Chapter thirty-eight

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What's taking her so long?

I glance at my phone again. She's ten minutes late. Tardy, as always. I have better things to do than wait for her. Aside from that, I really don't want to be seen with her alone. I hate lying to Ellie, but it needs to be done.

Casually, like my time means nothing, Vicky struts around the corner on her stripper-heels. No wonder she's late. Who the hell chooses that kinda footwear to meet up mid-day? Or at all?

She flips her sleek black hair over her shoulder. "Hey, babe."


I just need to get this over with, so I bite my tongue and gesture at a shadowy spot next to a digital advertising panel for makeup or some shit. "Thanks for showing up."

Oblivious to—or ignoring my—snark tone, she smirks. "I didn't expect you to text me."

I shrug. "Yeah, me neither."

"I'm glad you did."

She grabs me by the nape with her snare trap-fingers and tries to pull me down to her parting lips. Once, a sight that could've caused a stirring down my jeans. Now, though, all I can think of is that picture Ellie showed me.

What was it?

A batfish?

I shake her off and quickly step backwards. "The fuck are you doing?"

She's too proud to be embarrassed by my rejection. In her mind, an unwilling man is simply not right in the head. "I thought you wanted to relive one of those good times we used to have." Her eyes peek up from studying her nails. "Isn't that why you asked me to come here?"

My face doesn't hide my sincere perplexity nor does my voice. "Why the hell would I ask you to meet me at this crowded place if I wanted to fuck you?"

Her thin brow rises. "Why, then?"

Good fucking question.

I sigh and get straight to the point. "Ellie told me you apologized to her. What game are you playing?"

Uttering my girl's name hardens her features before she rolls her eyes like she's bored. "Did she complain or something?"

I shake my head. "No, she didn't, but I don't trust you."

"No need to worry. Since she's sticking around, I thought I'd be nice for once. Who knows?" Her hellion-grin betrays her words. "Maybe we become besties."

I don't fucking think so. "Cut the bullshit. What's in those pills you gave her?"

Another bored eye-roll. "Like I already told her, it's just ecstasy."

She's up to something. Maybe nothing devious, but she's definitely not interested in becoming friends with Ellie. I'm not getting an honest answer from her, though.  "Forget it. I got rid of them anyway."

Her cool attitude finally cracks. "Did you seriously think I would harm her? That's messed up."

I may have actually offended her. Not that I care. "You've been a bitch to her from the get go. I'm just making sure she's safe."

"What's so special about her that turned you into this caring guy? I've never seen you like this before."

I could provide a detailed list of everything I love about my girl, but I'm not sharing that with Vicky. I'm getting the feeling she likes me a little more than I thought she did. Dammit. How did this happen? I was never nice to her.

I shove my hands in my pockets. "Does it matter? I'm with her. That's all you need to know."

"I don't get it." For the first time, her face shows something real. Something that resembles pained hope. "You and I have so much more in common. We could be good together. We would look right together. You and her ... it's weird. Don't you ever think about us? We could try—"

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