the ninja vs the hacker

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
I slammed another door shut as I was walking through the temple. I was starting to get angry. Where are they?! I looked at my watch and saw that I had about 7 more hours. I continued walking until I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I took it out and read it.

(Y/N): "There are five more people helping the kidnapper. Just thought you should know. There is one coming your way now. -Kazuichi" Thank you, Soda-san.

I put my phone away and continued walking around. After a couple of minutes, I started hearing something faint yet loud. I stopped walking and focused my hearing. I started hearing something that sounded like marching. It was coming from behind me. I turned around and saw a bunch of red eyes along with a pair of orange eyes in the front.

???: Hello, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Who are you and how do you know my name?

???: My name is not important right now but I'll tell you if you can survive this attack. Lights on!

All of the lights turned on and I saw a bunch of red-eyed robots (I know the robot's eyes are different colors but just imagine they are red since they were hacked. Same with the others.) and a girl with a white hoodie with a black heart on it covering the top of her face standing in front of them. That hoodie looks familiar. I then looked at the robots. All of the robot's hands turned into big guns. I took my katanas out and got into a position.

(Y/N): What are those?

???: Just the latest technology for the military and police. They are finding that robots are easier to handle and make then soldiers and officers. I was able to hack into them and take them for my own. Now, open fire!

All of the robots started up their guns and started to shoot at me. I blocked most of the bullets and dodged others. Soon, they all stopped firing from overheating. I quickly took out some kunai and threw them at the girl in the hoodie. She put her hand in front of her and robots from the back jumped over all of the other robots. Their hands turned into shields and they blocked all of my kunai with their shields.

???: You survived. Bravo. I guess you want to know who I am now?

(Y/N): That's one of the many things I want to know.

???: Well, you earned it so here you go.

The girl brought her hand up to her hoodie and took it off. I was surprised at who it was. Yayoi Adachi. She saw my surprised face and smirked.

Yayoi: Surprised?

(Y/N): A little.

Yayoi: Well, you'll be more surprised when I kill you here and you can't save your precious little classmates. Fall back and light him up!!

The shield robots jumped behind the army of robots and the gunner robots started to fire again. I ran a circle around them all dodging their bullets. I looked over at Yayoi and saw her glasses are lit up. Those have to be how she's controlling them. It has to be. I jumped up in the air above all of the robots and to the middle, where Yayoi was. I brought my katanas out and did a downward slash on Yayoi. Yayoi smirked and I felt something hit me in the side and I went flying across the room. I rolled on the ground and looked up at what hit me and saw a big, bulky robot standing next to Yayoi.

Yayoi: Like him? His original name was Riot Control Droid Mark V but I changed his name to Juggernaut. I was able to hack into his system, make him break out, and get here unnoticed. And now here we are. Now, Juggernaut, *Juggernaut looks at Yayoi* kill him.

Juggernaut nodded and started walking towards me. It then started jogging and that went into a full-blown sprint. This thing is fast. I barely had enough time to jump over it and dodge its attack. When I did I felt the wind rushing past me and it smashed through the wall. I looked back at the wall and saw smoke coming from it. I heard some machinery move and I saw Juggernaut's red eye staring at me. It jumped out of the hole and tried to punch me but I pulled my katanas out and blocked his attack but that didn't help because he just launched me through a wall. I slowly got up and looked back at Juggernaut. It raised its fists and took a position. I ran towards it and started to slash at it with my katanas. I kept on slashing but it kept on blocking my slashes with its fists. It tried to punch me but I jumped behind it and I saw something on its back. It was Juggernaut's core. And it was exposed! Which means if I get a good hit on it, it should make Juggernaut explode. I put my katanas away and pulled out my kusarigama and swung it around. Juggernaut roared and got into a running start.

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