mention makes me queasy. "No, of course not. We're just ... you know, hanging out."

"A casual thing?" He doubts visibly, his eyebrow piercing rises. "She looks nothing like the girls you usually hook up with. In fact, she looks like the kinda girl you marry."

Panic-bricks fill my gut. "Jesus! What's the matter with you. I've only known her for a couple weeks."

Maybe some guys dream about marriage but not me. Okay, I have those dreams too. If you count nightmares where your dead mom hangs from the ceiling wearing her wedding dress as dreams.

He shrugs casually. "What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart. You should try it sometime."

Frank was always the smooth one. He enjoys the game. Despite his rough look ... no, his rough look is exactly with draws girls to him. Combine that with his suave way of flirting and you'll end with a line of swooning chicks. I bet he'd be able to sweet talk Mother Mary outta her granny panties.

I wave his words away. "She knows I'm not like that. We're good the way we are."

My words make him chuckle. "So you and Vicky are officially over then?"

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