the ninja and the gymnast

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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
It was the day after two students of Hope's Peak Academy Reserve Course were killed. Everyone was still sad and Mahiru and Fuyuhiko were the ones feeling it the most. Fuyuhiko had lost his little sister and Mahiru had just lost her best friend. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you, believe me. And yet they are still making us take the practical exams. I was also sad that I was just remembering how I lost the people I loved. My friends, my family, my master. Right now I am just sitting by the fountain with Chiaki waiting for that Hajime boy. She wanted me to meet him so we can get to know each other. After a while, Chiaki puts her head in my lap and I start petting her. She looked over her Game Girl Advance and looked up at the sky.

Chiaki: Hajime isn't coming today, is he?

(Y/N): It doesn't look like it. Sorry, Nanami-chan, maybe he'll be here tomorrow.

Chiaki: I hope so. *goes back to playing her game*

After waiting for another half-hour, Chiaki started getting tired so I walked her to her dorm. When we got to her dorm, I told her good night, kissed her on top of her head and walked back to my dorm.

*Time Skip*

It was the first day of the practical exams. We were all given the day off so we could practice our talents in order to pass the practical exams. The papers that Yukizome-sensei gave me said that I was going to be tested on my stealth. That shouldn't be too hard. I'll practice in a little while, right now I want to see how Chiaki is doing with her practicing. I was walking towards her dorm until I felt someone tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Akane standing there.

(Y/N): Hello, Owari-san. What can I do for you?

Akane: Well, I was wondering if you could help me practice for my practical exam.

(Y/N): I don't mind helping you. But why me and not Nidai-san?

Akane: Because it's like you said the other day, he's the strength and you're the speed. And since my exam is based on speed and attacking and we're the fastest people in the school and you were able to beat me, I thought "Why not (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): Oh, OK then. Well, where do you want to practice?

Akane: Why not by that cherry blossom that you go to every morning?

(Y/N): OK, well I have to do something, so let's meet in about say an hour?

Akane: Sure. See ya, then.

She turned around and walked away to get ready for practice and I continued walking to Chiaki's dorm.

*Time Skip*

After I watched Chiaki play games for a while, I went to the cherry blossom to help Akane practice for her exam. When I got there I saw that she was already practicing her attacking on one of my training dummies. I called out to her and she finally showed the dummy mercy and gave me a smile.

Akane: Hey, (Y/N). Ready to practice?

(Y/N): Of course.

After I said that, we both got in a fighting stance. She ran at me and hit me with a barrage of attacks that I easily dodged or blocked. After a minute, when I blocked one of her attacks, I threw her over my shoulder and she hit the cherry blossom. She got up and we went back into out stances, but this time I attacked her and she was blocking them. And, to my surprise, she dodged one of my attacks and gave me a German suplex. She tried to stomp on me but I rolled out of the way just in time.

(Y/N): You never cease to amaze me, Owari-san.

Akane: I try.

We keep on going at it until we both made a punch... on each others face almost knocking us both out. We were so tired that we were just panting and sweating from all of our running around. I went to get us both a bottle of water and I came back to find her leaning on the cherry blossom. I gave her one of the bottles and I leaned on the tree next to her. We were silent for a couple of minutes, until I decided to break it.

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