the ninja and the swordsman

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
After many long months of waiting, the practical exams are finally back. It took a lot longer than anyone would've ever thought, but then again we had to rebuild the exam building and make the people trust Hope's Peak again. None the less, we can finally test our skills. Right now, I am waiting with my class in the exam building so we can be tested. Headmaster Kirigiri walked up on stage and the cameras pointed at him.

Jin: Welcome back to the Hope's Peak Academy Practical Exams. After many long and grueling months, we can finally broadcast our progress this year. First up, we have Class 77-A. Starting from that class is Soshun Murasame.

The headmaster walked off stage, we all applauded Soshun, and watched as he and Class 77-A all performed their abilities. They all had some pretty cool abilities, I'll give them that. After some time later, Class 77-A all finished showing off their abilities and Headmaster Kirigiri walked back on stage.

Jin: Well, that was quite a show of abilities, wasn't it? Next, we have Class 77-B. Starting from that class is (Y/N) (L/N).

Everyone applauded for me and I got up and walked up to the table full of judges. I bowed to them and they started to talk.

Judge: Well, (Y/N), it says here you are the Super High School Level Ninja. Is that correct?

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

Judge: And since you are a ninja, you will be tested on your stealth. In order to do that, we have put thermal cameras all around the building. If they spot you, they will sound a small alarm. You have 3 minutes and if there are 5 alarms, you fail the exam. Is that understood?

(Y/N): Yes, sir.

Judge: Good. Now, when I say "Go" you can start.

I nodded and walked out into the middle of the building. I looked over at my class and saw that they were slightly worried about me. I gave them a reassuring smile, faced forward again, and closed my eyes waiting for the signal.

Judge: Ready... Go!

I opened my eyes and ran as fast as I could to dodge the thermal cameras. I was running circles around the cameras and also trying to keep my body heat low for double the stealthiness. Doing both of these puts some strain on my body, but I have to keep this up for 3 minutes if I want to stay in Hope's Peak. I stayed still for a couple of seconds to get some of my energy back.


Judge: 1.

I started running again, but I didn't regulate my body heat this time in order to not strain myself too much. Again, I had to stop in order to my energy back.


Judge: 2.

I decided it would be best to just slow down a bit so I won't lose to much energy. After a couple of seconds, I somehow tripped over something and rolled a little.


Judge: 3.

I quickly got up and started running again.


What?! How could that have happened?! I was running!! The buzzer went off as I was running!!

Judge: 4.

As I was running past them, I snuck a peek at my class. They were all worried that I was going to fail. I am not going to fail. My goal is to protect them and I intend to do that. I started running faster then I ever could've thought possible. I was running away from my class, but as I was doing that I saw Chiaki somehow in front of me. I quickly jumped over her and when I was in mid-air I felt something hit me. I landed on the ground, hard, and rolled until I was in front of the judges.

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